War has been declared against the Priory of Satan after they refused to agree to a campaign to save the planet,White Dragon Society sources say.However,a decision has been made to decline the Gnostic Illuminati's offer to hit Lake Geneva,Nato Headquarters,and Jerusalem with 4th generation hydrogen nuclear weapons that don't cause long-term radioactive pollution.Instead,Special Forces will be making pinpoint attacks to eliminate key individuals and institutions involved in the ongoing fake pandemic and related war crimes.
MI6 sources say an underground base in Switzerland has already been attacked and taken out of commission.This attack led to an emergency meeting being held at the Vatican,according to P3 Freemason sources.The meeting was called by the Rockefeller Foundation and meeting attendance revealed exactly who they still control.The answer is the World Bank,the IMF,the African Union(but not individual African states),Argentina,France,Germany,Italy,and Spain.
Furthermore,the attack forced the Satanic World Economic Forum to cancel a special annual meeting it had planned for Singapore in August.
An emergency meeting held at the Vatican has also alerted the P3 to the fact that Pope Francis has been killed and replaced by an actor wearing a rubber mask who is openly calling for every single human being on earth to be killed with vaccinations.
Nobel Prize-winning virologist Dr.Luc Montagnier said last week'there is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have already been vaccinated," after seeing the ingredients of the Covid gene treatments being used.What is happening basically is that the Khazarian Mafia is trying to murder its hostage slave peoples rather than give up power.
諾貝爾獎得主病毒學家呂克·蒙塔尼耶博士(Dr.Luc Montagnier)上週在看到新冠疫苗使用改變基因的成份後說:「對於已接種疫苗的人來說,沒有希望了,也沒有可能治療。基本上現在發生的是,可薩黑手黨正試圖謀殺人類,而不是交出權力。」
P3 Freemason sources say'the Vatican secret service knows everything,revenge is on,starting with Italy first." The P3 says the Covidiot"vaccine" murder campaign has been orchestrated from Israel and Switzerland.
Special forces in the U.S.will be raiding the Rockefeller Foundation Headquarters located at 420 Fifth Avenue in New York,according to Pentagon sources.All other Rockefeller Foundation branches will also be raided.In addition,all members of the Rockefeller family will be hunted down,the sources say.
The British Secret Service is also on the case.This is how a senior MI6 source described the situation:
"We took out [George] Bush [Sr.] to get at [Benjamin] Netanyahu to blow up the Khazarian Mafia –the root cause of world terrorism.Hit the source and end it.All of the world's military know this.It just happened.MI6 will find and kill all concerned,you know how we work as does everyone."
A senior European Royal described the situation as:
"It will all come right but there is a lot to deal with.The Nuremberg protocols should deal with this lot in one fell swoop,"
"All the world's militaries have shoot to kill legal warrant but if we end up in legals we have to show proof that the shoot to kill,was to protect.Anyone involved in the so-called pandemic is sentenced to death.The worldwide warrant has been signed by a senior European royal.Good riddance to bad rubbish."
MI6 sources say a secret war has been raging ever since:
"The DVD Dachau was found to have killed—in law murdered—Adnan Sakli at BIS Basel.It was possibly the most critical case in geopolitics.All Watergate affairs are worse for the cover-up than the original crime.In this case,the cover-up involved events like 9.11 and Fukushima."
「DVD達豪(Dachau)被發現殺了—法律上的謀殺—巴塞爾國際銀行的阿德南·薩克利(Adnan Sakli)。這可能是地緣政治學中最關鍵的案件。水門事件中所有掩蓋的都比原來的罪行更糟糕。這種情況的掩蓋涉及了911和福島等事件。」
Readers can help in the fight against these mass murderers by sending specific information about war crimes to the International Criminal Court.The contacts are as follows:
At this point,we would like to send a message to General Michael Flynn.General Flynn has been talking to Christian groups about having faith.What he needs to understand is that while it is a good thing to turn the other cheek,if they then hit the other cheek,you have run out of cheeks to turn and it is time to take action.Any action needs to be decisive and final.
That is why we are asking Patriotic U.S.forces to take over the AT&T telecommunications infrastructure in order to put an end to the fake corporate news,including the fake Biden presidency.
One of the key battles is going to be the takedown of the high-tech firms located mainly in or near Palo Alto,California.Here you will find Google and Facebook.It has just been discovered that Facebook Covid vaccine fact-checkers are funded by the vaccine companies,according to CIA sources.In other words,Facebook,run by David Rockefeller's Grandson Mark Zuckerberg,is complicit in mass murder.His female clone is now playing the role of spokesperson Jen Psaki for the fake Biden presidency.
其中一場關鍵的戰鬥,將是對主要位於加州Palo Alto或附近高科技公司的攻堅戰。在這兒會發現谷歌和臉書。據中情局消息來源透露,剛剛發現臉書的新冠疫苗事實核查員是由疫苗公司資助的。換句話說,由大衛·洛克菲勒的孫子祖克伯經營的臉書是這場大規模殺人的同謀。他的女性複製人現在正扮演著假拜登總統府發言人珍·莎琪的角色。
Google has also been actively censoring pandemic truth and is thus a designated transnational genocidal organization.All Google employees involved in vaccine and pandemic censorship need to be executed.
Another place that needs to be raided is the underground base and communications hub around CNN Headquarters in Atlanta,Georgia.
We can also confirm that excessive vaccine push Bill Gates has been executed for war crimes.Microsoft and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are now in the hands of White Hats.This can be confirmed by the stories about the divorce between Melinda Watson(of the Watson IBM family) and Bill Gates.
我們還可以確認,過度推崇疫苗的比爾蓋茨已因戰爭罪被處決。微軟、蓋茨和梅琳達·蓋茨基金會現在都在白帽子的手中。這可以從梅琳達·沃森(Melinda Watson/沃森IBM家族)和比爾蓋茨之間的離婚故事中得到證實。
A campaign to ruin Bill Gates reputation by linking him to Jeff Epstein and other great things is further confirmation that this source is telling the truth.If Gates were alive,you can be sure he would be using his army of lawyers and PR agents to fight this.
We also know that the Dutch members of the Royal Family were executed.
Here is what the Senior European Royal had to say about her Dutch relatives:The Dutch were strongly satanic,the last queen,Beatrix,was a horror.Bloodthirsty satanic cult.The source indicated that the Davos people were also treated to the words,"You saw what happened to those madmen in Davos.
Other people who have been removed or will soon be removed include Justin Castro in Canada,Henry Kissinger,Heizo Takenaka,David Rockefeller Jr.and many others.If you watched the Oscars this year,you would have noticed that almost none of the usual celebrities were there.This is a good sign that the purge there was very thorough.
We also hear that the purge of the U.S.military,CIA and FBI continues.CIA sources report that the military trial of former CIA chief John Brennan begins this week.We also note that Israel was forced to back down from its massacre of Palestinians.
Apparently several different countries,including Russia(FSB sources confirmed that Russian citizens were ordered to evacuate parts of Israel last week),told them to stop or Tel Aviv would be obliterated.Angry Israeli citizens also demonstrated outside the home of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week.
For their part,Mossad sources insist that the Netanyahu who recently appeared in public was a"clone."
The Satanists in Israel,however,remain like dangerous rats that have been cornered,and it may be necessary to evacuate all Jews and Palestinians from Israel before the entire nest there is wiped out.Despite continued resistance,there can be no doubt that the good guys are winning.
This can be confirmed by a sudden end to the fake pandemic in England,Germany and the USA.In the U.K.,members of a committee advising the British government on pandemic responses admitted last week that a totalitarian and unethical Covid 19 response had used fear to manipulate people's behavior.
This followed a public announcement that the overall mortality rate in the UK was at its lowest level since such statistics began to be recorded 20 years ago.Moreover,the percentage of deaths attributed to Covid-19 was only 2.4% of the April total,less than a quarter of the March level.
Large parts of Germany also eased pandemic restrictions Friday as numbers reported there also fell sharply.This was despite efforts by Angela Hitler to keep the restrictions in place.
In the U.S.,we also see headlines like:Hope soars as U.S.viral cases fall sharply.
Similar declines are being reported in other countries.This is a sign that the roundup and execution of vaccines and pandemic pushers is beginning to have an effect.We also note that the Chinese have decided to stop supporting Rockefeller's fake Biden administration.
The following from Reuters was evidence of this:
U.S.Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has so far been unable to speak with Chinas top general despite multiple attempts to open talks,U.S.defense officials said on Friday.
美國國防部長勞埃德·奧斯汀(Lloyd Austin)週五表示,儘管多次試圖開啟會談,但迄今仍無法與中國的最高將領對話。
We are not talking to him because he has no influence over the U.S.military,an Asian intelligence source said.We continue to have friendly relations with the real U.S.military at the highest level,the source added.At this level,U.S.and Chinese forces are fighting a common satanic enemy.
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