Many of you are understanding the importance of surrender and flow but are still reluctant to try it because you are afraid you may get it wrong. Let us reassure you that is absolutely impossible!
When you surrender you give your team of helpers permission to guide you to your highest outcomes. If you attempted to surrender in the wrong direction, the flow and your guides would sweep in and redirect you right away.
Now if you have an issue in your life that you haven"t been able to navigate beyond, the flow may bring you right back to that very issue. This is not because surrender and flow don"t work. You go right to the biggest blockage so that the flow can bring you up, over, around, or through that challenge to the solutions that exist on the other side of it that you haven"t been able to discover yet. If you don"t panic and stay surrendered in the flow with a willingness to see where it is trying to take you, you will finally be able to move beyond that issue once and for all.
Your team knows exactly how to get you to your highest outcomes and the flow is customized for your comfort and success. And for those who think flow is like careening about wildly without any control, you can rest assured the flow has a steering wheel. It is called gratitude. Gratitude is your feedback tool and how you step fully into being an empowered co-creator of the life you truly want and have always deserved.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
翻譯: Nick-Chan
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