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Some tectonic shifts have taken place in Geopolitical power structures during the past week. The result will be the widely despised avatar"Joe Biden,"being replaced as US President by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Pentagon and MI6 sources say. Also, preparations to move UN headquarters from New York to Laos have begun in earnest, CIA sources in Laos say.
過去一週,全球地緣政治權力結構發生了一些結構性變化。五角大樓和軍情六處消息來源說,結果是受到廣泛鄙視的化身「拜登」被眾議院議長凱文·麥卡錫(Kevin McCarthy)取代,成為美國總統。另外,據寮國的中情局消息人士說,將聯合國總部從紐約遷往寮國的準備工作已開始。
These changes are taking place as the main culprits for the present dysfunctional state of the planet gather at Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum. As this report was about to go live, CIA sources say the head of this organization, Klaus Schwab Rothschild, Klaus Schwab would miss the opening of the WEF conference in Davos today"due to a health issue".
However, this may be a disinformation trap designed to destroy the credibility of this newsletter by having him or an avatar appear after we report his absence. The WEF was unavailable for comment. Regardless, the criminals gathering at Davos have lost the battle for the planet earth, multiple sources agree.
What we know is that the entire Hitler/Rockefeller branch of the ruling class has lost power. This means descendants of Adolph Hitler and John Rockefeller I including Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, David Rockefeller Jr., etc. will be stripped of all power and titles, MI6 sources say.
To confirm if this is true, we need to see the public removal of Rockefeller Avatar,"President Joe Biden,"along with the rubber mask-wearing phony Pope Francis.
There are signs this is happening. In the US, a power struggle has resulted in a compromise wherein neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden will be in power. The Supreme Court rejected the Brunson case to overthrow the 2020 election because it would have installed Donald Trump as president.
The reason is the Donald Trump who has appeared in public since January of 2020 is a vaccine-pushing fraud. The real Donald Trump, whose son Barron was injured by vaccines, was virulently opposed to them. This means if the Supreme Court had reinstated Trump then the avatar Joe Biden, who took orders from the Rockefellers, would have been replaced by a Trump avatar who took orders from the Rothschilds.
So, serious horse-trading took place in the 15 rounds of votes it took to make Kevin McCarthy speaker of the house. McCarthy was forced, among other things, to promise to hold hearings into how the FBI was turned into a malignant force suppressing American patriots.
The latest intelligence we have is that Joe Biden will be removed along with Kamala Harris, the second in line for the presidency. That would make McCarthy president but only as an interim figure who would oversee new, and genuine, elections. In such an election the real Donald Trump would run.
That is why we are now seeing headlines such as this in the corporate propaganda media:
Former Clinton Adviser David Gergen Says Biden Risks Being "Creamed' by Docs Case:"Very, Very Big Deal'
前希拉蕊顧問大衛·格根(David Gergen)說拜登有可能被文件案「搾乾」:「問題非常、非常大」
This shows they are going to use the"documents in garage"story instead of child rape and murder or selling the US government out to gangsters in Ukraine as the excuse to end the Biden farce. To reconfirm it is a farce notice how the fake Biden doesn't blink in this video. Most likely it is CGI
This dumb show cannot last much longer.
We are also seeing a very strong campaign to remove"Pope Francis."That is why we are seeing news reports a plot to remove him"began in earnest"immediately after Pope Benedict (maledict) XVI died on December 31st.
The sudden death on January 10th of the head of the Vatican Bank, Cardinal George Pell, is probably related to this battle. Pell was an ally of the real Pope Francis who decried the phony Francis as a"disaster"and a"catastrophe."In any case, P3 sources say the fake Francis has been canceling all of his public appearances for days in a row because of"a mysterious illness."
梵蒂岡銀行負責人喬治·佩爾樞機主教(Cardinal George Pell)1月10日的突然死亡可能與這場鬥爭有關。佩爾是教宗方濟各真身的盟友,他譴責假冒的方濟各是一場「災難」和「大劫」。無論如何,P3意共會消息說,因為「一場神秘的疾病」,假方濟各已連續幾天取消所有的公開露面。
佩爾喪禮梵蒂岡舉行 死前曾撰文批評方濟各
What we know for sure is that some sort of purge of the highest levels of power has been taking place in recent weeks with the death of top Chinese power broker Jiang Zemin, Queen Elizabeth II, Evelyn de Rothschild, Pope Benedict etc.
We are also hearing this is all related to the fact a new M1 or head of the committee of 300 and controller of the world financial system has been selected.
We have been in contact with this individual, who is a European royal you have most likely never heard of. This person says"M1 simply means Monetary One or the global underwriting of the world's banks….
Monetary One is simply a legal signatory to all other debt. You can't sign country debt to thin air so it has to end somewhere with someone."
The new M1 says the main obstacle to a jubilee and the establishment of a meritocratic future planning agency is a"stalemate comes from the fifth column inside MI6."This group is connected to the Illuminati and is upset, among other things, about the public use of King Charles III as the face of the British Monarchy because of his alleged involvement in the murder of Princess Diana.
Charles is putting out the following story:
"Iranian military intelligence ( probable cause Pakistan ISI) killing (assassinated is in law murdered) of [Dodi Fayed] the son of the then owner of Harrod's shop in London…Diana died not as a killing but as a secondary consequence of the assassinated primary because of money laundering linked to arms trading…neither Her Majesty The Queen, Her Majesty's Consort Prince Philip nor I would now add have any hand, act, or part in this."
「伊朗軍事情報部(可能是巴基斯坦三軍情報局的原因)殺害(暗殺在法律上是謀殺)【多迪·法耶德(Dodi Fayed)】的兒子,他是當時倫敦哈羅德商店的老闆…戴安娜的死不是因為被殺,而是因為與武器交易有關的洗錢活動惡果…女王陛下、菲利普親王和我,現在要補充的是,我們都沒涉嫌無論動手、行事或參與。」
The source admits"MI6 did, in fact, provide a military-grade optical device which was of sufficient disablement to cause a road traffic accident"and that the head of MI6 Sir John Scarlett"is now known to us to have been within a one-mile radius of this crime scene."However, the former head of MI6, Dr. Michael Van de Meer said Diana's death was an honor killing that took place because she was pregnant with Fayed's twins and was going to convert to Islam.
消息承認,「軍六事實上用了軍事級別的光學裝置,其失能程度足以造成道路交通事故」,而且軍六負責人約翰·思家樂爵士(Sir John Scarlett)說,「現在我們知道他曾在犯罪現場的一英里半徑內。」然而,前軍六處長麥可·范德梅爾(Michael Van de Meer)說,戴安娜之死是一場榮譽謀殺,發生的原因是她懷了法耶德的雙胞胎,並且要皈依回教。
In any case, assuming MI6 acted on its own without the knowledge of any British royal family member, if a dispute over this is what is preventing the start of a new financial system and a new age, then some sort of workaround is needed. Apparently, Prince William does not want to assume the throne in the place of his father so, maybe England can have a King Harold for the first time since 1066 while the mysterious M1 remains the real power behind the throne. This is something for the Privy Council to decide and the rest of the ruling class will have to go along with their decision.
There is also a very real possibility of a general revolt against the bloodline ruling class in the West. The ongoing economic collapse and fallout from the vaccine and pandemic scam make a bloody revolution increasingly likely.
The gnostic Illuminati are definitely on the warpath. The new MI says"David de Rothschild tells me this so-called Illuminati have in fact attempted to contact me…My Instagram account is being inundated with various references to very famous people and this is all happening only in the last day or so despite a very strict press ban about cameras or any other attempt to contact me through a back channel so I immediately called in MI6 and the SAS as my bodyguards."
Here is a message we received from the Illuminati:
In what is probably related, we have noted that a major fire recently destroyed a Masonic Center in South West Sydney.
梵蒂岡內部的紅衣主教正準備將包括耶穌會教宗在內的33級共濟會成員趕走。這個消息是給全球的,第33級共濟會的耶穌會成員不再擁有最高指揮層的控制權。所有(DS)33級 > 300財富500強委員會 >黑巖公司
They also incite riots and social unrest throughout the western hemisphere.
The economic collapse in the US and other western countries will lead to further unrest if the new system is not implemented as soon as possible. Hyperinflation, rising interest rates, and collapsing markets are all happening at the same time.
Non-KM Jews are also revolting, as this statement by Jewish freedom fighter Henry Makow makes clear:
非可薩的猶太人也造反,正如猶太自由戰士亨利·馬科夫(Henry Makow)的聲明:
Pope Francis is an imposter – a crypto-Jew [KM] implanted by the WEF just in time for the"Great Reset"facade that begins 2020 with the Covid-19 scam. He joins his brothers Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern (yes, a brother and not a sister), Barack Obama and Michele Obama (like Jacinda), Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Tedros Ghebreyesus and other homosexuals and fake leaders who easily blackmailed and brought to power by the Jews [KM] to destroy Christianity and European cultures.
教宗弗朗西斯是個假貨;由WEF植入的隱性猶太人(可薩),正好趕上2020年開始的「大重置」門面與新冠騙局的到來。他與他的兄弟杜魯道、拜登、馬克宏、傑辛達·阿登(Jacinda Ardern是的,是男人而不是女人)、歐巴馬和米歇爾(與傑辛達一樣是男的)、澤倫斯基、泰德羅斯·格佈雷耶斯(Tedros Ghebreyesus)和其他同性戀和假領導人一起,他們被假猶太人(可薩)輕易勒索並上台,摧毀基督教和歐洲文化。
As this chart shows, the housing bubble in the US is so big that it can only be dealt with by a complete reset of the financial system.
Also, the next chart shows that real wages are falling very, very quickly. In this chart, too, the real fall in wages is underestimated, since official inflation figures are used, which account for around half of real inflation.
The tremendous rise in crime is also leading to a general breakdown in social order, particularly in the United States. The situation has reached a point where even the groceries in the supermarkets have to be put under lock and key.
This type of situation is not unique to the US. In Poland, elderly people are being forced to steal food from stores to survive while their government continues to tout vaccines to bail out through murder, Polish intelligence sources say.
They note that Polish military units revolted last week, disobeying government orders to fight the Russians in Ukraine.
In Hungary, 97% of citizens who took part in the national consultations opposed EU sanctions against Russia, said Alexandra Sentkiraji, a spokeswoman for the Hungarian government.
匈牙利政府發言人亞力山德拉·森基拉吉(Alexandra Sentkiraji)說,在匈牙利,參與全國協商的公民中有97%反歐盟對俄的制裁。
(Due to space limitations, we will not go into detail about the situation in Ukraine this week, but recommend this page:
She was heavily attacked for reporting true news about Ukraine etc. I had to set up a virtual private network to gain access and even that was blocked. It's back now, so be sure to check it out).
In any case, the KM ruling class is losing control in Ukraine and on all other fronts. As this collapse takes place, the ruling class is locked in a Mexican standoff of mutual blackmail. As M1 notes:
"Buried in some mountain near Zug, Switzerland, is a camp that no doubt has a file on everyone who holds a position of power anywhere. Above the richest and most powerful in the world sit the cults, into which they are all incultated and through Various gatherings and practices have been compromised for total control. Above the cults and behind the scenes, KM is doing what it has been doing for over a thousand years."
The KM's attempt to stay in power by killing everyone with either a pandemic or a vaccine is now blowing their minds. The vaccine damage is now so extensive that even official bodies like the CDC are forced to admit it. The US Congress has freed itself and its families, and its employees and their families, from all the mandates and demands they made of their employers, the American people. They also freed the employees of the CDC and the officers and employees of the pharmaceutical companies involved in this system. The corruption behind this whole campaign is so extensive that most Western ruling governments are up to their necks in it.
The only way out of this impasse is the proclamation of a Jubilee and a Truth and Reconciliation Process, followed by a general amnesty. But it's probably too late for an amnesty for vaccine crimes.
It is also too late to try to save the current financial system through reforms. We note that Republicans in the House of Representatives plan to resolve the situation by abolishing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), abolishing the national income tax and replacing it with a national consumption tax.
However, with a jubilee and state-issued money (as opposed to debt to the KM), not even an excise tax would be required.
In any case, talk of tax reform is like rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic, as US society has been on the back burner for years. This week they will run out of money once again and take their begging cup to China to offer more family heirlooms in exchange for a quick fix. With total US debt and unfunded debt approaching $300 trillion, the only answer is a complete reset.
The situation is urgent because if the West does not get behind the new M1, the Russians, Chinese, BRICS, etc. will take over with or without Western cooperation.
Sources from the White Dragon Society in Laos report that the non-Western world has started construction of a new UN headquarters there and will build its own international architecture. They are also preparing their own international financial system.
Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev says the American state is just a"cover for a conglomerate of giant corporations that run the country and are trying to dominate the world."He adds:"Transnational corporations treat even US presidents as mere figureheads who can be silenced, as happened with [Donald] Trump. Republicans and Democrats are just two actors in a staging that has nothing to do with democracy has."
俄羅斯安委會秘書尼古拉·帕特魯捨夫(Nikolai Patrushev)說,美國只是「為那些管理國家並試圖主宰全球的巨型企業集團提供掩護。」他補充說:「跨國公司甚至把美國總統當作可以壓制的人物,就像川普那樣。共和黨和民主黨只是與民主無關的舞台上兩個演員。」
Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, said that if peace with the West cannot be achieved through negotiations,"then we will carry out our tasks by military means."
俄羅斯常駐聯合國代表瓦西裡·涅本齊亞(Vassily Nebenzia)說,如果不能通過談判實現與西方的和平,「那麼將通過軍事手段執行我們的任務。」
The only possible hope for the West to remain relevant is if its secret space force finally reveals itself. This could happen, as this US Space Force press release suggests:
Seven nations meet on space security
The Department of Defense has participated in the annual CSpO (Combined Space Operations) initiative… with representatives from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, with a focus on promoting cooperation and the exchange of information on space security issues.
國防部參與了年度《CSpO》(Combined Space Operations/聯合太空行動)倡議…與來自澳洲、加拿大、法國、德國、紐西蘭、英國和美國的代表一起,重點是促進太空安全問題方面的合作和信息交流。
With that in mind, here are the latest space-themed images.
A news release from the US National Geographic Survey shows an earthquake with an epicenter at a negative depth of 0.6 kilometers, which apparently means there was some kind of explosion in space over Silicon Valley (please correct us if we're wrong about that ).
美國國家地理調查局發佈的消息顯示,地震的震源深度為負0.6公里,這顯然意味在矽谷上空發生了某種爆炸(如果我們錯了,請糾正 )。