
Major victories by the planetary liberation alliance are now impossible to deny. The Anglo-Saxons, Russians and Chinese have reached a deal over the Ukraine and are now ready to finish off the remaining Khazarian Mafia strongholds of Switzerland and Israel. Once these control centers are neutralized, the final liberation of the United States will take place, making world peace possible.

This viral video with over 20 million views of a Pfizer executive freaking out is good evidence of how much control the Rockefeller/Rothschilds have already lost:

Since we assume most of our readers have already seen it, we will concentrate on the important facts it reveals. These are that Pfizer has publicly admitted to creating viruses in order to sell vaccines. The other is that Google and Twitter are no longer censoring truth about Covid and Vaccine crimes.

As a result information such as this is now reaching the sheeple:

A 700,000 person study from Israel showed that the double vaccinated were 27 times more likely to get reinfected with COVID, and data from England, Scotland, and northern countries in Europe show tripled vaccinated were more likely to die. – Richard Urso MD
來自以色列的一項70萬人研究顯示,接種二劑疫苗者再次感染新冠的可能性要大27倍,而來自英格蘭、蘇格蘭和北歐國家的數據顯示,接種三劑疫苗者死亡的可能性更大。~理查德·烏爾索醫學博士(Richard Urso MD)附影片)

Also bombshell new peer-reviewed scientific studies have revealed what many of us knew from the beginning:5G radiation is not only connected to the Covid-19 pandemic, it actually induces the body to create new viruses and illnesses, including coronaviruses.

And before the mainstream media gets hold of this study and convinces the masses that it is unimportant, you should know that these are peer-reviewed scientific studies published on the National Institute of Health website.

This means not only the pharmacidical companies but also the IT companies were involved in an attempt to murder a large percentage of the worlds' population.

This sort of information is coming out in the mainstream now because the KM are losing control of the Fortune 500 companies.

However, the story runs much deeper than that. The reason Western drug companies are forced to create diseases and then sell the cures is because they are forbidden from producing drugs that make us smarter, happier, stronger etc. A pharmaceutical company executive once told me nothing would be easier than to make drugs that would increase our IQs but that they were forbidden from doing so. He also said making new recreational drugs that were not harmful"would be incredibly easy."The reason athletes are banned from"doping"to make themselves stronger, faster etc. is the same.

It is because the Octagon group at the top of the KM is deliberately holding us back as a species. They forbid drugs and genetic changes that would increase IQ etc. They also deliberately keep our lifespans artificially short so we do not have enough time to figure out the control matrix we are subject to.

In other words, defeating the KM will be much bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. It will change everything. Computers are said to double in processing power every two years. Humans could do the same if they wished to and were allowed to.


We are also about to be liberated from horrific slavery. For example, the US government has been subsidizing child trafficking in all 50 states. This is thanks to the"adoption and safe families act,"signed into law in 1997 by Bill and Hillary Clinton Rockefeller. Over $80 billion a year is being spent by the Federal Government for this program to give states over one million dollars for every child they seize from a family. The government itself admits that 83% of the children seized are done so under false pretenses.

It also now turns out they have been using fake drug tests to make it seem parents were"drug addicts"who had to have their children seized.

The torture and murder of these children (to harvest adrenochrome) was video-taped and used to create a massive blackmail file of power brokers in the West. There was also a massive homosexual rape and blackmail ring that existed alongside the child murders.

For those who want to know more, this video talks about the bizarre anal sex rituals of the Satanists.

People who did not participate in blackmailable crimes were kept out of top jobs while those guilty rose to the top. We now know there are over 400,000 of these blackmail files, which explains why it has been so hard to drain the swamp.

However, the swamp is being drained. Western and Russian white hat special forces are now cooperating in operations against the Vatican and the Octagon headquarters in Switzerland thanks to detailed intelligence about their leaders.

For example, an insider who participated in"rituals performed at night in dark rooms,"overseen by Klaus Schwab Rothschild at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland says"the energy of darkness, suffering reigns there."At these meetings of self-proclaimed"Gods on Olympus,"Klaus Schwab said"the old world won't come back" and declared himself"Pope of the New World Order."

Schwab told the participants they could"consider themselves gods."He said the WEF created five crises to prove God did not exist because if he did he would have prevented them. (It is interesting to note that huge flocks of black birds, an omen of disaster, are now being seen over KM strongholds like Vatican city and Kiev:is God about to strike?).

WEF publications describe these crises as follows:

"The world's collective focus is being channeled into the"survival"of today's crises:cost of living, social and political polarization, food and energy supplies, tepid growth, and geopolitical confrontation, among others,"

At the meetings Schwab also bragged the"Catholic church is collapsing and the Pope doesn't matter."Vatican insiders confirm the actor pretending to be Pope Francis takes orders from Shwab and the KM. That is why"Francis"published a letter saying"As the World Economic Forum celebrates its fiftieth anniversary, I send greetings and prayerful good wishes to all taking part in this year's gathering."

One of the key people behind the KM control of the fake Francis and the Vatican is the disgraced former Archishop of Washington Theodore McCarrick, who runs a massive blackmail operation, according to George Neumayr, an American Catholic Journalist."Teddy can get all the deep-pocketed prelates under his spell of blackmail to ostracize and financially starve any bishop who defies him:He still runs things in the Church,"Neumayr said. Neumayr was murdered on January 19th while investigating Freemason infiltration of the Church in Africa.
據美天主教記者喬治·諾伊梅爾(George Neumayr)說,可薩控制假教宗和梵蒂岡的關鍵人物之一是失寵的前華盛頓大主教西奧多·麥卡瑞克(Theodore McCarrick),他操弄著大規模的勒索行動。諾伊梅爾說:「麥卡瑞克可讓所有主教在他的勒索魔咒下,排斥任何違抗旨意的主教,並在經濟上使其挨餓。他仍在教會中掌管一切。」但不幸的是,諾伊梅爾於1月19日在調查共濟會對非洲教會的滲透時被謀殺。

The people who murdered him are among the targets of white hat special forces. They will be hunted down and sent below to meet their master.

US Naval intelligence, an arm of the white hats, has now moved against other top traitors including Michael Chertoff, Robert Mueller, Congressman Adam Schiff, Senator Mark Warner, Alex Soros, Senator Mitch McConnel and Special Counsel John Durham, MI6 sources say.
軍情六處消息說,作為白帽子的一個分支,美國海軍情報部現在對其他高級叛徒採取行動,包括麥可·切爾托夫(Michael Chertoff)、羅勃·穆勒(Robert Mueller)、國會議員亞當希夫(Adam Schiff)、參議員馬克華納(Mark Warner)、亞力士·索羅斯(Alex Soros)、參議員米奇·麥康納(Mitch McConnel)和特別顧問約翰杜倫(John Durham)。

The Russians are hunting themselves. Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder of the Wagner Groups, says:"I have witnesses who remember how CIA officers trained Osama Bin Laden and brought bags full of money and weapons to ISIS in Syria and other countries. They prepared criminals and terrorists all over the world so that there will be trouble everywhere – in Europe, Africa, Asia, South America."
俄國現在也在獵殺叛徒。《瓦格納團體》(Wagner Groups)的創始人葉夫根尼·普裡戈津(Yevgeny Prigozhin)說:「我有證人。他們記得中情局人員怎樣訓練賓拉登,並把裝滿金錢和武器的袋子帶到敘利亞和其他國家給ISIS。他們為全球的罪犯和恐怖份子做準備,到處點火,以便處處都有麻煩如歐洲、非洲、亞洲和南美等。」

Many of these criminals are gathered in Ukraine, where they are being hunted down and exterminated.

Chinese sources estimate total Ukrainian losses at 680,000 people in the last 11 months of the conflict by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This means that Ukraine has already lost the war.14-year-old boys and old men off the streets and sending them to be slaughtered won't change that.

The situation has reached a point where even warming think tanks like the Rand Corporation are backing out of the war. It states that"studies of past conflicts and a close look at the course of this conflict suggest"that an"optimistic scenario is unlikely".
Rand Corporation)智囊團也打退堂鼓,不想涉這趟渾水。它指出,「對過去衝突的研究和對這場戰事過程的仔細觀察表明,樂觀的情況是不可能的。」

Remember that the Rand Corporation are the rabid dogs that suggested the US attack a"medium-sized country"like Japan or Brazil to stimulate their economy.

In other words, they are bullies who only want to attack someone, they are sure they can beat but run away from real opponents.

MI6 sources say that the Anglo-Saxons and the Russians have already reached an agreement on Ukraine and that, under this agreement, the Western tanks that are supposedly going to Ukraine are actually going to Russia.

This is what the head of MI6 says:

We received feedback from Moscow via the return channel. The diplomatic return channel is far more expert. Military intelligence reports to the armed forces and not the other way around.

The tanks you mentioned that we sent are very well equipped and we assume it's some kind of technology transfer. The plan is to demarcate Ukraine along the Dnieper River from north to south, from Kyiv to Crimea, and that will end in March. The tanks rely on the artillery to come in first and then the infantry to hold, the tanks just break through, that's all they're designed for. All river crossings are blown up to erect an iron curtain.

The Russo-Ukrainian conflict is their own catfight, and dragging everyone else into it will end in tears, mark my words, Benjamin. Boris Johnson had no business there last week. We had to bring our politicians in and read them the riot act. It's another kind of pseudo-Jewish Tom Whackery.
「俄烏衝突是他們自己的勾心鬥角,把其他人拉進來會以淚水收場,記住我的話,本傑明。上週鮑里斯·強森在烏克蘭並沒有任何生意。我們也不得不向政客宣讀暴動法案。這是另一種偽猶太主義的湯姆·胡克裡(Tom Whackery)。」

The KM wolf in Jewish sheep's clothing, so to speak. If you took your eyes off them for even a second, they would take your breath away, same villains.

In other words, the West will stand idly by while Russia devours the last roast of Satan in Ukraine.

Arms dealer Victor Bout, who is also part of the back channel to Russia, gave a Western source his first interview since his release from prison. It's worth listening to him.
軍火商維多布特(Victor Bout)也是通往俄羅斯後方渠道的一部份,他在出獄後首次接受了西方消息人士的採訪。他的話值得一聽。

Essentially, he is saying that the US spent $150 million to frame him and used the exact same scheme to frame many other people around the world. He also says that what the West [KM] is doing to Russia would be like Russia taking over Mexico and then trying to take California, Florida, New Mexico and Texas away from the United States.

However, Bout did not speak of a meeting in Pattaya, Thailand, around 2008, where he showed Sasha Zaric, aka Illuminati Grand Master Alexander Romanov, a nuclear warhead stolen from the Russian submarine Kursk. This warhead was subsequently used in the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror mass murder attack on Japan. How is it, Victor, can you please shed some light on this matter?

In any case, there will also be joint Russian and British operations to behead the KM leadership in Switzerland and Israel, both MI6 and Russian FSB sources say. Of course they know the addresses of Schwab and the other self-proclaimed"Gods of Olympus".


To prepare the public for Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunals, NATO's crimes are now also being addressed in parliaments and other public forums around the world, as this video shows:

The KM are freaking out, desperate to start their long-planned Third World War with massive attacks on Syria and Iran. Hundreds of fighter planes are deployed.

Iranian intelligence sources say Iran was also attacked by forces from Ukraine."This will have serious consequences for the government of Ukraine,"the source said.

Whatever the case, this attack will not start World War III as the world's armed forces no longer obey the KM.

The attack on Iran was also a desperate attempt by Benyamin Netanyahu's criminal KM regime to avert civil war within Israel by summoning an outside enemy.

However, the Jewish people are waking up and will hunt down the KM criminals hiding in their midst, Mossad sources promise.

The KM is also taken out of the closet. Last week, the Anti-Defamation League officially declared its support for Ukraine's neo-Nazis."We already know that the KM "Jews' were Nazis from the start,"says a Mossad source.
現在可薩集體開始冒頭了。上週,《反誹謗聯盟》(Anti-Defamation League)正式宣佈支持烏克蘭新納粹份子。摩薩德消息說:「我們知道,可薩的『猶太人』從一開始就是納粹。」


KM's desperation also comes as the world rejects their plan to retain control of the financial system with the launch of their digital currency, the Mark of the Beast.

For this reason, the Rockefeller servant Janet Yellen went on a begging journey to Africa."Officially, the trip was designed to convince Africans, including elected officials, business leaders and farmers, that the US wants a long-term relationship on everything from food security to rural electrification."

In reality, however, Yellen threatened Africans that if they didn't accept the new digital currency,"a complete US default would have an impact on the whole world and make it more expensive to borrow money in some of the world's poorest countries.""

This is of course a lie because what is really going to happen is that all these exploitative IMF etc. loans to Africa will be canceled as part of an anniversary of the US government default. After that, Africans will finally get a fair price for their labor and resources.

It's not just the US government that is behind schedule. Home and auto loans in the private sector are also leading to an implosion of the banking system.

Jeremy Cross, the president of an auto salvage company, says he can't find enough staff to meet demand or enough space to store all the cars his company has been hired to repossess.
一家汽車打撈公司的總裁傑里米·克羅斯(Jeremy Cross)說,他找不到足夠的員工來滿足需求,也找不到足夠的空間來存放公司收回的所有車輛。

According to Bankrate's Annual Emergency Fund Report, 68% of people worry they won't be able to cover their living expenses for even a month if they lose their primary source of income. And when push comes to shove, the majority (57%) of US adults are currently unable to make a $1,000 emergency spend.

Nearly three-quarters (72%) of middle-income families say their income lags behind the cost of living, up from 68% a year ago

The situation has reached a point where millions of Americans are at risk of starvation as food stamps are withdrawn.

Like Africans, the American people will be freed from debt slavery and see a leap in income once KM's FRB parasite is eliminated.

In the light of the military defeat, the economic collapse and the war crimes trials, the question now arises as to whether the KM are finally trying to play their"alien invasion card".

Polish intelligence sources say that"because the US and EU are puppets of the alien occupiers, the G7 will take their weapons from the alien arsenals and drop them on Russia and Iran."They use a"dehumanizing slavery system to acquire less intelligent, unconscious humans who control their bestial, mental instincts, much like dogs or reptiles who are trained as soldiers to carry out anti-human decisions."They refer to the so-called fallen angels and their human slaves.

Speaking of fallen angels, here are the recent appearances of"other beings"in our skies.


And here's the latest proof that the International Space Station is fake and we're under some sort of quarantine ourselves. Presumably this quarantine will end when the satanists are defeated.














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