
Hey everyone! I'm starting a new kind of post called Metaphysical Mondays. Every Monday I will be posting the answer to commonly asked questions and/or sharing tips and tricks for all things metaphysical. I hope you enjoy this new offering and find it helpful!

These energies are kicking my butt! What do I do?

First of all, I hear you! These energies are strong. We are in unprecedented times, and with that comes unprecedented energies. Gabriel tells me that if we had been exposed to these energies a couple of years ago, they would have been completely unsustainable in our bodies and would have led to our demise. That goes to show how much shifting we’ve been doing!

The good news is if you are experiencing these energies, you are well on your spiritual journey. It is proof positive that the shift is occurring and we are moving along with it beautifully, even if it is giving us some symptoms along the way. Here are some tips to help you navigate these strong energies with the most grace and ease possible.


1.With knowledge comes power. Educate yourself with what is going on energetically and astrologically. There are many wonderful resources online that will let you know current conditions with the schumann resonance, solar flares, and astrological elements. Just search energy updates and you’ll find a lot of resources. is a good source of information on solar flares and the like. By understanding some of the circumstances that are occurring, it takes you out of fear and doubt and allows you to realize how energetically sensitive and connected you really are, and that's a wonderful reassurance!
1.知識帶來力量。用能量和占星學上正在發生的事情來教育自己。網路上有許多很棒的資源,可以讓你瞭解舒曼共振、太陽耀斑和占星元素的當前狀況。只需搜索能源更新,你就會找到很多資源。 是有關太陽耀斑等信息的良好來源。通過瞭解正在發生的一些情況,它會讓你擺脫恐懼和懷疑,讓你意識到你在能量上是多麼的敏感和連接,這是一個很好的保證!

2.Be kind and gentle with yourself. The processes we are going through can take a lot of energy. If you need to rest, rest. If you are craving a certain food, allow yourself to have it as your body is probably in need of one of the nutrients in that food. Walk in nature. Immersing yourself in salt water can be very helpful. Ground yourself. Drink plenty of water. Stay surrendered to the flow and listen to the wisdom of your body.

3.One of the most helpful things you can do for yourself is to start an energy journal. This will help you identify how certain conditions make you feel and what brings you relief. Write down how you are feeling, and also any conditions you are aware of. What brings you comfort? How long did it last for? This will be valuable information for you in the future. You will begin to identify patterns, and before you know it you will just know what is happening by how you feel because your body is a very reliable indicator once you know what to look for.

4.Don't worry if have trouble meditating during times of energetic intensity. This is normal. There are some downloads that need to take precedence over all else. Your guides are still there cheering you on, you just temporarily can't hear them. There is nothing wrong, it is simply an indicator that there is a process that is happening that needs to be allowed to complete in its purest form without any other energies or processes running at the same time. Once you have integrated your download things will go back to normal.

5.Forgive yourself if you have been reactive and forgive others if they have been reactive, too. People tend to not be their best selves when they are feeling energetically overwhelmed. That is why good, tender self care is essential.

6.Remember that ascension symptoms usually don't last for long. If your systems persist, please be wise and reach out to a health care provider.

7.We are in the throes of transformation, both individually and planetarily. It can help to remind yourself that these are the exact times that you just couldn't wait to experience. We are never given more than we can handle. Ask your spiritual team for help and guidance, and reach out for human assistance, too, if you need it. The intensity won't last forever and before we know it we will be back in a much more comfortable space and starting to see the fruits of our labor.

In closing, the more ways you can find to stay surrendered to the flow and out of resistance, the more comfortable you will be. Feel free to get creative and find new ways that help you do that! There is no one size fits all method because everyone is different, but there are definitely ways to make yourself more comfortable and taking the time to discover what helps you stay in acceptance to it all is key. You've got this!



作者:Shelley Young
Ask Gabriel(請問加百利):





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