
The theater of the absurd that now passes for 「government」 in the United States is sinking to new lows as money and time run out. The latest black joke is a so-called official 「White House」 declaration of war. It reads in part as follows:

…militia groups have conducted numerous attacks using unmanned aerial systems and indirect fire… A United States contractor suffered a fatal cardiac incident while moving to a shelter during one of these attacks. …In response…United States forces conducted targeted strikes against facilities in eastern Syria…I directed this military action…pursuant to my constitutional authority as Commander in Chief.」

So, someone died of a heart attack because he got scared by drones and this is an excuse to declare war.

The only problem is the fake Biden does not control the US or any military. The real military is not going to be fooled by the Satanists into destroying the planet by starting an all-out nuclear war.

This last desperate attempt to start World War III comes as white hats score major victories on multiple fronts.

The biggest is probably the announced resignation of Swiss President Alain Berset, one of the leaders of the Octagon group. according to Mossad and other sources. His removal means the World Economic Forum, the WHO and Gavi are all about to lose the diplomatic immunity given to them by the Swiss government. This will open the way for war crimes tribunals for mass murder via vaccination.  
可能最重要的是宣佈辭職的瑞士總統貝爾賽(Alain Berset),據摩薩德和其他消息,他是八角集團的領袖之一。他的離職意味WEF、世衛組織和全球疫苗免疫聯盟(Gavi/Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation)都即將失去瑞士政府賦予他們的外交豁免權。這將為疫苗大規模謀殺的戰爭罪法庭鋪好道路。


【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-10-30 每週快訊


The other thing that is going on is that white hat special forces are fighting a fierce war in the network of tunnels underneath Israel and the Gaza Strip. It is only a matter of time before they get to the person many say is the head of the snake:Benyamin Netanyahu. The photographs below show, that most of his public appearances are by an avatar, However, the real Netanyahu is still around and hiding deep underground. He is being hunted down by anti-Satanic Israeli and US special forces, Mossad and Pentagon sources claim.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-10-30 每週快訊


The rabbit hole in Israel apparently runs very deep. 「Clear records of tunneling operations extend back more than 4,000 years – Assyrian carvings show engineering units belonging to Sargon of Akkad (who reigned between 2,334 and 2,279 BCE) undermining the walls of enemy cities,」 Prof. Joel Roskin, a geomorphologist and geologist at Bar-Ilan University told the Jerusalem Post.
顯然,以色列的兔子洞非常深。巴伊蘭大學的地形學家和地質學家羅斯金教授(Prof. Joel Roskin)告訴《耶路撒冷郵報》說:「隧道工程作業的清晰記錄可追溯到4000多年前—亞述浮雕顯示屬於亞卡德之王薩爾貢(統治於公元前2334年至2279年之間)的工程部隊在挖掘敵城牆的地下。」

That is very interesting because Sargon credited the Anunnaki for his success in building the world's first Empire, centered around where the fighting is now taking place.

Professor Roskin says the area is home to 「complex, multi-story underground caverns and tunnels with rooms, halls and warehouses.」 MI6 reports fierce fighting now going on in these complexes. We will let readers know if we get any credible reports of the capture of 「Anunnaki」 controlling the Netanyahu, Biden, Putin, etc. avatars.

There are certainly many credible reports of underground bases being taken out around the world. The sign of this is earthquakes with depths of 8 and 10 km, bearing the hallmarks of having been caused by explosives. These indicate a Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) has been taken out. Many such quakes have been reported in Iran, Australia and elsewhere in recent days. There was also one with an epicenter under San Francisco's international airport on October 27th, the United States Geological Survey said. The quake struck about eight miles beneath the airport at 6:38 p.m. local time, it said.

Satanists are also being removed above ground. One who is being taken out is EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. European Council President Charles Michel is leading the attack against her because she refutes EU calls to end the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
撒旦教徒也在地表上被掃蕩。其中一個被清除的是歐盟委員會主席萊恩(Ursula von der Leyen)。歐洲理事會主席米歇爾(Charles Michel)正在帶頭攻擊她,因為她反對歐盟呼籲結束加薩地帶的人道危機。

The Hungarian and Slovak Presidents are also attacking her by blocking efforts to launder countless billions of Euros in bribe money via the Ukraine.

Readers can help speed the removal of this Nazi Satanist by signing the petition linked below.

In Canada meanwhile, the traitor Justin Castrudeau cannot appear in public without being attacked. If you look at his bodyguards in the video below you can see by their demeanor they are most likely not Canadians.

Here is a message to the real Canadian military and intelligence community:If you do not arrest this mass murdering criminal it is only a matter of time before you will be court-martialed for treason and executed by firing squad.

Speaking about execution by firing squad, there is a major purge going on in China that is slipping under most people's radars. Chinese intelligence sources say 「very many」 top leaders were killed at a hotel before, during and after the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party that ended on October 22nd.

Most notably Li Keqiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of Communist Party of China central committees and former Premier was killed because he was responsible for the mass murder of many Chinese via vaccine, the intelligence agency sources say. The official cause of death was 「sudden heart attack」 at age 68.
最值得注意的是,據情報機構消息,中共常委和國務院前總理李克強對透過疫苗大規模殺害中國人負有責任。官方聲稱他死於「突發心臟病」,享年 68 歲。

中共國務院前總理李克強因心臟病猝逝 享壽68歲

His death follows the firing of China's Defense Minister Li Shangfu, another member of the Tang dynasty Li family. Their symbol is the green dragon.


李尚福遭免除中國防長職務 與秦剛一併被拔除國務委員

The Chinese intelligence source warned though to not read too much into all this because 「purges happen all the time in China.」

Regardless, the Chinese are still not planning to fork over any more money to keep the Rockefeller-run Biden circus afloat. That is why fake US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is looking so unhappy in this photo taken after his meeting last week with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Blinken knows his Rockefeller bosses are headed for the gallows and him along with them. Without more Chinese bribe money they won't be able to pay their FBI protective goons.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-10-30 每週快訊

Colonel Douglas MacGregor says Blinken,is now trying to push the US into war with Iran with promises the US will support Israel in destroying Hamas. Blinken is leading us into 「Armageddon,」 he warns.
道格拉斯將軍(Colonel Douglas MacGregor)聲稱,布林肯現在正試圖承諾美國將支持以色列摧毀哈馬斯,以推動美國與伊朗開戰。他警告說,布林肯在將我們引向「Armageddon」(世界末日)。

Of course, as mentioned above, the US military is not taking the bait.

That is why the US political puppet theater is trying to move away from the entire Biden show. The Satanists are now trying to stay in charge with a Trojan horse known as the new speaker of the house Mike Johnson.
這就是為什麼美國政治傀儡劇正試圖擺脫整個拜登秀。 撒旦教徒現在正試圖通過新眾議院議長邁克·強生的特洛伊木馬來繼續掌權。

At first glance, Johnson appears to tick off all the right-wing boxes. He has consistently voted against aid to Ukraine. He is a staunch ally of President Donald Trump. He says the 2020 election was rigged. He has been actively involved in investigations into Biden's crime family. Also, the corporate propaganda media attacks him viciously.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-10-30 每週快訊

「They are crying, they are hand-wringing, they are bed-wetting over [in the swamp] because we have an honorable, righteous man…He's going to do great things for the country,」 representative Matt Gaetz says of him.
國會代表馬特蓋茨(Matt Gaetz)這樣講:「他們在嚎啕大哭,在髒泥沼裏緊張不安,因為我們有個光明磊落之君…他將為國家做出偉大的事情。」

Sounds good right? The only problem is that he failed to tick the biggest box and that is to be against the Satanic plan to kill 90% of humanity. As soon as he got in office this Zionist fanatic told Sean Hannity:–「We can't allow Putin to prevail in Ukraine」–US 「boots on the ground」 may be required to 「stand with Israel」–Supports Israel directly attacking Iran and calls Russia, China, and Iran 「the new Axis of Evil.」
聽起來不錯,對吧?唯一的問題是,他未能符合最重要的要求,那就是反撒旦的計劃,該計劃旨在消滅90%人口。他一上任後,這名猶太狂熱份子告訴漢尼提(Sean Hannity):「我們不能讓普丁在烏得勝」,可能需要「美國實地部隊」來「支持以色列」,支持以色列直接攻擊伊朗,並將俄、中、伊稱為「新邪惡軸心」。

In a related move, the Satanists are running Ukraine talks in Malta using 「all means, including fraud, blackmail and threats, in order to lure in as many countries as possible, especially those who have a neutral position on the Ukrainian crisis,」 Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.
相關的舉措中,俄羅斯外交部女發言人扎哈羅娃(Maria Zakharova)表示,撒旦主義在馬爾他主持有關烏的會談,使用「所有手段包括欺詐、勒索和威脅,以吸引盡可能多的國家,特別是那些對烏危機持中立立場的國家。」

We also see multiple reports Vladimir Putin is preparing a 「massive」 retaliatory nuclear strike to wipe out Russia's enemies.

In other words, the entire Washington DC circus is still trying to pull a Hail Mary pass and usher in Armageddon by starting a Gog versus Magog war between the G7 and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The Russians are having none of it. 「Putin died on Thursday at around 8:40 p.m. and is now in a freezer in Valdai,」 Russian political scientist Valery Soloviei told Polish intelligence. Let us see if that means they finally give up the Putin avatar show.
俄羅斯不會妥協。俄羅斯政治學家索洛維耶(Valery Soloviei)告訴波蘭情報機構:「普丁在星期四約晚上8時40分死亡,現在遺體存放於瓦爾代的冷凍庫中。」讓我們看看這是否意味他們最終放棄普丁的虛擬形象展示。

The other point to make is that the whole political show is just a movie being played on our screens. The US Army has fenced off the entire DC Government District with metal fencing & concertina wire.

The Washington Times, which is actually based there, reports the  Government Accountability Office surveyed two dozen federal agencies and found they averaged a roughly 80% vacancy rate during the study period earlier this year.

Just how long the fake show will continue on our screens is questionable, CNN has just announced it will be closing its headquarters in Atlanta in the wake of plunging viewership and a lack of money. This means the entire AT&T communications center there is being taken over by white hats.


要破產?CNN將關閉30年歷史的機場廣播網 營運狀況再受矚

Something has also happened at Google which has now stopped criminally censoring the truth about such things as toxic vaccines and stolen elections.

There is also massive debunking of Zionist propaganda lies going on now:

30+ Israel lies debunked in 3 weeks

No dead babies

No burnt babies

No beheaded babies

No children in cages

No raped women

No ripped breasts

No paraded captives

No tortured captives

No mutilating dead bodies

No 「Global Day of Jihad」

No planned cyanide attacks

No Hamas coming through US border

No all-female Israeli unit killing 100 Hamas

No October 7 was not 「unprovoked」

No Biden did not see pictures of dead babies

No Pro-Palestine are not 「pro-Hamas」 rallies

No small blasts do not prove Israel did not bomb the hospital

No 「misfired」 rocket was destroyed by Iron Dome before the hospital bombing

No 「misfired」 rocket trajectory does not align with the IDF version of events

No 「misfired」 rocket can't be both fired from the cemetery and southwest of the hospital

No Hamas charter published in 2017 is anti-Zionist,not anti-Jewish Fake baby crib photo

Fake blood splatter photo

Fake booby-trapped school bags

Fake Al Jazeera journalist twitter account

Fake audio tape about bombing hospital

Fake AI-generated images of Hamas leaders

Fake 「official Al Qaeda material」 on dead Hamas fighters

Fake antisemitic controversy over Greta's toy octopus

False titles for Palestine protest chants

False labels on a Gaza 4-year-old baby martyred in airstrike as a doll

False crisis actor accusation by using old pictures of West Bank raid survivor

False crisis actor accusation by using old pictures of Thai children in ghost costumes

Yes many Israeli civilians were killed by crossfire at the festival, not by mass shooting

Yes many Israeli civilians said Hamas was kind to them during attacks and as captives

Yes many Israeli civilians were killed by Israeli tanks at kibbutz

Now Mosab Hassan Yousef -the son of the founding leader of Hamas- says it is not Muslim but is rather a globalist psy-op designed to 「terrorize the world into accepting forever wars in the Middle East.」
現在,哈馬斯的創黨成員、創黨領袖的兒子約瑟夫(Mosab Hassan Yousef)表示,哈馬斯並不代表伊斯蘭教,而更像是一個全球主義心理操作,旨在「恐嚇世界,使其接受中東永遠戰爭」。

Hamas is also sitting on a stockpile of Western weapons that had previously been shipped to Ukraine.

Revelations like this mean so many Jews have woken up to the truth that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been forced to admit he would 「have to give answers」 for security lapses exposed in the deadly October 7 attacks by Hamas.

The answer he will be forced to give is that 「Israel's 9/11」 was an attempt to avoid bankruptcy by starting a war just like the original 911 was for the US,「Israel was created by The Khazarian Rothschild Mafia Banksters in 1948 but their contract as an independent sovereign nation expires at the end of October 2023. (the day after the eclipse no coincidence) That means that the timing of the war is completely planned strategically to coincide with the time they could be dissolved with the rest of the central bankers and all the other bankrupt corporations,」 Mossad sources explain.

An Asian royal offered this explanation:

The reason why the Zionist bankers must take over Persia is that they need the Central Bank of Iran in order to save their financial system. The Central Bank of Iran has untold reserves in gold and holds the Imperial Crown jewels, both of which the country has been accumulating for eons. The modern version of the Central Bank was created in 1960. This is why they keep antagonizing Persia, the latest is to get the country involved in the Gaza-Israeli conflict. The Zionist bankers need a war. It won't happen. Russia and Persia are protecting each other.

Israel is now incorporated and registered in the UK. They filed as a new business entity in February of this year. Their registered address is the Israeli Embassy in Kensington, London. The beneficial owner of the company is the Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-10-30 每週快訊

【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-10-30 每週快訊

【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-10-30 每週快訊

We have talked to the Jewish head of MI6 who claims to be the new owner. He says they will soon rebuild the third Temple on the site of the original temple built by King David. They say the site is nowhere near the Al Aqsa Mosque.

If this is true it means the Jews have are being liberated from thousands of years of slavery. We shall soon see.

Regardless, there are countless signs the old order is collapsing. Last week the world's oldest central bank, Sweden's Riksbank went bankrupt. The now insolvent central bank needs at least SEK80 billion or US $7 billion (about 1% of Swedes' GDP) to get back in business. The Swedes would be better off to just pull the plug.

Another central bank struggling to survive is the one in Argentina. Their puppet economy minister Massa, who was responsible for 140% inflation, has 「defied expectations」 and beaten libertarian candidate Javier Milei. Milei promised to scrap the peso and close the central bank. In other words, the Khazarian mafia is trying to steal the Argentine election in order to keep their debt slavery racket going there.
另一家苦苦掙扎求存的央行位於阿根廷。他們的傀儡經濟部長馬薩(Massa),負責造成通脹率達140%,已「出乎意料」擊敗了自由主義候選人米萊伊(Javier Milei)。米萊伊承諾廢除披索並關閉央行。換句話說,可薩黑手黨正試圖在阿根廷選舉中進行干預,以保持他們的債務奴役勾當。

Something similar is happening in Mexico. Last week it was hit with a weather modification weapon.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador accused his opponents of trying to exploit Hurricane Otis ahead of next year's presidential election.
墨西哥總統奧夫拉多(Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador)指責他的對手試圖在明年的總統選舉前利用颶風奧蒂斯。

A Senior Mexican source says the KM is trying to impose a 「Jewish」 woman as president. He says he met her and 「She did not look like a human being.」

Similar struggles are taking place in many countries as the KM fight a losing battle to keep their puppets in power as their rule collapses.

We are also seeing major corporate collapses. This is especially true of the pharmaceutical industry.

Johnson & Johnson is planning for bankruptcy as it faces over 500,000 thousand lawsuits linking baby powder to cancer. Other pharmaceutical companies are facing similar lawsuits for other cancer-causing products.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-10-30 每週快訊


24歲男自小使用嬰兒爽身粉罹癌 控告嬌生獲賠5.8億


Now the vaccine lawsuits and war crimes trials are coming.

New Zealand is a Crime Scene:In one clinic, in one day 30 people were COVID-19 injected and all 30 have died.

Similar stories are emerging from Canada, the US and many other countries.

「They will all be tried found guilty of crimes against humanity and executed,」 CIA sources promise.

It's class action lawsuit time. Here's a list of 90 lawyers that you can contact if you want to sue the vaccine manufacturers:


【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-10-30 每週快訊

There are also going to be lawsuits over missing children. Polish intelligence informs us:
We know a lot about various models of 「child protection」 because Ordo Iuris experts have been saving families from the hands of heartless Norwegian, German, Dutch, Belgian and Swedish officials for years. Even newborns are separated from their breastfeeding mothers if officials notice behavior that they consider disturbing, such as an irregular lifestyle, frequent trips abroad of the child with its mother, or… a baby's diaper being too wet. Each of these stories has been documented in litigation.
我們對各種「兒童保護」模式有很多瞭解,因為Ordo Iuris專家多年來一直在拯救家庭免受無情的挪威、德國、荷蘭、比利時和瑞典官員的控制。即使是新生兒,如果官員注意到他們認為令人不安的行為,例如不規律的生活方式、兒童和母親頻繁出國旅行,或者…嬰兒的尿布太濕,他們也會與哺乳母親分離。這些故事中的每一個都已在訴訟中有所記錄。

This sort of thing has been going on in the US as well to the tune of 40,000 missing children every year. It is time for a reckoning over this too.

The days where they can drag people out of Hillary Clinton rallies for asking about Bill's trips to Epstein Island are ending.

There is also an electric vehicle purge coming. In a victory for auto workers, Ford is halting $12 billion in EV investment, saying they are too expensive


【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-10-30 每週快訊

福特公布財報電動車事業大虧,120 億美元投資喊卡

「People are finally seeing reality,」 Toyota Motor Chairman Akio Toyoda said.

Speaking about reality, we are also now getting closer to the truth about mass shootings staged by the KM in an ongoing attempt to seize firearms from Americans.

It seems the tinfoil hat people were on to something. Look at how many shooters heard voices before taking action.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-10-30 每週快訊

The technology to make people hear voices in their heads that nobody else can hear has been around at least since the 1970s. In the video below you can watch a college professor bounce sound waves carrying music that can't be heard aloud but can be heard in your head. This experiment was carried out at a university using equipment that cost a few hundred dollars, Look at the students' reactions.


Of course, governments have been using this technology. Now I feel bad I dismissed all those people who came to me with such reports in the past as delusional.

Finally, here is a video sent to me by the Russians just as this report was about to go live. It shows Donald Trump being obsequious to the Crown Prince of Morocco Moulay Hassan. Morocco controls 70% of the world's phosphate supply needed for all agriculture.


The Moroccan Royal Family crest features two lions of Judah, meaning they are crypto-Jews. If the Hassan family tries (God forbid) to engineer a starvation crisis, they will be eliminated permanently from the human gene pool.














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