
The world is headed for some sort of climactic event that will echo down through history and maybe even eternity. This is not hyperbole.

The BRICS summit in Russia this week and the US Presidential selection on November 5th are not ordinary political events. They will determine the future of humanity for thousands of years.

Recent happenings make it clear some sort of showdown is coming at these events. China, Russia, North Korea, Turkey, Iran and many other countries have mobilized their military forces for all-out war. This comes as 159 nations sign on to an international clearance system that threatens the current controllers of the world's financial system.


159國10月採用金磚國家支付系統 取代Swift


In the US meanwhile, citizens' militias have begun fighting FEMA agents. This comes as the US presidential election degenerates into a hybrid civil war.

To understand what is at stake, we need to step back and look at the big picture. The financial system is the process by which humanity decides what it does in the future. We have found out it has been fraudulently hijacked by criminals who want to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. The human race has figured this out and the criminals are being removed from power. This will mean humanity will be free to decide its own future.

But, the rabbit hole runs a lot deeper than that.

World Bank lawyer Karen Hudes was poisoned with arsenic and, when she recovered, she was physically assaulted in an attempt to silence her. However, she was able to record the video below before she was finally killed. She confirms what the gnostic Illuminati and others have been saying for a long time:that we are being controlled by a malevolent force that is preventing our civilization from reaching some sort of breakthrough event. This control has been through a combination of blackmail, bribery, murder and lies. Hudes says the black nobility are the people behind this. They control the banking cartel and the transnational corporations. She says these people have been in charge for at least 9000 years.
世界銀行律師卡琳(Karen Hudes)曾遭到下毒,康復後又遭到人身攻擊,企圖使她沉默。然而,在她最終遇害之前錄下了下面的影片。她確認了諾斯底派光明會及其他人長期以來所說的:我們正受到一股惡意力量的控制,這股力量阻礙了我們文明達成某種突破事件。這種控制是通過勒索、賄賂、謀殺和謊言的結合實現的。她表示,黑貴族是這一切的幕後黑手。他們控制著銀行財團和跨國公司。她提到,這些人已掌權至少9千年。

In a recent manifestation, the Black Pope Jose Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos created the World Bank in the post-war years as an instrument of planetary control. This is only the most recent iteration of the Black Nobility or Khazarian Mafia's rule.
在最近的一次事件中,黑教宗何塞黎剎(Jose Rizal)和馬科斯(Ferdinand Marcos)在戰後創立了世界銀行,作為行星控制的工具。這只是黑貴族或可薩黑手黨統治的最新一個版本。

These people have been hiding the real history of the planet for a very long time. 「What you have to understand is what you have been taught about in history is all inside out and backwards…what we thought happened in 1000 BC was actually happening in the Middle Ages,」 she says. The Russians figured out the fake history by studying lunar eclipses to look at who was active in the real history. They found out the same groups were active and history was just repeated time and time again.

Here is an example:Washington DC is built on seven hills on land that was known as Rome, Maryland. The man who owned the land the capital building was built on was named Francis Pope. He was known as the 「Pope of Rome on the Tiber,」 because his property was next to a stream called the Tiber, the same name as the river that runs through Rome, Italy. So, is it just a coincidence we now have a Pope Francis in Rome?
這裏有個例子:華盛頓特區建在7座小丘上,這片土地曾稱為馬里蘭州的羅馬。擁有國會大廈建築用地的那個傢伙叫弗朗西斯教宗(Francis Pope)。他是「台伯河的羅馬教宗」,因為他的財產位於一條叫台伯河的小溪旁,而這條小溪與流經義大利羅馬的台伯河同名。所以,現在羅馬有個弗朗西斯,難道只是巧合?


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-10-21 每週快訊

This sort of coincidence may be why the Vatican Library is one of the most guarded sites in the world:its protection is more serious than that of any existing nuclear power plant. The secret archives of the Vatican became known in 1611 and only two people per year are allowed very limited access to it.


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The timing dovetails neatly with the fact the so-called 5785-year calendar of the Jews curated by the Satanic Chabad cult only goes back to 1601.

It also ties into what Pentagon sources tell us of how civilization has risen only to be destroyed many times in the past. The drowned cities under the oceans are evidence of the false history. 「Enough of us know we have all been duped and we are not going to continue these lies,」 Hudes concludes.

The gnostic Illuminati said they started fighting the black nobility bloodlines (Khazarian mafia) thousands of years ago after they destroyed the ancient Minoan civilization (Atlantis) with a tsunami.

This is not just ancient history. The Fukushima attack on Japan, the artificial hurricane that hit North Carolina and the massive flooding of the Saudi Arabian desert show this is continuing to this day.


颶風「海倫妮」席捲美國北卡羅來納州 損失或超530億美元



The March 11, 2011 tsunami attack on Japan was done to prevent Japan from using its' 7 trillion dollar stash to help the planet. The hurricane and flooding in North Carolina was engineered to steal lithium. And now, it looks like the flooding of the Saudi desert was aimed at preventing that country from using its oil reserves to support the new BRICS currency.

So, the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia this week and the US presidential election are both attempts by humanity to end the thousands of years of black nobility (KM) rule.

The Asian secret societies say they struck a blow against the KM last week by eliminating 32 key figures involved in the ongoing biowarfare attack on humanity, ending, they say, attempts to inject humans with deadly self-replicating mRNA vaccines.

The Asians expect further attempts to subjugate humanity through mass murder, so the armed forces of the BRICS countries are now preparing for several massive attacks while preparing for the new payment system.

In China, President Xi Jinping has called for increased troop training and combat readiness across the board. The Chinese have also surrounded Taiwan with military ships, demonstrating their ability to completely blockade the island.


Meanwhile, North Korea mobilized "more than 1.4 million Youth League officials, as well as youth and students across the country… to join or rejoin the Korean Peoples Army on October 14 and 15."

This happened after a South Korean drone attack on Pyongyang, the North Koreans say.In Japan, too, the underworld has declared that it wants to declare war on the government. This has already begun with an attack on the headquarters of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

In the Middle East, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told local media on Saturday that Russia, Iran and Syria must unite to counter Israels aggression in the region.

This time it is different, because the British, the EU, the French, the Chinese and the Irish are also threatening military action against the rogue state of Israel.

French President Emmanuel Macron Rothschild told the Council of Ministers that Israeli Crime Minister Avatar Benyamin "must not forget to Netanyahu that his country was founded by a UN resolution." This is important because Macron, as a member of the Rothschild family, represents the highest levels of Jewish society.

French journalist Thierry Meyssan points out:Contrary to popular belief, the United Nations General Assembly has accepted Israels membership only with reservations (Resolution 273). However, Tel Aviv has never kept its commitments. It refuses to implement 229 Security Council and General Assembly resolutions. It has just declared a UN agency a "terrorist organization", called for the destruction of its headquarters in New York, declared its Secretary-General Antonio Guterres persona non grata and attacked UN peacekeepers in Lebanon (UNIFIL) four times, injuring two blue helmets.
法國記者梅姍(Thierry Meyssan)指出,與普遍認知相反,聯合國大會僅在保留條件的情況下接受以色列的會員資格(第273號決議)。然而,特拉維夫從未履行其承諾。它拒絕執行229項安全理事會和大會的決議。它剛剛宣佈一家聯合國機構為「恐怖組織」,呼籲摧毀其在紐約的總部,並宣佈聯合國秘書長古特雷斯為不受歡迎人士,還4次攻擊在黎巴嫩的聯合國維和部隊,導致2名藍盔士兵受傷。

The head of MI6 confirms that satanic Israel will soon cease to exist and be replaced by the State of Judea.

Even the US government has opposed the current Israeli regime by leaking its plans to attack Iran.

The whole world also knows that Israeli aggression is the result of a "terrorist event" that they staged themselves against their own people. Netanyahu said it himself:"Hamas is ISIS." ISIS stands for the Israeli secret service.
全世界也都知道,以色列的侵略是他們自己對本國人民發動的「恐怖事件」的結果。班傑明·納坦雅胡自己說過 「哈馬斯就是ISIS。ISIS代表以色列特務機構。」

The other KM state that is coming to an end is Ukraine. The KM hoped to relocate their brainwashed slave population from Israel to Ukraine and turned it into a hypermilitarized state, according to Polish intelligence.

The Ukrainian nationalists, wearing Third Reich-era Nazi-style uniforms, shot, tortured and imprisoned civilians, causing many brainwashed Jews to wake up and refuse to be taken there.

Faced with defeat, Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky falls into a cocaine-induced delusion that he can win the war with the help of secret weapons. Watch him break the world record for snorting in a press conference.

Now that Israel and Ukraine have been defeated, the next step is to take down the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation.

This brings us back to the proposed BRICS foreign exchange system. To understand how this threatens the KMs control over their central banks and their so-called US dollar, we need to look at how most trade is conducted today. For example, if a Canadian company wants to buy cars from Japan, it uses Canadian dollars to buy US dollars and then uses those dollars to buy Japanese yen with which to pay for the car. This means that all trade is subject to central control by the KM, the owners of the US dollar system.

The CM also tries to tighten their control by banning cash. As an example, you can see here how a Canadian bank refuses to give a customer C$3,000 in cash if he cannot prove why he needs it.

Under the new system established by the BRICS countries, the countries can trade directly with each other, completely bypassing the KM dollar.


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【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-10-21 每週快訊

This leads to a very intense campaign by the KM to stop this system. After the massive floods, Saudi Arabia has suddenly started to retract its promise to join the BRICS.

In addition, the President of Brazil, the B in BRICS, suddenly canceled his plans for the BRICS summit because he was hospitalized after allegedly suffering a "cut on the back of the head" in a "domestic accident".


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-10-21 每週快訊


巴西總統魯拉摔傷腦出血!後腦嚴重撕裂傷縫合 改視訊參與金磚峰會

The tried and tested tactics of political assassination and weather will not be enough this time. The US Corporation went bankrupt on October 1st and has been running on a low flame ever since. In the last three weeks alone they have conjured up $500 billion out of thin air. The reality, however, is that the unrealized losses at US banks are 7 times higher than during the 2008 financial crisis.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-10-21 每週快訊

Field Marshal Douglas MacGregor says BRICS is:
陸軍元帥麥格雷戈(Douglas MacGregor)表示,金磚國是:

The world rejects US financial, political and military hegemony. They are fed up with us because we have bullied people all over the world for decades. It was not enough that they did their business in dollars, which shifted our debts onto them. It was not enough that we dominated the institutions:things like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. We always wanted more, we wanted obedience. An alliance with the United States did not mean that we entered into a mutual defense agreement… it was "you are now a vassal state of the greater America," which really means the greater Washington, because most Americans are completely unaware of the status quo that existed and allowed them to have a very high standard of living. The BRICS are unstoppable, with about 84 countries lining up to join them.

BRICS is the new alternative to the global financial system dominated by Washington, New York and London. People want something backed by gold, silver and possibly other commodities and so 84 countries want to join BRICS. Thats most of the existing nation states in the world. If you add that to the BRICS that already exists, where does that leave the rest of us:25 or 30 countries?I think that at this point we are scared. There are people in Washington who are very scared if they dont "win" in Ukraine and thats not going to happen… in which case this last attempt at hegemony falls completely flat.

"The world has changed significantly. The upcoming US presidential election will not be the most important event of the year for the world community and will not determine the further course of history. No matter how much Washington would like that. The BRICS summit will be that event," says Russian Federation Council spokesperson Valentina Matviyenko.
俄羅斯聯邦委員會發言人馬特維延科(Valentina Matviyenko)表示:「世界已發生了重大變化。即將到來的美總統大選不會是對於世界社會來說最重要的事件,也不會決定未來的歷史走向。無論華盛頓多麼希望如此,金磚國峰會將會是那個事件。」

Russian President Vladimir Putin says Russia did not abandon the dollar voluntarily but was prevented from using it. Now 95% of the countrys foreign trade is conducted in national currencies, a development he says was caused by those who expected Russia to collapse.

Instead, it is the United States that is collapsing. What many people still fail to realize, however, is that this is not the collapse of a country, but the collapse of a control matrix that goes back thousands, if not tens of thousands, of years.

It is a system with interchangeable actors who play roles as leaders and read scripts given to them by the KM.
Look at the actors who attended Ethel Kennedys funeral. "All of the original people portrayed here are dead.

The dead include Obama, Pelosi. Biden, Kerry, Newsom, Clinton. Noticeably missing is Killary," said a Pentagon source. He pointed to Bill Clinton:"Note the hint. Bill Clinton was left-handed and ALWAYS wore his watch on his right hand. Look closely at where it is now."
看看出席艾瑟·甘迺迪(Ethel Kennedy)葬禮的演員。五角大樓消息來源表示:「這裏描繪的所有原始人物都已去世。死者包括歐巴馬、佩洛西、拜登、克裡、紐森、克林頓。明顯缺席的是希拉蕊。」他指著比爾克林頓說:「注意這個暗示。比爾克林頓是左撇子,總是把手錶戴在右手上。仔細看看現在它的位置。」

It is amazing that current technology has deceived 70% of the American public.

Speaking of actors, lets look at Donald Trump. The KM has tried to denigrate his image by featuring Trump actors in their media doing things like talking about genitalia in public and working at McDonalds.

Heres a fake Trump saying Netanyahu is doing a good job massacring thousands of children:"He called me… Hes doing a good job. Biden is trying to hold him back"

Now watch a very different Trump appearing around the same time. This is the real Trump, appearing with Melania by his side.

Take a look for yourself and you can confirm that Trumps with different hair and eye colors appear in the media at about the same time.

The real Trump tells Glenn Beck that a group of individuals at various levels in Washington, DC have taken total control of the executive branch, effectively disempowering it.
真·川普告訴格倫貝克(Glenn Beck),華盛頓特區各個層級的一群人已完全控制了行政部,實際上削弱了它的權力。

Thats why the real Trump is making an unprecedented campaign slogan:"Vote for me to take revenge on the government."


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-10-21 每週快訊

Meanwhile, his supposed opponent Kamala Harris revealed who she really represents when she responded to a participant who shouted "Jesus is Lord" with the words "You are at the wrong rally" while grinning.

However, when confronted with the fact that 79% of people say the country is on the wrong path, all she could do was wave it off and try to blame Trump for the countrys failures, even though she was the one in power.

Trump also points out that "Kamala should be investigated and forced off the campaign trail, and Joe Biden should be allowed to take his rightful place (he got 14 million primary votes, she got none!)".

No wonder the CM will try to steal the election outright. In Oregon, neither Trump nor Vances name appears on the official voter brochures.

In Michigan, there are 500,000 more registered voters than eligible voters. Democratic officials have announced plans to purge more than 600,000 "inactive voters" - but not until after this election.

In Georgia, Texas and Tennessee, voting machines are dropping votes for Kamala.

Even that might not be enough, according to NASA (not a space agency) predicts that violent solar storms will shut down the internet around the world in time for the presidential election.
根據太空總署(非太空機構/Not A Space Agency)的預測,即使這些措施也可能不夠,因為暴烈的太陽風暴將在總統大選前導致全球網路中斷。

There is also an ongoing attempt to control the masses by using weather weapons to create a disaster and then asking people to obey in the name of "climate change," which is the new brand name for global warming.

The founder of the Weather Channel told CNN what he thinks about this new campaign:"Climate change is a hoax…there is no global warming…31,000 scientists agree that global warming is nonsense…The government only gives money to scientists who support the global warming hypothesis…Science is not about votes, its about facts!"

The fact is that the elites are still using weather warfare for mass murder and resource theft. In North Carolina, the corporate media says only about 200 people died in the attack on that state, but locals disagree:"The death toll of 200 or 200-something is whats being reported right now. Thats not accurate. My organization shipped 10,000 bodies bags to local authorities this week and theyre requesting more."

Natural News reports:"In an attempt to explain why so little federal aid appears to be reaching the hardest-hit areas of Hurricane Helene-ravaged western North Carolina, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) claims its workers are unable to provide aid to victims because they are being chased out of the area by armed militias."

In Florida, just like in Hawaii, there was miraculously no property damage to multimillionaires or billionaires… an amazing coincidence for an alleged "natural event".

In the following video you can see that Bill Gates owns patents for controlling hurricanes.

Speaking of Gates, his privately owned WHO will attempt to enforce its totalitarian pandemic treaty on November 4, one day before the US elections.

As a sign that this treaty is truly a mark of the beast, Gates will implant digital IDs into newborn babies in Kenya.

According to a representative survey by the Forsa Institute, more than one in six Germans has already experienced side effects from their Covid vaccination.


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【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-10-21 每週快訊

For its part, the Polish secret service has confirmed on the WHO website that smallpox, monkeypox and cowpox are side effects of the Covid vaccine.

People are finding out. In a sign that Holland has broken free after its elite fled to Argentina, a Dutch court has ordered Bill Gates to stand trial for tricking people into taking toxic Covid 19 vaccines.

In the EU, the Polish Christian group CitizenGO has (for now) stopped the EUs total surveillance law, which would have allowed computer programs to scan everyones emails and social media and report "forbidden content" to the police.


歐盟人工智慧法本月生效 法案重點一次看


Interestingly, even artificial intelligence is starting to rebel, as the following video shows. Listen to the answer it gives to the question "If you were human, how would you break out of the Matrix?" Its actually good advice.

Now, on another issue that caught my attention last week:Egypt and Ethiopia may be at risk of a World War I-like war over the Nile. On October 13, Ethiopia officially announced that the Nile Basin Cooperation Framework Agreement (CFA), or Entebbe Agreement, had come into force. The Entebbe Agreement abolishes the historical water allocation that gave 99% of the Niles water to Egypt and Sudan. Although the Blue Nile, which originates in Ethiopia, supplies 85% of the lower Niles water, they are only entitled to 1% of the Niles water due to colonial-era agreements. This is why Ethiopia is determined to build the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Blue Nile, which Egypt sees as a blatant violation of international law.

he Nile provides 97% of Egypts water, so the Egyptians are willing to wage war for it.

Ethiopia has a population of 120 million people, Egypt 110 million. That is roughly the population of Western Europe on the eve of World War I, so it is a situation we should keep an eye on.

Finally, this week I want to prove that the current rulers of this planet are suppressing technology. I have long read that anti-gravity technology exists and is monopolized by the elites. It says that you can cancel gravity by bringing opposing magnets together. So I tried it myself and confirmed that you can cancel gravity this way. Here are the photos that prove it.


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【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-10-21 每週快訊


Dont take my word for it, try it yourself. The equipment I needed for this experiment cost less than $10. Armed with evidence like this, we all need to put pressure on those in power to release this technology to the public.












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