另一個顯示俄羅斯掌控局勢的跡象是,匈牙利總統歐爾班(Victor Orban)代表歐盟發言,命令烏政府恢復所有對中歐的俄羅斯天然氣過境,停止對土耳其溪(TurkStream)管道的攻擊,並提供持續石油過境的保證。這意味著歐洲將不再通過購買來自洛克菲勒家族的液化天然氣(LNG),這些LNG比俄羅斯同等的天然氣貴了一半,從而不再讓自己自我去工業化。
掌控西歐的達沃斯世界經濟論壇承認失敗。在他們的一場座談會上,耶魯大學教授里德(Walter Reed)表示:「我認為咱們不僅需考慮誰贏(川普),還要考慮誰輸,也就是說,咱…咱家的代表是歐盟。」
另一個我們可能錯過的大事件是馬斯克的衰落。看起來甲骨文(Oracle)的埃裡森已取代了他,成為軍工體的主要法幣洗錢者。可從川普與埃裡森、軟銀的孫正義和《OpenAI》的奧特曼(Sam Altman)一起宣佈的5000億美元AI《星際之門》(Stargate)項目爭論中看出。此項目有些問題,我們稍後再討論。
有趣的是馬斯克的反應。他說:「他們實際上沒有錢…軟銀的資金不到100億美元,我有可靠消息。」 隨後,他發佈了一張裂管的圖片來說明OpenAI是如何計算出他們5000億美元星際之門項目數字的。
此外,在馬斯克公開了白宮電郵地址並且消息傳出在白宮西翼有辦公室後,川普的新任幕僚長懷爾斯(Susie Wiles)禁止他在白宮內設辦公室。當記者問川普馬斯克是否會被安排在西翼辦公時,川普回答道:「不。他會為大約20人提供辦公空間…」
1982年,當馬斯克12歲時,他在北卡羅萊納州阿什維爾的比爾特摩莊園(Biltmore Mansion)以「褻瀆儀式」加入撒旦教。馬斯克、內特羅斯柴爾德(Nate Rothschild)、莎莎史東(Sasha Stone)、麥可·杜魯道(Michael Trudeau)和沙伊夫·格達菲(Saif al-Islam Gaddafi)(當時利比亞獨裁者穆亞馬爾【Muamar Gaddafi】之子)參與了儀式。在儀式中,他們使用一尊沾滿血漬的耶穌雕像,並在雕像上插上假陽具,性侵所有未滿12歲的女童。在多次騷擾這些女童之後就注射腎上腺素,讓他們產生強烈的憤怒感和撕裂人肉的衝動,因此最後殺死了這些女童。
不過,說完馬斯克,我們來看看艾利森(Larry Ellison),他可能會成為接替馬斯克的科技領袖。
這引發了各種駭人反應,尤其是來自反mRNA疫苗的專家,因為這些疫苗已造成許多傷害。例如,在下面影片中,可看到奧利弗(Neil Oliver)和艾德道德(Ed Dowd)評論道:「聽到數百億美元投資用於,包括其他目的,開發AI mRNA疫苗,讓我感到毛骨悚然…這是否是深層政府/大型科技公司試圖強加的數位監獄牆上的又一磚塊?」
然而,大家一致認為,如欲結束可薩統治,必須要實行日銀行的國有化。意味巴克萊銀行、盧森堡的羅斯柴爾德埃德蒙德銀行以及P2意共會的梵蒂岡銀行將失去對日金融體系的控制。與此同時,像貝萊德(BlackRock)、道通(State Street)和銀行及先鋒(Vanguard)等掠奪性基金,也將撤銷其非法獲得的對日上市公司的控制權。
來自荷蘭的美女伊娃(Eva Vlaardingerbroek)向公眾喊話:「德國、法國,現在是英國,全球對農業的戰爭進行中,這是由聯合國主導的。這一切全球主義的議程都必須廢除。沒有農民,就沒有食物。請務必站在農民的一邊。」
西起德州東到佛州 暴風雪肆虐至少10死 紐奧良積雪8吋破130年紀錄
好冷! 陽光佛州30年來首度降雪
莫德納獲 5.9 億美元資助,加速開發 H5N1 禽流感疫苗
川普行政命令連發 宣布退出世衛組織和巴黎協定
明年1月22日生效! 美國決定退出世衛 川普指痛批世衛處理疫情失敗
這不僅僅是世衛組織的問題。25歲的藥物臨床研究員莎莎(Sasha Latipova)在影片中解釋了我們如何「偽造政府訂購的疫苗」。她解釋道,國防部濫用軍事法律來繞過安全協議,並強迫製藥公司生產和分發生武和毒苗。
這本應該早就發生了。除了生武的擴散,烏還有嬰兒工廠,女性被強迫生產,以提取腎上腺素並摘取器官。俄羅斯外交部發言人瑪麗亞(Maria Zakharova)表示:「在西方的支持下,基輔啟動器官販賣系統,從戰場上取出的人體器官賣到網上。」她總結道:「他們顯然不過是將絕對的無法無天合法化了。」
現在,國務卿魯比奧(Marco Rubio)已正式切斷對烏獨裁者澤倫斯基的外援,澤倫斯基正處於恐慌模式中。影片中可看到澤倫斯基懇求北約和美國與俄羅斯作戰。
澤倫斯基的垮台只是白宮大規模清洗的開始。上週四,川普簽署了一項命令,解密關於1960年代總統甘迺迪和他的弟弟鮑比甘迺迪(Bobby Kennedy)遇刺事件,以及民權領袖馬丁路德金(Martin Luther King Jr.)遇刺事件的資料。
摩薩德消息來源表示:「錫安主義的可薩摩薩德殺害了甘迺迪,因為他威脅本古裡安(Ben Gurion)要求在迪蒙納(Dimona)測試核武,迫使他辭職,並迫使美錫安主義委員會根據FARA(外國代理人註冊法)註冊。如果說法不一,那是為了保護以色列以及他們對大多數我們政治家的勒索。」
不知哪裡得罪他 川普撤銷對龐培歐的特勤保護
以色列國防軍參謀長哈萊維(Herzi Halevi)中將和國防軍南方司令部指揮官辭職,為2023年10月7日針對自己國民的偽旗行動負責。
在加拿大,納粹式的克莉絲蒂亞(Chrystia Freeland)刪除了她的《Instagram》帳號和世界經濟論壇聯繫,以試圖隱藏作為全球主義走狗的過去。
犯罪企業也會為了保護自己而四處逃跑。例如,強生公司(Johnson & Johnson)創建子公司,然後讓它倒閉以避免因其產品致癌而引發的責任和訴訟。
為了接觸這些罪犯,川普加強權力基礎。作為此過程的一部份,國會議員奧格爾斯(Andy Ogles)在眾議院提出了一項聯合決議,修改美國憲法,允許總統最多連任3屆。這是在川普已在2020年成功當選的情況下,根據最高法院的布倫森案(Brunson case)提供的證據。川普在就職典禮上並沒有將手放在聖經上,因為那場典禮是為已不存在的美國公司舉行的。川普早已於2021年1月10日秘密宣誓成為亞美利堅合眾國的總統。
無論如何,暗示他開始接近在2020年偷走他選票的人,川普:「我昨晚在電視上看到席夫參議員(Senator Schiff)。他看起來像是被球棒打過一樣。到底怎麼啦?他好像遭遇了什麼事。看起來像是被揍,像是被揍了。」
同時,川普的盟友馬特蓋茲(Matt Gaetz)解釋了遊說者如何賄賂國會:「早上,他們給每個人1000美元現金,讓他們投票支持法案。」
「北卡羅萊納州的參議員李察伯爾(Richard Burr),他的老婆和兒子成了說客。他是情報委會的主席,你覺得他們是有特殊的說服力,還是靠家族關係賺錢?」
白宮新聞秘書卡羅琳(Caroline Leavitt)在X說:「哥政府已同意川普總統的所有條款。包括不受限制地接收所有從美返回哥的非法移民,包括用美軍用飛機」。
五角大廈消息還表示,通過將墨西哥毒梟標籤為恐怖組織,川普已向負責古柯鹼進口的中情局宣戰,CIA的縮寫也可解釋為「古柯鹼進口機構」(Cocaine Import Agency)。
【原文】Benjamin Fulford Weekly Report, Jan 27, 2025
《Trump to hand control of Western Europe to Russia as revolution continues》
The revolution that swept US President Donald Trump into power is unfolding at a blistering rate. Since a lot of it is all over the news and readers have probably already seen it, we will concentrate this week on things they may have missed.
The biggest move still not in the news is that Trump has given Russia the green light to take over NATO and Western Europe, according to Russian FSB and MI6 sources. 「Trump told us he does not mind if Russia takes over the EU "because they are Nazis,'」 the FSB sources say. MI6 confirms the denazification of Europe will mean the removal of the governments of most Western European governments. Partial confirmation of this can be found in various news items such as this one saying he has ordered the withdrawal of 20,000 troops from Western Europe.
Russia's Tass News agency for its part reports top military officials of Armenia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Ukraine took part in a meeting of the NATO Military Committee in Brussels last week. Russian FSB sources say these former Soviet countries will join NATO as a precursor to Russia also joining.
In another sign Russia is in charge, Hungarian President Victor Orban, speaking on behalf of the EU, ordered the Ukrainian government to restore all Russian gas transit to Central Europe, stops attacks on the TurkStream pipeline, and provide guarantees for continued oil transit. This means Europe is no longer going to deindustrialize itself by buying LNG from the Rockefellers that 50% more expensive than the Russian equivalent.
In yet another sign Trump has reached a deal over Europe with Russia:Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Russian television that 「If he had been the president, if the victory wasn't stolen from him in 2020, maybe the Ukrainian crisis that arose in 2022 would have never happened.」
Later in the interview, Putin went on to say 「In the United States, previous elections were falsified through postal voting … they bought ballots for $10, filled them out, and threw them into mailboxes without any supervision from observers, and that's it,」 Putin said.
The controllers of Western Europe, the Davos World Economic Forum, are admitting defeat. At one of their panel discussions, Yale University Professor Walter Reed said 「I think we need to also factor in not only who has won (Trump) but also who has lost, which is to say us….The epitome of us is the European Union.」
This comment came after Trump, following an introduction by the already dead Dr. Evil (Klaus Schwab Rothschild), slapped the entire international cabal of globalist satanic pedos right in the face. He told them he would lower oil prices and increase oil production in a move that would completely end their anti-life 「decarbonization」 plans. Following this Trump called on OPEC and Saudi Arabia to lower the cost of oil and just like that, oil prices dropped off a cliff.
The other big news event people may have missed has been the fall of Elon Musk. It looks like Oracle's Larry Ellison has replaced him as the chief fiat money launderer for the military industrial complex. This can be seen in the spat over the $500 billion AI Stargate project announced by Trump along with Ellison, Softbank's Son Masayoshi and OpenAI's Sam Altman. This project is problematic but we will get back to that later.
The interesting thing is Musk's reaction. He said 「They don't actually have the money…SoftBank has well under $10B secured. I have that on good authority.」 He then posted an image of a crack pipe to illustrate how OpenAl came up with their $500 billion number for Stargate.
There are other signs as well that Musk is crashing down to earth. For one thing, Trump has basically destroyed Musk's Tesla business model by ending all subsidies for electric cars.
Also, after Musk put out a white house email address and word was put out he had an office in the West Wing of the White House, Trump's new chief of staff Susie Wiles barred him from having an office in the White House. When asked by a reporter if Musk would be given a West Wing office, Trump replied, 「No. He's getting an office for about 20 people…」
Now it turns out Musk has been put in charge of the U.S. Digital Service, which has little to do with budget cuts. Not only that, he reports to Wiles not Trump. This AI generated picture illustrates his fall.
This Musk fall from grace comes as yet another former child sex slave whistleblower provided new confirmation he is a satanist:
In 1982 when Elon Musk was 12, he was inducted into Satanism in a 「ritual of blasphemy,」 at the Biltmore Mansion in Asheville, North Carolina. Elon Musk, Nate Rothschild, Sasha Stone, Michael Trudeau and Saif al-Islam Gaddafi [Son of then Libyan dictator Muamar Gaddafi] participated. In the ceremony they used a blood soaked statue of Jesus with a dildo attached to it to rape girls who were all under the age of 12. After they repeatedly accosted the girls, they were given adrenochrome. This gave them a sense of intense anger and an urge to rip apart human flesh so, they ended up killing the girls.
Musk has been asked by the whistleblower to publicly confess to his crimes and seek forgiveness.
Anyway, enough about Musk, let us take a look at Larry Ellison, his probable replacement as head tech honcho.
Ellison once sent a representative of the Pentagon's 「Men Who Stare at Goats」 psychic warfare division to meet me. He also provided information about suppressed technology. One of these Pentagon sources -who we are still in contact with- said the following about the Ellison who appeared last week:
「Larry Ellison has had face lifts. Maybe he is part AI already. He has changed 100%.」
Nonetheless, this Ellison, or Ellison avatar, is now extremely powerful. It turns out they shut down TikTok in order to reboot it and merge it with Facebook and Instagram under Trump's control via Ellison. TikTok has been moved from data centers in California to data centers in North Carolina and Utah.
Ellison's company Oracle's first customer was the CIA and it is still reliant on government contracts. Ellison once declared, 「The Oracle database is used to keep track of basically everything. The information about your banks, your checking balance, and your savings balance is stored in an Oracle database. Your airline reservation is stored in an Oracle database. The books you buy on Amazon are stored in an Oracle database. Your profile on Yahoo!is stored in an Oracle database…Citizens will be on their best behavior because we're constantly recording and reporting everything that is going on.」 Larry Ellison is Jewish and is loyal to Israel. That is why 「free Palestine」 is now condemned speech on TikTok.
Real news outlets like this one are already banned from X, Facebook and Instagram so presumably we will now be banned from TikTok as well.
Also, Ellison (or his Avatar) made a disturbing 「Stargate」 announcement that AI could be used to detect cancers and customize mRNA vaccines to treat them within 48 hours.
This prompted all sorts of horrified reactions from experts who oppose mRNA vaccines because of all the damage they have caused. In the video below for example, you can watch Neil Oliver and Ed Dowd comment 「To hear about 100s of billions of dollars being invested to, among other things, have artificial intelligence MRNA vaccines, makes my blood run cold…Is this another brick in the wall of the digital prison the deep state/Big Tech seeks to impose?」
What is clear from his proposal is that Ellison is part of the old Khazanian Mafia medical cartel who are forbidden from creating drugs that prolong life or make people smarter, stronger, etc. They are also forbidden from creating recreational drugs. I was once told by a pharmaceutical executive that nothing would be easier than creating recreational drugs with no harmful side effects but that they were forbidden from doing so. 「Ellison」 is perpetuating the current medical mafia method of harvesting money (or life energy) from us by making us sick and they forcing us to pay for a cure. Remember, cancer did not exist until the Rockefellers etc. took over Western medicine and started poisoning us.
In any case, help is on the way. Last week representatives from the White Dragon Society, the Asian Secret Societies, the Japanese underworld and the Japanese military met. Cell phones were left behind and lots of handwritten notes were exchanged for reasons of operational secrecy. There is a lot we cannot talk about because we do not want to tip our hand to the KM. However, it was agreed that in order to end the KM ruleit is necessary to nationalize the Bank of Japan. This means Barclay's Bank and Edmund de Rothschild Bank in Luxembourg as well as the P2 Freemason Vatican Bank will lose control of the Japanese financial system. At the same time, the BlackRock, State Street and Banking, Vanguard, etc, vulture funds will have their illegally obtained control of Japanese listed companies revoked.
Nationalizing the Bank of Japan would have a domino effect and force the end of the Federal Reserve Board system because a large percentage of the dollars printed worldwide are printed in, and backed by Japan. Here is a picture sent to me by a Pentagon source of some the Asian 「US dollars.」
The Federal Reserve is a crime pure and simple.
The Japanese are going to put an end to this crime.
The Japanese military representative said the Japanese self-defense forces were ready to take over the BOJ even though the KM had killed over 200 officers during a recent coup attempt. This is because the Japanese slave government passed a law that will force farmers to produce what they are ordered to and to start a food rationing system. The law also is aimed at making the Japanese more dependent on imported food. The plan calls for forcing Japanese farmers out of business in order to hand over the agricultural land to KM corporations.
In other words, the KM wants to control the Japanese food supply in order to enslave the people. They are doing the same with the water supply. The KM plan calls for artificial earthquakes and induced volcanic eruptions to trigger the takeover of the food supply. The government is also imposing mark of the beast digital identification protocols to go along with this control of food and water.
Japanese agriculture ministry documents show this is part of a worldwide food crisis is being planned by the KM.
The process is already well underway in Europe. However, the farmers there are fighting back.
Eva Vlaardingerbroek from The Netherlands shouts this out to the public. 「Germany, France and now Britain, there's a global war on farming going on which is led by the United Nations. All of these globalist agendas need to be abolished. No farmers, No food. Stand with your farmers.」
Just as is the case with Japan, the KM is planning a series of attacks with directed energy weapons, weather weapons, bioweapons and nuclear weapons in an attempt to stay in power.
That is why FBI announced a large-scale nuclear training exercise in New York from January 26-31 and has advised the public not to be alarmed by the presence of military personnel and aircraft. Real attacks are always disguised as 「exercises.」
The fires in California are a very real example of the sort of attack that can be expected worldwide until the KM is finally defeated. The videos below show California is still under attack.
Trump knows the fires were an attack saying:「It looks like something hit it. And we won't talk about what hit it」
The KM also hit Florida with what was almost certainly a weather warfare attack. Florida had a bigger single-day snowfall than nearly every major Canadian city – even the north.
In a sign Trump is going after one of the main sources of these attacks, he said 「I'll also be signing an executive order to begin the process of fundamentally reforming and overhauling FEMA or maybe getting rid of FEMA. I think, frankly, FEMA is not good. I think we're going to recommend that FEMA go away…」
Urgent action is also needed to stop XM's bioweapons attacks. Multiple sources warn that XM is planning to use hundreds of millions of travelers for Chinese New Year to spread a pandemic of toxic bird flu. Chinese New Year this year begins on January 29th and ends around February 12th.
For biotech funding, the Biden administration awarded Moderna a $590 million tax-funded grant at the last minute, three hours before he left office.
This last-minute pandemic push is happening because HM knows their only hope of avoiding arrest for war crimes is to kill most of us.
Putins military has officially accused Obama, Biden, Clinton, Soros, US government agencies and NGOs of producing biological weapons in Ukraine. If you think this topic wont be discussed in Trumps current talks with Putin, youre wrong. Putin has been talking about it from the beginning.
The fact that Trump has already left the WHO shows that he is aware of its crimes. At least 83 WHO employees have been sexually abused and raped, often as young as 13, according to the agency's latest crime figures. None of them have been fired. WHO Director Tedros was a genocidal murderer before he was hired, and people in Ethiopia tried to warn us.
It's not just the WHO. Sasha Latipova, a 25-year-old pharmaceutical clinical researcher, explains in the video below how we 「falsified a vaccine ordered by the government.」 She explains that the Department of Defense is abusing military law to bypass safety protocols and force pharmaceutical companies to produce and distribute biological weapons and dangerous vaccines.
Most of the biological weapons were created in Ukrainian laboratories. Trump has already fired all Pentagon employees involved in the supply of weapons and biological weapons to Ukraine. He has also stopped all funding to Ukraine.
This should have happened a long time ago. In addition to the proliferation of biological weapons, there were baby factories in Ukraine, where women were forced to give birth to produce adrenochrome and harvest organs. 「With the support of the West, Kiev launched a system of organ trafficking in Ukraine, in which human organs taken from the battlefield were sold on the Internet,」 said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. 「They apparently just legalized absolute lawlessness,」 Zakharova concluded.
Now that Secretary of State Marco Rubio has officially cut off foreign aid to Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky, he is in a panic. In the video below, you can see Zelensky begging NATO and the US to fight Russia.
「Any other scenario and Zelensky will end up in a coffin… and he knows it,」 a Pentagon source commented.
Don Trump Jr. says Zelensky asked to be invited to the inauguration three times, then pretended not to want to go when he was repeatedly denied.
Zelenskys downfall is just the beginning of a sweeping purge of the White House. On Thursday, Trump signed an order to declassify materials on the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and his brother Bobby Kennedy in the 1960s, as well as the assassination of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.
「Everything will be revealed,」 Trump told reporters as he signed the order in the Oval Office of the White House.
「The Zionist HM Mossad killed Kennedy because he threatened Ben Gurion to test nuclear weapons in Dimona, forced him to resign, and forced the AMERICAN ZIONIST COUNCIL to register under FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act). If it says otherwise, it was changed to protect Israel and the blackmail they exert on most of our politicians,」 says a Mossad source.
Kennedy was also assassinated for trying to wrest control of the central bank from HM. John Kennedy knew this and just seven days before he was assassinated he warned the world about the evil cabal controlling the world:
「There is a conspiracy in this country to enslave every man, woman, and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this conspiracy.」
「RFK Jr. knows and Trump knows too… hopefully they can finish what Kennedy started – draining the swamp,」 says a Mossad source.
In a sign that it has already begun, President Donald Trump has officially withdrawn his protection for Mike Pompeo. The move comes less than 24 hours after Trump said Pompeo blocked the release of JFK files during his first presidency.
Many swamp creatures are already on their way out:
IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi and the head of the IDF Southern Command resign to take responsibility for the October 7, 2023 false flag operation against their citizens.
In Canada, Nazi Chrystia Freeland deletes her Instagram and WEF connections in an attempt to hide her past as a globalist lackey.
Criminal enterprises also run to protect themselves. For example, Johnson & Johnson creates subsidiaries and then lets them fail to avoid liability and lawsuits from people who get cancer from their products.
To gain access to these criminals, Trump is strengthening his power base. As part of this, Congressman Andy Ogles introduced a joint resolution in the House of Representatives to amend the United States Constitution to allow the president to serve no more than three terms. And this is after Trump had already been elected for a second time in 2020, as evidenced by the Brunson case in the Supreme Court. Trump did not place his hand on a Bible during his last inauguration ceremony because it was a ceremony honoring a defunct American corporation. Trump has already been secretly sworn in on January 10, 2021, as President of the Republic of America.
As evidence that Trump is now leaving the Federal Reserve board, he said:
「You know [the IRS] has hired — or tried to hire — 88,000 new workers to go after you, and were working on a plan to either lay them off or fire them all. Or maybe move them to the border.」
Its unclear, however, whether Trump really understands the point of taking control of the Federal Reserve Board and dismantling the IRS. He said that by the end of his first full day in Washington at the White House, he had already secured nearly $3 trillion in new investment in the United States and that by the end of the week, that figure would likely be $6 or $7 trillion.
「Huge amounts of money are going to many causes other than AI. AI seems to be very popular,」 he said.
He doesnt need this 「funny Fed money.」 He can create it himself, if its backed by real-world stuff.
In any case, hinting that he is starting to get closer to the people who stole his election in 2020, Trump said:
「I saw Senator Schiff on TV last night. He looked like he was hit with a baseball bat or something. What happened to him?Something happened to him. He looked like he was beaten. He looked like he was beaten.」
Meanwhile, Trump ally Matt Gaetz explains how lobbyists bribe Congress:
「In the morning they give everyone a thousand dollars in cash to vote for the bill.」
— They circumvent campaign finance laws by 「hiring people who would otherwise be uneployed family members.」
— 「The number of spouses and children of congressmen who have become lobbyists is staggering.」
— Lobbyists are in the halls of Congress every day, they 「work in the halls all day with employees who hope to one day become lobbyists.」
「Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina, his wife and son became lobbyists, and he was chairman of the Intelligence Committee. Do you think they had special powers of persuasion or did they make money from their family connections?」
And this is in addition to the fact that they are forced to film themselves committing sexual crimes against children as a condition of holding public office.
Trump is also taking steps to stop crimes against children. In four days, they found 80,000 children. They must have been in the tunnels under Los Angeles. Lets see if he releases the Epstein files now.
As proof that this can happen, the new administration provides detailed information about child trafficking and what is being done about it:
Trump is also trying to take control of the entire American continent. In the video below, Trump hints that he will take over Greenland and Canada, saying, 「Get ready for an expanded America.」
He also asserted his control by pulling the strings on Colombia when they tried to refuse to accept deported illegal Colombian immigrants:
「The Colombian government has agreed to all of President (Donald) Trump's terms,」 White House press secretary Caroline Leavitt told X, 「including the unrestricted admission of all illegal immigrants from Colombia returning from the United States, including on U.S. military aircraft」 without restrictions or delays.
Pentagon sources also say that by labeling Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations, he has declared war on the part of the CIA that runs the Cocaine Import Agency (CIA – a play on words, CIA also stands for 「Cocaine Import Agency」).
Hopefully he will also go after the FBI, because as the article below shows, that agency has been fraudulent for a long time.
Once Trump is done cleaning up, he will need to start negotiations with China. China desperately needs a deal because they are currently manipulating their economic data to make it look like everything is fine. China says its GDP grew 5% last year, but consumption grew only 3.5%, corporate capital spending increased only 3.2%, while property sales fell 12.9%, and foreign direct investment fell 27%.
Trump also needs to reach an agreement with China on AI:
Imagine were back in 2017 and the iPhone X has just been released. Its priced at $999, Apple has crushed sales and built a wide moat around its ecosystem.
Now imagine that a few days later another company introduced a phone and platform that is equal or better in every way and costs only $30.
That's exactly what's happening in AI today. Chinese company DeepSeek has released an open-source model that performs just as well as OpenAI's latest models, but costs a lot less. What's more, you can even download and use it for free (except for the cost of electricity).
Finally, this week, as a sign that unusual events await us, last night I noticed 9 bright celestial bodies in the sky. P3-Mason sources reported that one of them was an unknown object of enormous size and sent us this video as proof:[ missing, a drunk Russian head can hardly keep up ]
Humanity is entering uncharted waters, and events may take even more surprising turns than they are now.