川普將對中國加拿大墨西哥徵關稅 白宮宣布2/1起生效
川普:「一定」對歐盟加徵關稅 英國目前或許可免徵
川普上任肅清異己!開除「調查國會暴動」FBI高層 解雇12名檢察官
特朗普續清洗異己恐影響數千人 解僱查國會暴動檢察官及FBI高層
看看珍莎琪(Jens Psaki Rockefeller)在《MSNBC》上談到FBI清理時淚流滿面的樣子。
另一在MSNBC上對著空蕩蕩的觀眾慌張的人是前中情局局長布倫南(John Brennan),他剛剛被撤銷了安全許可證。
華盛頓空難|美軍「黑鷹」撞機致命原因找到 關鍵追蹤技術關了
我能想到的唯一「非常重要」的白帽子替身是川普在高風險場合使用的那位。國防部長赫格塞斯(Pete Hegseth)表示,該直升機執行的是「政府延續」任務。因此,很可能是川普的替身在向沙烏地阿拉伯人索要1兆美元以「延續政府」後被殺害。如果看看下面影片中川普談論墜機的情況,他似乎對發生的事情有些不安。
這一事件緊接著,比利時的政黨達成協議,組成由新弗拉芒聯盟(N-VA)領袖德維弗(Bart De Wever)領導的右翼政府。
在世界明顯覺醒的跡象中,這裏可以看到約翰·甘迺迪(John Kennedy)告訴帕特爾(Kash Patel),所有的陰謀論都是真的。
我們接下來等待的是精英戀童癖勒索網絡的系統性曝光。當參議員布萊克本(Marsha Blackburn)詢問川普指定的FBI局長帕特爾關於愛潑斯坦的國際性交易行動時,他回答說:「兒童性交易在美國是絕對無法容忍的,如果我正式上任FBI局長,我會盡一切努力確保美國民眾瞭解過去發生事情的全部真相,以及我們將如何應對未來失蹤和受剝削的兒童。」
舉例來說,前英國國會議員布裡格登(Andrew Bridgen)加入越來越多的內幕人士行列,揭發英政治菁英奉行神秘宗教,以孩童為祭品並飲用他們的血。
道格拉斯大將(Douglas MacGregor)指出,川普剛剛批准以色列獲得2000磅的炸彈,而這些炸彈唯一的用途就是摧毀城市。一名高級太空部隊指揮官說:「看起來川普已失控了。」
土政府評論員博斯坦(Yahya Bostan)寫道,超過8萬名美以支持的庫爾德代理軍在敘利亞即將加入土軍。這些外交和情報接觸預計將很快跟隨著加強的軍事協調。
最終的對決將會在俄美與撒旦教徒進行。這意味將會持續進行針對撒旦教哈巴德-盧巴維奇邪教(Satanic Chabad-Lubavitch cul)的行動,而這場行動可能會摧毀川普和普丁,除非他們立即與其保持距離。
波蘭情報機構告訴我們,2023年1月,普丁解雇了俄羅斯安全會議的助理秘書長帕夫洛夫(Aleksey Pavlov),原因是俄羅斯媒體報導帕夫洛夫稱哈巴德-盧巴維奇為「撒旦邪教」。數年前,普丁與他的撒旦拉比拉札爾(Berel Lazar)保持密切聯繫。
那麼,川普家族在紀念以色列10月7日偽旗哈馬斯襲擊一週年的時候去了哪裏?他們在撒旦拉比施內爾森(Menachem Mendel Schneerson/1902~1994. 墓前祈禱。施內爾森是邪教的第7任領袖,追隨者認為他是彌賽亞。此人曾呼籲謀殺非猶太人。
▲麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell):8900萬美元
▲查克舒默(Chuck Schumer):6600萬美元
▲格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham):8200萬美元
▲科爾尼(John Cornyn):4100萬美元
▲丹克倫肖(Dan Crenshaw):2000萬美元
▲伊麗莎白(Elizabeth Cheney):7700萬美元
▲麥卡錫(Kevin McCarthy):4200萬美元
▲拉斯金(Jamie Raskin):3800萬美元
▲邁克彭斯(Mike Pence):6100萬美元
▲彭斯(Greg Pence):1700萬美元
▲斯科特(Rick Scott):6300萬美元
▲傑弗裡斯(Hakeem Jeffries):7400萬美元
▲奧馬爾(Ilhan Omar):3300萬美元
▲沃倫(Elizabeth Warren):4200萬美元
▲伯尼(Bernie Sanders)~佛蒙特州:1,953,613美元
▲拉斐爾(Raphael Warnock )~喬治亞州:1,763,425美元
▲沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)~麻薩諸塞州:1,224,145美元
▲懷登羅恩(Ron Wyden)~俄羅斯勒岡州:1,207,873美元
▲班內特(Michael Bennet)~科羅拉多州:730,106美元
▲凱瑟琳(Catherine Cortez Masto)~內華達州:537,781美元
▲哈桑瑪吉(Maggie Hassan)~新罕布希爾州:467,999美元
▲盧詹本雷(Ben Ray Lujan)~新墨西哥州:375,652美元
▲瑪麗亞(Maria Cantwell)~華盛頓州:338,134美元
▲蒂娜(Tina Smith)~明尼蘇達州:226,444美元
▲韋爾奇(Peter Welch)~佛蒙特州:176,917美元
比爾蓋茲,作為向政治人物提供製藥資金的主要來源之一,最近被當場揭露參與一場詐騙請願醜聞,目的是要破壞小羅勃。這筆資金來自《阿拉貝拉》顧問公司(Arabella Advisors),是世上最大的暗錢網絡之一。其主要資金提供者包括比爾蓋茲、索羅斯基金會和福特基金會等。
中國的國家石油公司剛剛報告了其第一個超深項目創紀錄的石油和天然氣產量。它開發的智慧型鑽機,可以鑽到1.5萬公尺,也就是約5萬呎的深度。「地球深部國家科學技術大專案 」是一項前瞻性的戰略,既與全球科學前沿接軌,又能確保國家能源和資源安全。
DeepSeek 深度解析:挑戰 AI 搜尋新時代,能否超越 ChatGPT?
訓練成本不到 600 萬美元,中國 AI 公司開源 DeepSeek-V3 新模型
《電訊報》創始人杜羅夫(Pavel Durov )表示,「DeepShit」的巨大成功並非偶然。「中國在算法表現上的進步並非無源之水。中國學生在國際數學和程式設計奧林匹克競賽中長期超越其他國家。在培養數學和科學優秀人才方面,中國的中學教育體系超越了西方。它培養了學生之間的激烈競爭,這是從極為成功的蘇聯模式中借鑒的原則。
【原文】Benjamin Fulford Weekly Report, Feb 3, 2025
《For Trump going after the bad guys was the easy part; now comes the hard part:US Bankruptcy》
Trump, surfing a massive wave of popular anger at the Khazarian Mafia deep state, has grabbed a huge stash of low-hanging fruit by going after the deep state criminals. Now comes the hard part:negotiating the bankruptcy of the United States Corporation. The tariffs Trump announced against Canada, China, and Mexico were just an opening gambit. He is threatening tariffs against the EU and 100% against the BRICS. However, no amount of bluster will get around the fact that Trump holds a losing hand. The US economy is now only about 16% of world GDP, so he is basically outnumbered 84 to 16. Not only that, the US is sitting under $250 trillion in debt. This means he is not going to be able to incorporate Canada and Mexico into the existing US. He is going to have to dissolve it and agree to the creation of a new country.
We will get into this a bit more below, but let's start with the fun part about how the bad guys are being taken down. Everybody is cheering the purge of the Treasury Department, the FBI, and the Justice Department, etc. The purge includes more than 20 heads of FBI field offices, 30 federal prosecutors, and an unknown number of Treasury Department officials. In addition to persecuting US President Donald Trump, they acted as enforcers for the KM to take down thousands of patriots. You can be sure that once the KM lose their FBI and Justice Department hounds, the KM will have no more protection.
Take a look at Jens Psaki Rockefeller in tears on MSNBC as she talks about the clean-up of the FBI.
By the way, despite the busy month of major news, Rockefeller MSNBC averaged only 63,000 viewers between the primetime hours of 8–11 p.m. ET to finish No. 31 among cable offerings.
Another person freaking out to an empty audience on MSNBC is ex-CIA Chief John Brennan, who just had his security clearance revoked. According to several agency sources, the real Brennan has already been executed for treason at Gitmo. The point is, the Rockefellers, etc., are losing their access to US intelligence and so put a masked man pretending to be a former CIA chief to argue they should be let back in the room.
Trump has also cut off funding for USAID, the KM's color revolution and propaganda front. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says USAID was actually a CIA front, secretly funneling $5 billion in 2014 to ignite riots in Ukraine.
Elon Musk has also now accessed the US Treasury Department's money spigot and is telling the world:「USAID, using YOUR tax dollars, funded bioweapon research, including COVID-19, that killed millions of people… and handed Ukrainian energy giant Burisma a lucrative contract months after Hunter Biden joined its board, and gave $15 million to organizations linked to George Soros.」
USAID was also funding heroin production in Afghanistan, among other things.
In any case, it looks like this triggered what could be the biggest Trump purge yet. This past weekend, airspace was shut down in both Belgium and large parts of the US at the same time.
This Trump purge has led to a deep state counterattack. Pentagon sources say the helicopter that crashed into a plane last week had just left the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Washington and that 「a very important body double has been killed by black hats using a remote military helicopter.」 The only 「very important」 white hat body double I can think of is the one Trump uses for risky appearances. Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth says the chopper was on a 「Continuity of Government」 mission. So, it is a good guess the Trump double was killed after asking the Saudis for $1 trillion to 「continue the government.」 If you look at Trump talking about the crash in the video below, he does seem a bit discomposed about what happened.
MI6 explains, 「POTUS flies into the EU tomorrow, so airspace probably closed as a security measure, one would imagine, given recent events in Washington, D.C.」
This comes right after political parties in Belgium struck a deal to form a right-wing government under New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) leader Bart De Wever.
Russian President Vladimir Putin says Trump will quickly establish order among European elites, which will soon 「stand at the master's feet, wagging their tails tenderly.」
So, it looks like a long-awaited purge of the deep state in Europe, where the Davos World Forum globalists have their headquarters, is coming next.
At Davos, the avatar/masked Klaus Schwab's tone was desperate, like a man watching his carefully constructed house of cards collapse. He describes the situation as 「short-term pressure」 when, in reality, it is the fall of their New World Order.
In a clear sign the world has woken up, here you can watch John Kennedy tell Kash Patel all the conspiracies theories were true.
What we are waiting for next is the systematic exposure of the elite pedophile blackmail networks. When Senator Marsha Blackburn asked Trump's designated FBI boss, Kash Patel, about Epstein's international sex trafficking operation, he answered, 「Child sex trafficking has no place in the United States of America, and I will do everything if confirmed as FBI director to make sure the American public knows the full weight of what happened in the past and how we are going to countermand missing children and exploited children going forward.」
The medical evacuation plane that crashed in Philadelphia last week is a sign that a crackdown on child exploitation is ongoing. Mexican government sources say a young girl was on the plane, as well as many unregistered passengers who were
Mexican Shriners. The Shriners run a large network of 「children's hospitals」 around the world, and the Mexican sources say a lot more children enter these hospitals than leave them.
The Shriners released the following statement about the accident:
With deep sorrow and sadness, this club extends its deepest condolences for the irreparable loss of a Shriner patient, her family, and crew, who sadly lost their lives in the tragic jet rescue air ambulance crash that occurred in Philadelphia yesterday.
Their Mexican website featured the following photographs, which to me at least appear fairly creepy.
Also, notice what appears to be someone very similar to P. Diddy wearing what looks like a Shriner hat in the Illuminati card below.
We recommend sending special forces to all the Shriner kids' hospitals ASAP to make sure everything is kosher there.
The problem with cracking down on all this pedophilia is that almost everyone at the top of Western power structures is or has been involved.
For example, former UK MP Andrew Bridgen joined a growing cohort of insiders to blow the whistle about the British political elite practicing an occult religion that involves the sacrifice of children and the consumption of their blood. As Bridgen explains, these depraved rituals are an open secret in Westminster and form part of a sickening initiation ritual for newcomers earmarked for a career involving status, power, and wealth. Although not everyone succeeds in passing the initiation trial, everyone understands the dire consequences of speaking out.
Kash Patel hinted at a truth and reconciliation panel to deal with this problem when he said people will know the 「full weight of what happened in the past.」
This brings us to a subject we have been avoiding because I am a fan, as are most of my readers:the involvement of Donald Trump.
The fact is, nobody could get anywhere near the top of the Western power structure in the past unless they participated in such rituals. Queen Elizabeth herself confessed she was being blackmailed with a video of her cutting off a child's head and eating her heart.
The Gnostic Illuminati told me they approached Trump and promised to cover up the blackmail material being held against him if he agreed to take on the deep state.
The reason I am bringing this up again is because several top military people and Mossad agents have been very disturbed by Trump's recent endorsement of the genocide of the Judeans in Gaza and the West Bank. Field Marshal Douglas MacGregor points out Trump just authorized Israel to get 2,000-pound bombs, whose only function is to destroy cities. A senior Space Force commander says, 「It looks like Trump has gone off the reservation.」
A top Mossad source says, 「There is definitely something wrong. Several good moves and then an about-face and what looks like controlled Zionist movement.」 One example he cited was Trump's ordering a review to identify, punish, and deport 「anti-Semites」—including students on visas. Criticizing genocide in Judea is not anti-Semitic; it is anti-Satanic.
In another example, Trump recommends expelling Palestinians to build beachfront properties. A very good podcast about this is linked below:
We would like to urge Trump to start the truth and reconciliation process by asking for forgiveness—that he will certainly receive—if he reveals the skeletons in his closet.
What Trump needs to understand is the US military is going to disobey him if he tries to order them to fight Turkey when it moves on Israel.
Turkish government commentator Yahya Bostan writes that the over 80,000 US and Israeli proxy Kurdish troops in Syria are about to join the Turkish army. These diplomatic and intelligence contacts are expected to soon be followed by increased military coordination.
Israel's goal is the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank (they've even proposed setting up camps in the Sinai), the elimination of the two-state solution, and the annexation of Palestinian territories. Trump made it clear he's on the same page as Israel, telling Jordan and Egypt to 「take in the Palestinians.」 The final showdown is approaching.
The final showdown against the Satanists is also going to happen in Russia and the US. This means a continuation of the ongoing operation against the Satanic Chabad-Lubavitch cult, and it could take down both Trump and Putin unless they distance themselves ASAP.
Polish intelligence informs us that in January 2023, Putin fired his assistant secretary of the Russian Security Council, Aleksey Pavlov, right after the Russian press reported Pavlov called Chabad-Lubavitch 「a Satanic cult.」 Years earlier, Putin had a close alliance with his Chabad Rabbi, Berel Lazar.
Now, where did the Trump family go to commemorate the one-year anniversary of Israel's October 7th false flag Hamas attack?Praying at the gravesite of Lubavitcher Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902–1994), the seventh leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch cult, believed by his Satanic cult followers to be their Messiah. This is a man who called for the murder of non-Jews.
Russian FSB sources point out Russia has not left the WHO, even though it tried to murder most of humanity with vaccines. Also, it looks like Putin is going along with the KM plan to create a food crisis in 2025. Russia's grain harvest is expected to fall to 48 million tons from 72 million tons last year due to government policies. This is going to lead to a huge drop in grain exports to places like Africa that rely on Russian grain.
This is part of a coordinated push. In the US, for example, egg prices are soaring because the Biden regime ordered 100 million chickens to be killed. Beef prices are soaring because the Federal Reserve Board is cutting off money to farmers, etc., etc.
In Japan, the government has forced the price of rice up 60% and the price of vegetables up 100%. Similar moves are being seen in Europe and elsewhere.
Thankfully, we are also now seeing signs this planned food crisis is being rolled back. The US Agriculture Department has been ordered to scrub 「climate change」 from agency websites. Presumably, this means the 「food crisis caused by climate change」 story is being unwound.
In other signs the Chabad Satanists are being taken down, Mossad sources inform us that when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives in the US:「This may be Satanyahu's last trip overseas… It is expected that he will have some type of medical emergency… and disappear… maybe witness protection?There are numerous bounty hunters waiting for the opportunity to get a clear shot, so to speak.」 Netanyahu is ready to spill the beans on his Rothschild bosses because they had planned to turn him into a scapegoat, the sources say.
Another person who is seeking witness protection is Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky. Zelensky has already revealed that these are the amounts of money that Ukrainian officials have given to US politicians as 「kickbacks」:
▲Joe Biden:$92M
▲Mitch McConnell:$89M
▲Nancy Pelosi:$86M
▲Chuck Schumer:$66M
▲Lindsey Graham:$82M
▲Mitt Romney:$71M
▲John Cornyn:$41M
▲Adam Schiff:$62M
▲Dan Crenshaw:$20M
▲Elizabeth Cheney:$77M
▲Kevin McCarthy:$42M
▲Jamie Raskin:$38M
▲Mike Pence:$61M
▲Greg Pence:$17M
▲Rick Scott:$63M
▲Hakeem Jeffries:$74M
▲Ilhan Omar:$33M
▲Elizabeth Warren:$42M
The other list of bribes that is being made public is that of politicians who received money from the pharmaceutical companies. In the video below, RFK Jr. has had enough of the charade and calls out Bernie to his face about accepting millions from pharmaceutical companies. 「RFK Jr. said the quiet part out loud. Pharmaceutical companies own our politicians. And look at how badly Bernie panics,」 a Pentagon doctor comments.
Next, watch Elizabeth Warren worry that the 「vaccine industry」 will go bankrupt. 「Elizabeth Warren received MILLIONS of dollars from the pharmaceutical-vaccine industry. She only cares about her personal financial gain,」 he comments.
Musk tweeted the following about this:The hostility @RobertKennedyJr experienced at his hearing was directly proportional to how much Pharma money each Senator received. In fact, each of them simply repeated the same attacks we just saw flood the mass media (all of which were blatant lies).
▲Sanders, Bernie (I-VT)~Vermont:$1,953,613
▲Warnock, Raphael (D-GA)~Georgia:$1,763,425
▲Warren, Elizabeth (D-MA)~Massachusetts:$1,224,145
▲Wyden, Ron (D-OR)~Oregon:$1,207,873
▲Bennet, Michael (D-CO)~Colorado:$730,106
▲Masto, Catherine Cortez (D-NV)~Nevada:$537,781
▲Hassan, Maggie (D-NH)~New Hampshire:$467,999
▲Lujan, Ben Ray (D-NM)~New Mexico:$375,652
▲Whitehouse, Sheldon (D-RI)~Rhode Island:$351,361
▲Cantwell, Maria (D-WA)~Washington:$338,134
▲Smith, Tina (D-MN)~Minnesota:$226,444
▲Welch, Peter (D-VT)~Vermont:$176,917
Bill Gates, one of the chief sources of pharmaceutical money to politicians, was just caught red-handed in a fraudulent petition scandal aimed at derailing RFK Jr. It is funded by Arabella Advisors, one of the largest dark money networks in the world. Its main financiers are Bill Gates, the George Soros Foundation, and the Ford Foundation.
Here is RFK Jr.'s response:
To the 17,000 doctors that are opposing RFK Jr. as the incoming HHS Secretary… Please submit to a full forensic financial audit of your bank accounts and stocks to prove you're not owned by the vaccine industry. Until then, your opinions mean nothing. We gonna win this fight together.
By contrast to the fake poll, a peer-reviewed study finds irrefutable evidence for the immediate market withdrawal of COVID-19 「vaccines.」 Over 81,000 physicians, scientists, and concerned citizens, 240 elected officials, and 17 professional organizations say excess mortality, negative efficacy, and DNA contamination call for urgent action.
Another peer-reviewed study shows 85% of learning disabilities in kids are being caused by the CDC childhood vaccination schedule. Close to 80% of all autism cases in America are caused by vaccines. Let that sink in.
Getting back to the big picture, this seizure of our corporations and politicians by a Satanic mafia is leading to the collapse of Western civilization.
This is going to take drastic action to stop. Field Marshal Douglas MacGregor says we need to do things like get US troops out of Europe. He also points out, 「We have a vast surface fleet in the United States Navy. Those things are largely target arrays on the modern ocean. Surface fleets, as we have seen them since 1915, are probably obsolete. We can't protect them anymore. We have to get out of this bullying, this bribing, and this bombing. That's all we do… We need to put America first—not Ukraine first, not Israel first—America first.」
Trump's call for tariffs against basically the entire world reeks of desperation. The US regime is not acting from any position of strength and is running scared. Think about this:
▲The US has imposed a 60% tariff on Chinese imports since 2017.
▲It imposes a 100% tax on Chinese EVs.
▲The US imposed dozens of export controls on China, often using coercion against its own 「allies」 to follow suit.
▲It put thousands of Chinese companies on the US entity list with all sorts of made-up justifications in hopes of disrupting these companies' operations.
▲Trump is again making noises to impose 100% tariffs on Chinese imports. He is going further to threaten invading Panama and Greenland to contain China.
▲The FBI launched the infamous China Initiative to prosecute Chinese scientists working in the US, yielding zero prosecutable cases after ruining the lives of numerous scholars and scientists.
The result has still been that China has about a $1 trillion trade surplus with the rest of the world, while the US has a $1 trillion deficit.
The US deficit in the trade of goods with Mexico has widened from $106 billion in 2019 to $161 billion in 2023 because the country has largely replaced China as the source of cheap furniture, textiles, and computer-related imports. In other words, the Chinese responded to tariffs by moving to other countries.
The deficit with Canada has soared from $31 billion in 2019 to $72 billion in 2023, mainly due to America's huge imports of Canadian energy. Twenty percent of the oil from Canada goes to refineries, so when that supply is cut, US gasoline supplies will fall by 20% or more, and Americans are going to pay more for gas.
The reason the US and most of the West are bankrupt is because we do not have a future planning agency like China does. Our economy is run by Satanists who are trying to kill us. Unless the transnational corporations are nationalized and placed under meritocratic management on behalf of the people, it is only going to be a matter of time before the US becomes a backward cowboy holiday spot for rich Chinese.
Let us look at some recent Chinese accomplishments:
China's national oil company has just reported record oil and gas production from its first ultra-deep project. It developed a smart drilling rig that could reach depths of 15,000 meters, or about 50,000 feet. 「The Deep Earth National Science and Technology Megaproject is a forward-looking strategy that aligns with global scientific frontiers while ensuring national energy and resource security.」
There are schools of thought that argue there is, in fact, an unending supply of hydrocarbons in the Earth's crust, and it looks like the Chinese have just proven them right. Think about it:unlimited oil and no need to import from Russia or the Middle East.
The Chinese have also solved the problem of storing large amounts of energy that the West has been unable to accomplish despite decades of trying. The best technology the West has is still to pump water up a hill and then let it pour back down through a generator.
China has just come up with something better. A 300 MW compressed air energy storage (CAES) power station utilizing two underground salt caverns in central China's Hubei Province was successfully connected to the grid at full capacity, making it the largest operating project of its kind in the world.
Then, of course, there was the DeepSeek shock that basically pulled out the rug from under Silicon Valley, one of the last refuges of US excellence.
Telegraph founder Pavel Durov says DeepSeek's huge success is no coincidence. 「China's progress in algorithm performance did not come out of nowhere. Chinese students have long outperformed others in international math and programming Olympiads. In terms of producing people who excel in math and science, China's secondary school system outperforms the West. It cultivates vigorous competition among students, a principle borrowed from the highly successful Soviet model. In Western schools, however, competition is discouraged, and student grades and rankings are prohibited. Telling all students that they are champions, regardless of their performance, may seem like a good thing, but that's only if you don't consider how quickly that illusion is shattered after they graduate.」
Speaking about China, Asian secret society sources say a huge battle against the deep state is taking place in East Asia right now. A series of earthquakes hit Taiwan last week, running in a straight line at a depth of 10 kilometers, and were the result of DUMBs being taken out. Also, Japan's Asahi Newspaper reported 500 simultaneous deaths from heart attacks coincided with the first earthquake, but the report was taken down almost immediately.
The secret war is still raging, and we expect huge planetary changes between now and the end of March. Rest assured, though, that at a very fundamental level, the tide has changed, and the white hats will emerge victorious.