We spoke yesterday of the importance of presence and how it works as your power centre and a tool for gratitude, flow, and creation.We wish to expand upon that message today.

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Dear Ones, more and more you are being redirected back into your Now moment.You may experience this as not knowing what your next steps are or how to proceed.While this may seem frustrating to you, it is actually serving you in a very profound way.It is causing you to focus on the only thing you do know for sure, which is your present moment.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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The source of the ongoing dystopia in the West has been traced to the Bank for International Sins in Basle, Switzerland.  This Nazi Khazarian Mafia institution has been murdering European Royals and others while simultaneously trying to bribe the Asian Dragon families into cooperation, according to NSA and Asian Secret Society sources.  These are the criminals behind the fake Joe Biden presidency and the probable murder of Queen Elizabeth II, the sources say.

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