If part of your anxiety could actually be excitement, and you know you don't get excited about unpleasant things, perhaps you can settle into the idea that the experience of anxiety/excitement is a sure sign of wonderful new potentials that are now close enough that you can feel them energetically.

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The Cabal is trying to create a new war in Middle East by engineering a conflict in Israel and Gaza:

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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Anxiety is a common ascension symptom for many enlightening human beings.Most of you consider anxiety to be a negative experience, and we do understand it can be quite uncomfortable for you.But today we wish to give you another perspective about anxiety for you to explore.

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So many of you seek a one size fits all answer to apply to navigating your lives, but having only one acceptable way of doing things has been at the core of every control system on earth.We understand your frustration when faced with so many options, but the gift in all of that is having the freedom to decide what is right for you and your unique life expression.That is exactly how you step into your role as your own empowered leader—by trying on external opinions to see if they are your truth, much like you might try on several outfits for a special event until you find the one that feels most comfortable and appropriate.From there you can confidently step forward in that truth secure in the fact that you made the decision that is best for you, but also in the knowingness that what was a match for you might not be a match for another person.You are learning to honour the importance and sacredness of free will, both for yourselves and for others.

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The way to heal division is to find the common denominator between you and others and to connect and grow your relationships respectfully from there.There are many basic needs human beings agree on and desire.Peace.Love.Health.Freedom.Self expression.Acceptance.Comfort.Safety.This is just to name a few.You may have different ideas on how to best achieve those things, but that is to be expected as you are all individual and have different paths of discovery your souls wish to take.But there are far more things that connect you in having a human experience than there are that separate you.It is the shift out of depths of separation into reunification that will create much healing on your planet and will pave the way for the new earth experience you truly desire.

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