- Apr 12 Mon 2021 00:00
- Apr 11 Sun 2021 16:57
反核擁核的另一選擇 乾淨安全的釷能源
- Apr 11 Sun 2021 16:22
【本傑明·福爾富德】2021-4-5 每週快訊
The grotesque psychological warfare operation against the American people known as the"Biden presidency"is run out of an underground base in Switzerland, MI6, NSA, FSB, CIA, and other sources agree.The base straddles the borders of Lichenstein, Austria, and Switzerland, allowing entry from any of those three countries, according to a CIA source.However, despite the overwhelmingly dark story of pandemic doom and"foreign enemies,"in the corporate media, the fact the ruling class has been forced to retreat to Switzerland is actually a sign they are losing the war for the planet.
- Apr 11 Sun 2021 00:00
- Apr 10 Sat 2021 15:43
- Apr 10 Sat 2021 15:34
【大天使加百利】2021-4-9 全心投入接收的喜悅中
Many of you are far more comfortable with giving than receiving.Today we encourage you to grow and expanding your willingness to receive.Say yes to help.Breathe in deeply.Acknowledge your worthiness.Receive compliments gracefully.Open your heart to truly feel the love and support that has always existed for you!Aheartfelt thank you is all that is required to shift into the joy of receiving.
- Apr 10 Sat 2021 15:33
【大天使加百利】2021-4-8 與天使頻率對齊所需的時間
Many of you think you must spend hours in contemplation, prayer, or meditation in order to connect with us, so you put it off until you have more time.Dear Ones, nothing could be further from the truth!
- Apr 10 Sat 2021 15:32
【大天使加百利】2021-4-7 一切都是以某種方式在服務於你
Dear Ones, acceptance doesn't mean you are committing to stay in energies that are not your preference.Quite the opposite! Acceptance means you are choosing to not use your energy to continue to engage with the unwanted through resistance.Acceptance is being willing to keep moving with the flow, embodying your faith and trust, secure in the knowledge it is all serving you in one way or another.
- Apr 10 Sat 2021 15:31
【大天使加百利】2021-4-6 像一棵樹一樣對待自己
If things become a little overwhelming, we have some very simple advice for you.Treat yourself like a tree.
- Apr 09 Fri 2021 15:56
- Apr 09 Fri 2021 15:52
- Apr 09 Fri 2021 15:51