A great many of you have been in service for many years.You have been holding the space for others and your planet.You have been actively caring for so many around you.You have been dedicated to your mission and have been doing the heavy lifting, often feeling misunderstood and unsupported.
- Feb 19 Fri 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-2-13 讓你的服務以榮耀你和你靈魂議程的方式轉變和發展
- Feb 19 Fri 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-2-12 接納自己的情緒
Many of you are leery to feel your emotions.You may be feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the times you are in, or think it will be too much on top of your energetic sensitivities.But resisting your emotions is a great disservice, first because they have a wealth of information for you, and second because by resisting them you actually amplify them and your discomfort because you are practicing separation within yourself.
- Feb 18 Thu 2021 00:00
- Feb 18 Thu 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-2-11 走出受害者模式
Dear Ones,during times of intensity and change,people can get triggered and act out in sudden and surprising ways.This may feel shocking and confusing to you.
- Feb 17 Wed 2021 00:00
- Feb 17 Wed 2021 00:00
- Feb 17 Wed 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-2-10 與內在智慧連接不需要任何特殊技能
You may have a situation that has some unknowns and you aren't sure to proceed.Your mind,in its desire to micro-manage and control,may urge you to take action.If you feel deeper,you may discover another quieter,calmer intuition that encourages you to wait until you have more information.That calmer voice is your inner wise one and it will never,ever steer you wrong.
- Feb 16 Tue 2021 00:01
- Feb 16 Tue 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-2-9 擁抱你的存在
The candle does not worry about protecting itself from the darkness.It knows that its own luminosity is the only thing it needs to be the light and honour its purpose.It is the same for you,Dear Ones.All you have ever needed to do is embrace your beingness and allow the beautiful,luminosity of your soul to lead your way forward.Anything that is not supportive of that will naturally be dispelled or transformed through the effectiveness of your own light.
- Feb 15 Mon 2021 00:00
- Feb 15 Mon 2021 00:00
【大天使加百利】2021-2-8 與你的靈魂連接
Some of you may have a very strong belief in angels or God but still feel somewhat separate from them.You know they exist,you just aren't sure that they are listening or aren't too busy to help you.
- Feb 14 Sun 2021 14:23