- Aug 29 Sat 2020 15:45
- Aug 29 Sat 2020 15:42
- Aug 28 Fri 2020 15:53
- Aug 27 Thu 2020 14:31
- Aug 26 Wed 2020 14:25
- Aug 25 Tue 2020 13:24
【大天使加百利】2020-8-24 允許自己由內在智慧來指引
There is both great humility and great power when you can say,"I don't know" and shift into allowing yourself to be guided.It sets you into the perfect balance for profound forward movement.
- Aug 25 Tue 2020 13:23
【大天使加百利】2020-8-23 花時間再次瞭解自己
You cannot deny yourself and be authentic at the same time.Take the time to get to know yourself again.Come Home to yourself, with your love, acceptance, and friendship.Under all your old conditioning and self judgment there is a wonderful you just waiting to be discovered.Allow that truth to lead the way, and you will find the path you were always meant to walk.
- Aug 25 Tue 2020 13:22
【大天使加百利】2020-8-22 請專注於你真正期望的
Water in a river goes around a stone, it does not stay and push against the obstacle.Another wonderful thing happens as the water decides to flow beyond what does not serve its journey—the obstacle begins to erode and its sharp edges soften.
- Aug 24 Mon 2020 16:28
- Aug 23 Sun 2020 15:25
- Aug 23 Sun 2020 15:17
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Aug 23 Sun 2020 15:16
【大天使加百利】2020-8-21 找到適合自己的獨特風格
If you are an empath you simply have a natural energetic curiosity.You came in with that curiosity in order to learn more about how to read and create with energy.That was at the top of your to-do list for this incarnation.