We understand it can seem like your consistent efforts are not reaping rewards.Let us reassure you that is not so.

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If you have a dream, you can start having a relationship with it immediately through meditation.Give your dream a form.Talk to it.What does it need from you? How can you nurture it? How does it want to express itself? What does it require to take on its greatest form?

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What is your soul encouraging you to include in your day today?

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Evita:I've Never Been To Me是Charlene Duncan(夏琳鄧肯)代表作,也是鄧麗君最愛的一首歌,未曾有自我(I've Never Been to Me)是一首充滿女性自覺的抒情歌曲。歌曲的敘述方式十分特別:描述一個歷經滄桑的女人,見到一位因不滿自己的生活,準備去追尋"自由"的怨婦,忍不住真摯地提出忠告:"我自己也曾經有過放蕩形骸的生活,甚至為追尋所謂的自由走遍了世界;而且憑藉年輕和美貌,曾得到過別的女人做夢都不敢想的快樂時光;但是到頭來卻是一場空,等到年紀大了才發覺自己過去所追求的不過是鏡花水月,甚至從未有過真正的自我"。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

As you finish out the last four months of 2020, you will all be going through a series of energetic shifts, one for each remaining month.As you enter each month it will be much like stepping onto a new platform that holds its own energetics.You will assimilate those energies and be prepared to step onto the platform of the next month, and so on, in a process that is preparing you well to step up and into the energies of 2021.

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Having a dream doesn't just mean it is a possibility for you.That desire exists because it has a purpose—to beckon you into that experience.It is placed there by your soul to help guide your journey.Accepting that truth is what activates the flow that allows your intersection with it.It creates a pull between you and your dream that allows you to meet and become one.

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One of the most distinct aspects of the unprecedented energies you are in is you are experiencing two distinct phases of your incarnation.The first phase is being energetically wrapped up and will soon feel very far removed, much like a past life.The next phase is like stepping out into a brand new incarnation.

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