Dear Ones, if you want positive change you must be willing to embrace the elements that take you there. Those include surrender, which is the entry point of movement, flow, which is the movement, and trust which is what sustains the movement. You cannot get where you want to go if you are resisting or denying any of those essential aspects. Simply put, you must take your foot off the brake, put your car in drive, and continue to give it gas if you wish to reach a destination.
- Oct 17 Thu 2019 16:27
【大天使加百利】2019-10-15 如果你想要積極的改變...
- Oct 17 Thu 2019 16:26
【天使】2019-10-12 你不會出錯
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Oct 15 Tue 2019 15:03
- Oct 15 Tue 2019 14:53
與歷史價格水平相比 當前銀價比金價更具有吸引力
金拓新聞7月10日報導,羅傑斯控股公司(Rogers Holdings)主席、「商品大王」吉姆·羅傑斯(Jim Rogers)表示,與歷史水平相比,當前的銀價要比金價更具有吸引力。金價今年以來上漲10.8%,反觀銀價則是下跌2%,因金價受惠於避險需求,而經濟疲軟影響工業需求則是拖累銀價。羅傑斯並預言下一個空頭市場來臨將主要是因為全球債務過高以及貿易戰的影響。
- Oct 15 Tue 2019 14:53
【柯博拉】讓它發生! 2019年11月11日白銀致富行動(補充更新)
It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Mercury transit on November 11th to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and enlighten the energy of the worldwide financial system.
- Oct 14 Mon 2019 14:26
- Oct 14 Mon 2019 14:21
- Oct 14 Mon 2019 14:16
【大天使加百利】2019-10-13 停止否認自己
We understand many of you are afraid to sit with your emotions. You feel like it will be overwhelming or more than you can handle. If you have been avoiding emotions for a long time, you might be scared that too much will come spilling out.
- Oct 14 Mon 2019 14:15
【大天使加百利】2019-10-12 你既是創造者也是體驗者
The more open and easy you are with flow, the more possibilities and potentials you can discover and explore.You become a beautiful expression of faith and trust in motion, which opens you to the full magic and wonder of the journey. What we want you to understand is through your focus and surrender you are both the creator, and the experiencer, of it all.
- Oct 13 Sun 2019 13:00
【大角星人】2019-9-8 持有身體的神聖藍圖
- Oct 13 Sun 2019 12:56
- Oct 12 Sat 2019 14:36