My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Aug 13 Tue 2019 11:53
【天使】2019-8-10 深處的平和
- Aug 13 Tue 2019 11:52
【大天使加百利】2019-8-12 無論是快或慢或是暫時停滯,進化都不會停止
Dear Ones, what we wish for you to understand is that all movement is forward movement.Whether you are completely dedicated to your spiritual path, or whether you are exploring what it is not, you are gathering information that allows you to decide what resonates with you and how you wish to express yourself.
- Aug 13 Tue 2019 11:51
【大天使加百利】2019-8-11 跟隨愛
If you have trouble embracing the flow, you might consider viewing it as Following Love Over Worry.
- Aug 11 Sun 2019 12:05
- Aug 11 Sun 2019 11:56
【大天使加百利】2019-8-10 釋放任何舊的、基於恐懼的故事
Dear Ones, you are in charge of your energetics.The idea that any energy is stronger than you is simply not true. You are sovereign beings, and as such, are completely free to emanate your truth, light, and beingness without any sort of interference.
- Aug 10 Sat 2019 12:54
【大天使加百利】2019-8-9 愛自己,你可以
What is the most gentle and loving thing you can do for yourself today?
- Aug 10 Sat 2019 12:47
【大天使加百利】2019-8-8 找到你的和平
Peace is a powerfully stabilizing energy.The more you can find your way into a place of peace, the more you serve not only yourselves, but others and your planet as well. But what if you cannot find the space of peace you crave?
- Aug 10 Sat 2019 12:47
- Aug 09 Fri 2019 13:33
- Aug 08 Thu 2019 13:54
- Aug 08 Thu 2019 13:50
【大天使加百利】2019-8-7 這就是展開
We wish to remind you that the greatest changes are always made one small step at a time.It is the accumulation of energy that comes from those consistent efforts that allows new vistas and possibilities to open to you. Taking it one now moment at a time lets you choose the best match to the energies you are in at any given time, which supports empowered forward movement. You don't have to have all the answers when you begin, Dear Ones, because that is exactly what the unfoldment is for.
- Aug 08 Thu 2019 13:47
【大天使加百利】2019-8-6 創造新的豐盛模版
Many enlightening human beings experience challenges with abundance.This can be due to old belief systems, or simply not wanting to be part of a system that is seen as separatist. You may be rejecting the old ways of the haves and the have nots.