God said:
- Sep 23 Sun 2018 10:40
- Sep 23 Sun 2018 10:36
【大天使加百利】2018-9-21 進化的鐵證
Being easy with yourself when things come up for healing allows you to shift with far greater ease with the assistance of your own love and nurturing. Every single time something comes into your awareness for healing or release, it is indicating that you are becoming lighter, more authentic, more aligned, more shifted. It is a wonderful thing to celebrate, that it is no longer a match for you to carry that old fear or wound and that you have worked and evolved to the point where it can now be let go. It is proof positive of your own evolution. Isn't it time to be a loving guide and support to yourself through these moments of transformation that can often make you feel temporarily vulnerable by creating a space of safety with your own care and understanding until you reach a place of comfort with your new level of beingness?
- Sep 22 Sat 2018 12:09
God said:
- Sep 22 Sat 2018 12:08
- Sep 22 Sat 2018 12:00
【大天使加百利】2018-9-20 相信你的靈魂總是會指引你前往最佳地點
As you continue to step into the new energies that mark the next phase of your incarnation, many of you will be drawn to different locales. This always serves a purpose, both in support of you, and of the area you feel guided to.
- Sep 21 Fri 2018 13:07
God said:
- Sep 21 Fri 2018 13:03
【大天使加百利】2018-9-19 "趁年輕時好好享受人生"這句話有什麼問題?
As you continue to grow and expand into living your biggest, most beautiful life expression, old belief systems that stand in the way of where your soul wishes to go will come up for release. The one we would like to discuss today is,"Enjoy yourself while you are still young".
- Sep 20 Thu 2018 11:22
- Sep 20 Thu 2018 11:00
【本傑明·富爾福德】2018-9-17 新聞快訊
MI6 says cabal rule could collapse within three months
- Sep 20 Thu 2018 10:59
【大天使加百利】2018-9-18 注意每一個在你身體中的感受
What would happen if you replaced the need for battling against anything with simply embracing self expression? What if you gave up struggle for flow? Doing for being? Martyred service for joyful service? Feel into it. If you pay close attention when you feel into battle and then feel into self expression, you will sense they exist on very different energetic lines of potential. You will feel yourself shift sideways onto different timelines. This is because there are new possibilities that come from every change of focus you make. The same will be with the energetic difference between struggle and flowing, doing and being, sacrificial service vs supported service. Notice how each feels in your body and which ones feel aligned with you and where you wish to go. What choices allow you to anchor the energy of peace?
- Sep 19 Wed 2018 11:11