Don't ever distrust your ability to guide yourself in your own life expression. If you are unsure of how to proceed, simply asking,"What would my inner wisdom advise?"will immediately connect you with the part of you that knows exactly what to do. This is an excellent practice to help you shift from the chatter of the mind to the knowingness of the heart.

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編者按:柯博拉2018年第一場揚升會議於4/14~4/15 在匈牙利的布達佩斯舉行。在會議中,柯博拉鼓勵參會者們積極將記錄的筆記與更多人分享,基於這一精神,準備轉變將參會者們的筆記整理成文,將陸續發佈,供各位群友及時瞭解最新資訊 - "事件",揚升及新現實,並積極行動起來,聽從內心指引,找到自己的使命。

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Selamat Balik. A new financial system is ready to be announced. It utilizes a quantum computer that will end all cabal efforts to steal or reroute your promised prosperity. This new financial system is casting aside the old globalist agenda as it ushers in a fresh new multi-lateral alliance and new range of sources. The sources to which we refer are the small people-oriented banks that are coalescing in some of your poorest countries. All currency will be asset-backed. Brace yourself for the introduction to new economic and political alliances  alliances once thought impossible. The Light will be Victorious.

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Hello Suzy.

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Now is the time for the Earth Angel reserves to step forward.Yes you! We are talking to you!

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Many of you wonder if you are surrendered into the flow.There are a couple of ways to know.

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Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The remaining plasma toplet bombs are still the main obstacle that needs to be removed before the Event can be triggered.

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We cannot stress enough the immense power of experience in your lives.As you move forward as the empowered creator in your own life expression, you will support your freedom and expansion best by releasing the attachment to result and seeing that experience has immense value for you.

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新聞記者-Curtis Waltman先前為了調閱關於反法西斯團體和其他白人至上團體的資料寫信給華盛頓國家融合中心( Washington State Fusion Center )。華盛頓國家融合中心是一個華盛頓州立司法單位和美國聯邦政府共同組成的公共安全機構。 Waltman從回信中得到了他想知道的解答,不過他發現回信的附加檔案有一個名叫"電磁波對人體影響"的壓縮檔。這份壓縮檔包含了這些圖檔:

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