One of the most profound shifts you can make in your life is to start to make choices based on what you wish to experience rather than what you wish to avoid.The intention you choose to create change from makes all the difference in the world in terms of energetic result for the simple reason that one is born from fear while the other is born from empowerment.
- Apr 20 Fri 2018 11:22
【大天使加百利】2018-4-18 明智的選擇
- Apr 20 Fri 2018 11:22
God said:
- Apr 20 Fri 2018 11:05
【本傑明·富爾福德】2018-4-16 新聞快訊
Revolution may start in France as crazy Zionists try yet again to start WW3
- Apr 19 Thu 2018 13:37
God said:
- Apr 19 Thu 2018 13:23
- Apr 19 Thu 2018 13:14
【大天使加百利】2018-4-17 振動層面的比喻
We wish to explain vibrational layers in a way that will be easy for you to understand.Imagine you have a house with many different floors –a basement, a main floor, an upper floor, and an attic. Each floor represents a different vibration, with the basement holding the most density and the attic holding the highest energies.
- Apr 18 Wed 2018 12:13
- Apr 18 Wed 2018 12:09
God said:
- Apr 18 Wed 2018 12:02
【大天使加百利】2018-4-16 你人生旅程的每個部分都支持著更大的整體
Your creations may require smaller steps to make them sustainable.Pieces may need to fall into place in a specific order in order to create a foundation that can be built upon. Some lulls serve the purpose of allowing energetic integration to move you closer to your goals. Your co-creation is not unlike the energetic shifts you go through in your enlightenment process. Each part of the journey supports the whole of your expansion. Do you see? Every step of the unfoldment has purpose, contains exactly what you need, and moves at the perfect pace for your comfort and success.
- Apr 17 Tue 2018 12:30
- Apr 17 Tue 2018 12:20
God said:
- Apr 17 Tue 2018 12:17
【大天使加百利】2018-4-15 一步一步地踏實前進
Huge vibrational leaps can be difficult to make for most humans seeking change.It is far easier for you to move incrementally towards your goals. So if you wish for more happiness, actively choose things, one at a time, that would bring you more joy. If you seek healing, start making positive changes for your health –small shifts that are easy to implement. If you wish to deepen your spiritual practice, you can do so quite nicely by simply choosing to pause in more presence and gratitude whenever you may think of it. If more love is what you desire, seek out things that represent love to you and find simple ways you can express love to yourself and others. All great change is a process of expansion and unfoldment, which can be done with far greater grace and ease if you allow yourself to move into it one small step at a time.