Dear Ones, you can always choose to be a bringer of the light whenever you want.This is a beautiful and loving act of service.And because you are choosing ahead of time to embody and emanate your divine light, you will find you are far less energetically affected by those who have temporarily forgotten their own divinity and ability to shine.

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You can spend your life on Earth like a child with no boundaries….arguing, fighting, blaming and with anger.Or…you can rest in the peaceful knowledge that all is as it should be in The Universe and, if things are not flowing the way you feel they should, the tide will eventually turn and all will be well.It is completely up to you.

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So many of you wait to get clarity about what you would like to create until it is time to make new years resolutions.But if you are looking for some extra energetic support, it would be far wiser to make those intentions and changes before the winter solstice.You see, solstices serve as"save points" where the energy and progress gets locked in.Harnessing that energy to support the changes you wish to make will make it far easier to be successful in those desires.

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A great doorway is opening; as the first rays come bursting forth, some will react with fear and trepidation while others will rejoice and sing praises of The Universe.I tell you now,"There is nothing to fear.Stay in Centered Love and all will be well."

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