There are many problems.The house is burning, not only your particular little place but the house of everyone; it does not matter where one lives—in the Communist world or in the world of affluence or in this poverty-ridden country, the house is burning.This is not a theory, not an idea, not something the expert, the specialist, points out.

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美國Rasmussen Reports公司的調查顯示,大部份美國先民認為,美國媒體支持希拉蕊。美國民主黨的代表們和該黨總統候選人希拉蕊曾一再重申,俄羅斯參與對美國政府機構的駭客攻擊,以便影響大選結果。美國當局未能出示任何證明俄方與這些行為有關的證據。

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Utilize your many strengths

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What does it mean to be called into service? Some of you have a vague idea, others a deeper understanding. Regardless of where you are in your growth process it is important for you to understand why. You chose to be born at this particular time, in this part of your Earth plane history for the distinct purpose of moving your planet toward enlightened thinking and being.You have a very special gift and it is time to use it!

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倫敦週二,厄瓜多爾宣佈,它已切斷在該國倫敦大使館流亡的朱利安·阿桑奇(Julian Assange)的網路接入,表明這個小國擔心自己正被捲入維基解密(WikiLeaks)創始人「干涉」美國大選的活動。

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When you consciously choose to work with your angels, guides, and helpers you create a bridge between heaven and earth.

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Finding the right Balance

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Wake up, wake up, wake up! It is now! There is no longer any time for dawdling and dragging your heels. Those of you that have been called to service need to respond. Walking in two worlds is no longer an option. Begin the "outreach", it is time.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

巴夏:物質世界,正如我之前說的,只是一面鏡子。任何你所定義的,任何你所相信是最為真實的,就是你得到的(Whatever you believe is most true Is what you get)

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