- Nov 12 Sat 2016 13:02
- Nov 12 Sat 2016 12:32
【大天使加百利】2016-11-10 有愛的響應
Dear Ones, you are more aware now, than any other time on your planet, how much divisiveness and separation hurts.The anti-dotes for those energies are acceptance, allowing, unity consciousness, and unconditional love.Now is a time to be kind, gentle, and understanding with yourselves and each other, as there are many opportunities for healing and deeper awareness in times of great change.That healing comes by lovingly responding to what is needed one Now moment at a time.
- Nov 12 Sat 2016 12:29
【造物主】2016-11-8 恐懼還是安心
The chasm between fear and safety has always been as wide as you choose it to be.
- Nov 12 Sat 2016 12:27
- Nov 11 Fri 2016 14:16
- Nov 11 Fri 2016 14:02
【柯博拉】2016-11-9 藍龍和事件
Now that the circus of the US elections is over, we can finally focus again on real intel.
- Nov 11 Fri 2016 13:59
- Nov 11 Fri 2016 13:48
【大天使加百利】2016-11-9 成長的連接
Dear Ones, there are always ways to unify.People want to be safe.They want to be loved.They want to be honoured and accepted.They want things to expand, to improve, to be better, however that looks to them.Those are the connections that you can water and grow, by recognizing, nurturing, and celebrating the common denominators that exist in each other, and building bridges of understanding and positive change from there, even if the choices and paths of others are different than what you would choose for yourself.
- Nov 11 Fri 2016 13:47
【造物主】2016-11-7 給
Many say they have nothing left to give.If you can give one thing,give Love.There is an infinite supply on hand and it costs nothing.
- Nov 11 Fri 2016 13:44
- Nov 11 Fri 2016 11:11
【金魚報告】2016-11-11 柯博拉和A′drieiuous的昴宿星訪談
- Nov 10 Thu 2016 13:28