When you are wishing to manifest something you desire, we recommend using the5A's.
- Oct 18 Tue 2016 12:03
【大天使加百利】2016-10-16 顯化的5個竅門
- Oct 18 Tue 2016 12:02
【造物主】2016-10-14 目的
Just as there is a purpose for every star in the sky, every tree that grows and every breath taken; there is a purpose for you.
- Oct 18 Tue 2016 11:49
- Oct 17 Mon 2016 13:06
【泰樂斯阿達瑪】2016-10-17 能量更新信息
Greetings,Beloved Ones.
- Oct 17 Mon 2016 13:02
- Oct 17 Mon 2016 12:58
- Oct 17 Mon 2016 12:51
【麥田圈】2016-10-14 荷蘭發現新的麥田圈(草圈)
- Oct 17 Mon 2016 12:50
【大天使加百利】2016-10-15 請求宇宙給予跡像
Asking the universe for a sign is a wonderful practice that can be very supportive to you moving forward.Working with spirit in such a way perpetuates surrender, flow, and acceptance.It keeps you in the present moment as you look for the signs and synchronicities, and also supports the practice of gratitude.And it helps you to fortify your trust by seeing how the universe is always responding to you, and lovingly guiding the way.You are never bothering us by asking for a sign.In fact, we love when you do, for it is through the asking that you find answers, and keep yourself in beautiful supported forward movement.It is great fun for us to leave surprises for you and to see you experience the magic of your co-creation.
- Oct 17 Mon 2016 12:46
【造物主】2016-10-13 母性之愛
Your Earth-plane existence is changing faster than you could ever imagine.The traditional roles of the Paternal Order are changing and being replaced with Maternal Love.The true cyclical nature of your beings will be revealed.
- Oct 17 Mon 2016 12:32
【健康】提升睡眠品質 睡前做放鬆瑜珈
- Oct 16 Sun 2016 12:53
Law number three:What you put out is what you get back.
- Oct 16 Sun 2016 12:47
動物也有情,泰國大象自然公園的保育員德瑞克落水,小像坎拉(Kham Lha)馬上涉過湍急的水流,用自己的鼻子當救生圈讓德瑞克抱著,才避免意外。大象自然公園說,這個影片就能說明「我們用愛對待動物,它們也會以愛回報」。