When Darkness Comes To Call

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When you are no longer totally identified with forms,consciousness—who you are—becomes freed from its imprisonment in form.This freedom is the arising of inner space.It comes as a stillness,a subtle peace deep within you,even in the face of something seemingly bad.This,too,will pass.Suddenly,there is space around the event.There is also space around the emotional highs and lows,even around pain.And above all,there is space between your thoughts.And from that space emanates a peace that is not"of this world,"because this world is form,and the peace is space.This is the peace of God.

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As you continue to march forward on your enlightenment journey,you will begin to notice that any decision you make that does not honour who you are,or involves giving your power away,is absolutely not supported.In record time,you will find it coming back up for you to review in your soul"s desire to move beyond those old habits once and for all.

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Becoming more Conscious

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Live Your Dream

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三個單位共同發表於《國際肥胖期刊》(International Journal of Obesity)的報告指出,若想維持健康的體重,用餐時間可能比吃進食物份量的多少還要重要。這是第一次大規模證實用餐時間與減肥有效性相關的研究。

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We have entered a new cycle,the Chinese year of the sheep.This is the time when victory is achieved by gentleness and not by brutal force:

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