Also allow yourselves to understand the following thing about healing:

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When you see someone making a choice that is contrary to what you would choose for yourself, instead of deeming it to be right or wrong, good or bad, why not see them as choosing to have an experience—an experience that will have great value to them, that it is a demonstration of free will that will lead to growth and expansion, otherwise, it simply wouldn't be occurring.

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Dear Ones, we know that in turbulent energies it can be difficult to know how to proceed.There is wisdom in waiting before you do anything until you have more clarity.

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Within you exists an untapped potential and an infinite number of Universes awaiting exploration.What are you waiting for?

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Hillary Clinton is dead, Bill on the run as Clinton Foundation scandals finish the DC crooks off

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Dear Ones, the dark night of the soul is a period of cocooning—of deep introspection, of learning, of healing, and of transformation.It serves a tremendous purpose on your spiritual journey.It is marked with reevaluating everything, with the change of relationships, careers, and friendships, and can be a very solitary somber period.While it can seem long and arduous, it is an energetic corridor that does come to an end, and for many of you that time is now.

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If you have an area in your life that continues to be what you consider to be problematic, we encourage you to ask the following:

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Some of you spend a great deal of time searching for the future; asking when your soul mate/true love will come, divining your "future" or any other number of questions regarding things that may or may not happen. It is time to open your mind to the fact that you are solely responsible for the co-creation of your world! In laying those questions at another person's feet, you relinquish your power and, in essence,making excuses for why something is not happening in your life. You, and you alone, must take the initiative and action to move forward.

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