- Sep 20 Tue 2016 12:04
- Sep 20 Tue 2016 11:54
- Sep 20 Tue 2016 11:47
【大天使加百利】2016-9-17 你是創造者
Dear Ones, every time you release you make room for new creations.Isn't that wondrous? Can you feel the potentials available now that you are not dragging the energies of your past with you? Every day is a brand new energetic space with a brand new platform to create from.We invite you to feel into the magnitude of what this means for you, and to get excited about how you wish to express your glorious selves, for you are the artist, the paint, and the canvas, all in one.
- Sep 20 Tue 2016 11:42
【造物主】2016-9-16 贊同
The Universe is you, you are The Universe.There is no separation.Whatever you feel you are, it echoes.
- Sep 20 Tue 2016 11:34
- Sep 19 Mon 2016 13:03
- Sep 19 Mon 2016 12:47
The idea we will be discussing today will be the concept of healing your world.
- Sep 19 Mon 2016 12:41
- Sep 19 Mon 2016 12:34
- Sep 19 Mon 2016 12:28
【造物主】2016-9-15 安靜
There will be times when you ask a question of The Universe and it feels as if you are being ignored. You ask and ask and still nothing arrives. Rest assured,this is not the case. The Universe is speaking to you all day, every day! Today,you are invited to truly quiet yourself, turn down the volume on your everyday chatter and truly listen with and to your heart. The answer is there.
- Sep 19 Mon 2016 12:21
- Sep 18 Sun 2016 12:51