巴夏:請記住,對祈禱的正確理解是:祈禱並不是對不存在之事的請求或要求,正確祈禱狀態是,對已存在之事的感恩。因為一切都已然存在,即使是那些從你們的觀點來看尚未顯化的事物,也已經存在了。所以,祈禱某事,實際上就是令自己進入那種狀態,在那狀態中知曉你所祈禱之物已經存在於你自己之內,已經被給予了。這樣,你就令自己進入那種正確的狀態,即感恩自己的請求已被允諾。在這種狀態中,你的願望更容易顯化在你的物質現實中。因為你處在正確的狀態中,這使你能夠感知到願望的顯化,而它其實已經潛在 存在於你周圍。這樣能理解嗎?

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones, it is far easier to have gratitude when things are going well than when you are experiencing challenges.Yet it is your gratitude that will help you find your way to a better feeling place.Gratitude is the steering wheel of your flow and the way you communicate your feedback to the universe.Think of it as an energetic sorting tool.If you can understand its very important function in your life, you will see that it has immeasurable value to you in the creation of the life you desire, in good times, and especially during the times that you experience as trying, for the use of gratitude soothes your present self and pre-orders gifts for your future self.

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The beautiful thing about surrender is that it always leads you to your next highest experience, which allows you to release the fear of making a mistake.It is not ever about not caring.It is about caring enough to get out of your own way and to give your highest self, with your guides and helpers, permission to lead the way.It is trust and faith in motion, and creating an opening for new potentials and solutions to be revealed.It is passing the baton to your unseen team, who from their vantage point can see all of the possibilities that exist and how to proceed for the highest good of all.It is allowing yourself to be loved, guided, and supported in truly remarkable and wondrous ways.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Khazarian mafia bosses offer to return Tsarist gold to Russia in exchange for shelter

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What an interesting human loop you create with respect.Some demand it without knowing what it truly is or how to give it.Receiving respect starts with you! Once you are able to show yourself respect, you will automatically give and, in return, receive it.Remember, my beautiful child, it always starts with you.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It is time to reestablish the human connection. So many of you walk through your Earth plane existence tethered and tied to inanimate objects, searching for meaning and missing pieces of yourselves in small screens. Yes, it is a wonderful tool and helps you learn and see more than ever before, however, it also cuts you off from "real time". Today, you are invited to be in and experience your life! Lift up your heads and see! If not now, when?

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