Through the changing landscape of your Earth-plane existence, one thing remains constant; The Universe's unconditional love for you.
- Jul 28 Thu 2016 12:23
【造物主】2016-7-27 一致
- Jul 28 Thu 2016 12:19
- Jul 27 Wed 2016 14:06
【大角星人】2016-7-24 揚升之門的鑰匙
- Jul 27 Wed 2016 13:50
- Jul 27 Wed 2016 13:44
A lot of us would like you to land your ships now,Bashar.
- Jul 27 Wed 2016 13:27
【本傑明·富爾福德】2016-7-26 羅斯柴爾德家族的策略是扭轉第一次世界大戰的結果
The final game plan of the Rothschilds was to reverse the results of World War I by reinstating the German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian monarchies, sources in Germany and the US agree.The plan that is now unfolding in Europe calls for a civil war against a"Muslim" enemy.The so-called"Muslim" terrorists are being financed with money supposed to be spent on fighting so-called carbon induced global warming, the sources add.This is why we are seeing daily"Muslim" terror attacks that seem to always involve"lone wolves" who die in the attack.That way there is no need to have a messy trial where facts might have a chance of intruding into the public mind.
- Jul 27 Wed 2016 13:24
【麥田圈】2016-7-23 德國巴伐利亞州馬門多夫(新增地面圖)
- Jul 27 Wed 2016 13:23
【造物主】2016-7-26 依附
The only thing overrated in your Earth-plane existence is your attachment to lack and the importance you place on it.
- Jul 27 Wed 2016 13:22
【造物主】2016-7-24 專注於愛
There are many things designed(consciously or otherwise) to keep you in fear.It is completely up to you to choose to stay in that fear or to realize on a very deep level that you are protected, cared for, loved, supported and cherished by The Universe.Even though there were times where you did not feel it, it has always been and always will be there just for you.Focus on that Love and the rest will take care of itself.
- Jul 27 Wed 2016 13:20
- Jul 26 Tue 2016 13:26
【大天使麥克】2016-7-22 2016獅子座門戶,大師週期與第七次元的開啟
- Jul 26 Tue 2016 13:07
【柯博拉】2016-7-24 台北揚升會議成果報告
Our Ascension conference was taking place in Taipei, the home base of many positive Dragon groups.The Blue, the White and the Black were together with us at the conference and the Plum were aware of our presence.