The gnostic illuminati and the US military have both told the White Dragon Society that Pope Francis must resign because of his friendship with former Argentine dictator Jorge Videla and his involvement in Argentina's dirty war.The resignation will be the trigger for a series of dramatic changes in how this planet is run,the sources agree.「They will be writing about this thousands of years from now,"predicts gnostic illuminati grandmaster"Alexander Romanov.」

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If you start to put your time and focus on what is energetically supported at any given time,you will find yourselves far more comfortable and efficient.That is what inspiration is—the nudge that the energetic flow is fully supporting something.

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Embrace your Purpose

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Beloved Ones,Many of you have been experiencing the feeling of sadness and observing these old emotional patterns from moments of time in your past life experience and it is good to see that you are becoming more proficient at just noting and releasing these moments as something of the past instead of dwelling in those old energies yet again.Bravo! You are regaining the mastery of your emotions! You may also have noted that these memories are those that have been buried deeply in your consciousness which go back further to more youthful experiences.This means that the cleansing of your cells is working more deeply than ever before.Let it through and intend to replace these with the pure white Light of the Christ energy.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Many of you have become so accustomed to the idea of everything being hard,that the moment you hit a place of ease on your path you immediately start thinking that you have missed something,that you are being lazy,that your ego is tricking you,or that it can't be real.The hard work you have done of releasing,integrating and healing over the past several years is designed to do just that,allow you to start navigating your lives in whole new ways,that are more about flowing than efforting.Feeling greater grace and ease,support and flow,are the natural outcome of the work you have done as you are learning the new operating systems of the enlightening human being.Don't be afraid to trust in it!

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There will always be people in your life that will attempt to hold the world at large to the old standard,old ways of thinking/being and old means of communication. This does not mean they are inherently bad. It does mean that they may,indeed,fear change. It is safer for them to remain in "old mode"rather than grow….

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