Resistance to what is,is choosing discomfort and a continuation of what is unwanted.Acceptance receives the energetic gifts of any experience.Surrender keeps you in forward movement and flow.Gratitude for what is working in your life is the steering wheel of your flow and your positive feedback tool for the universe.Faith and trust allow you to stay in the energies of surrender and flow long enough for the universe to weave its magic for you.Our wish is for you to understand that resistance is absolutely contrary to everything you wish to experience and deserve.Love yourself enough to release the brakes you have put on your own flow,Dear Ones,and you will find your way back into supported movement,relief,satisfaction,excitement,and joy.

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Focus on the flow of Positive Energy

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The birds do not sing because they "have to"nor do the waves that crash upon the shore.If you move away from "have to", you perception of your "have tos"will change from a chore to a gift.

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Behold the beauty of your Earth plane existence! Yes, there will be bumps and bruises, scrapes and falls. But, through it all, there are moments of wonder and awe and excitement as well as peace and joy because you are here doing what you are doing, learning what you are learning and growing at a quantum rate. From the Universal perspective there is nothing more beautiful than you!

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The gnostic illuminati and the US military have both told the White Dragon Society that Pope Francis must resign because of his friendship with former Argentine dictator Jorge Videla and his involvement in Argentina's dirty war.The resignation will be the trigger for a series of dramatic changes in how this planet is run,the sources agree.「They will be writing about this thousands of years from now,"predicts gnostic illuminati grandmaster"Alexander Romanov.」

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If you start to put your time and focus on what is energetically supported at any given time,you will find yourselves far more comfortable and efficient.That is what inspiration is—the nudge that the energetic flow is fully supporting something.

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Embrace your Purpose

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