Every moment you experience on your Earth-plane has a gift of thankfulness wrapped inside. Open it and allow.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Beloved Ones,Your desire to experience peace in every facet of your life requires the letting go of every thing that prevents the experience of it.It is,however,you who must do the necessary observation and introspection of the patterns that still remain and need attention.Do not become discouraged if they seem difficult to eliminate from your mental processes.Many times,it is really the energies of mass consciousness that impinge upon your senses which triggers all that is not yet completely cleared from within you.That is why we have advised previously that you take time at least once a week to perform the total energy clearing process to keep a high energy field around you.

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Federal Reserve Board and US dollar will be hit by financial Armageddon if Asian gold offer refused Benjamin Fulford,April 12,2016

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One of the reasons human beings can be afraid to love fully is that they believe it is a one way street,that it will involve them being loving and getting nothing in return.That is based on the old conditional love model which states I will love you so long as I get something in return.It is also based on many years of out of balance love,and the idea that love is work with little return.

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Be honest with yourself

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My love,it is time to start living your life as if you are being judged by no one.Imagine what your life can,and will be,without that particular emotional weight.Oh,what fun,what joy! Let the excitement of that lightness move you to create and grow!

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你認識奇異子(Chia Seed)嗎?如果你沒有聽過也沒有關係,我們在這兒提供給大家認識這種健康食品的機會。Chia在阿茲特克語中是多油的意思,顧名思義其中含有非常豐富的ω-3脂肪酸(一種不飽和脂肪)。

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我是你們所說的「El Morya大師」。

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