- Jul 31 Sun 2022 00:00
- Jul 30 Sat 2022 00:00
- Jul 29 Fri 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-7-20 你的選擇成為你所持有的能量
What you talk about is what you would like to become.What you do is who you are.If you talk about peace but don't make peaceful choices,you are not aligned with what you truly wish to experience.If you talk about love but don't take opportunities to connect in a loving way,you are still experiencing a divide between where you are and where you would like to be.
- Jul 29 Fri 2022 00:00
- Jul 28 Thu 2022 18:44
【本傑明·福爾富德】2022-7-25 每週快訊
Last week a secret deal was reached between the Russian and UK governments to wind down the Ukraine war.This is part of a broader settlement agreement that will lead to a complete overhaul of existing international institutions this autumn, MI6 and Russian FSB sources say.
- Jul 28 Thu 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-7-19 你的成長和經歷不僅會服務你還會服務整體
If you are experiencing an ongoing challenge or theme in your life, you also carry the full potential to master that theme.In fact, that is exactly why you are experiencing it.You want to see that you can also come out the other side of that challenge in a new, more empowered way.You chose the theme because it is on your to-do list to master it, and you are ready to do so.
- Jul 27 Wed 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-7-18 保持真實的自己
Dear Ones, let us reassure you that you are making progress in leaps and bounds.The combination of healing and releasing the old along with the progression of your own embodiment process is working together to create true momentum in your transformational processes.All you must ever do is keep being authentically you by following your truest matches one now moment at a time.Your conscious awareness is the gift of presence and from that space mistakes can never be made.If you allow yourself to trust your innate wisdom and the purpose of your beingness, the unfoldment will serve both you and the whole beautifully.
- Jul 27 Wed 2022 00:00
- Jul 26 Tue 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-7-15 從更高振動的狀態運作
Many of you understand it is highly beneficial for you to operate from a higher vibrational state.Meditation, walking in nature, and doing things that bring you joy, are all examples of activities that can help you shift your energies into a supportive state of alignment.
- Jul 26 Tue 2022 00:00
- Jul 25 Mon 2022 00:00
My dear friends,we love you so very much,
- Jul 24 Sun 2022 00:00