If you haven't had a lot of fun in your life lately, it can be an indicator that you have been ignoring your inner child.Your inner child is your CEO of fun!

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Do you realize that surrendering into the flow doesn't just dramatically improve the amount of comfort and ease you have in your day to day lives,it profoundly supports your spiritual practices,as well.It allows you to move into a better alignment to deepen your meditation experiences,receive all forms of psychic information,and to run energy healing as a much clearer channel.It serves both your human and your spiritual lives in many more ways than you realize.It is the key to having a greatly enhanced experience as an enlightening human being.

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Dear readers,greetings and welcome to another message from the Arcturian Group.These messages are sent in love with the intention of bringing information and courage to you brave ones who chose to incarnate on a planet suffering within a fog of negativity and falsehoods in order to bring the light of your evolved consciousness to it.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It is a common experience during energetically active times to suddenly feel somewhat isolated or to not be able to hear or feel the guidance you normally are able to connect to.Please understand that in no way does this mean you have been abandoned! When you are in the process of integrating a specific energy you enter into an energetic space that prioritizes that download.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Last week China and Russia issued an ultimatum to the US military:either destroy the Khazarian mafia or face all-out nuclear/scalar weaponry warfare, multiple sources agree.The US sent a large delegation to Russia in response and an agreement was reached to kill all known members of the KM on sight, Pentagon and MI6 sources say.This has already begun and will accelerate this week, the sources say.

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Most of you have been raised in a critical world where you have been judged and corrected most of your lives.Your parents and your teachers thought they were doing well by pointing out what you were doing wrong,but in many cases this approach was out of balance and didn't focus equally on everything that you were doing beautifully.If nothing was said you were doing ok,so you have become used to your only feedback being negative feedback.

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Your beliefs are what is true for you.They are how you create and evolve.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

How much separation you choose between you and others can be indicative of a need for healing.For many of you distance equals safety.There is big difference between healthy boundaries which comes from a space of wisdom and empowerment and separation that is still rooted in fear and perceived powerlessness.There is a difference between solitude and isolation.

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My dear friends,we love you so very much,

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