Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of what we have titled"The Journey of the Soul Through Birth and Death.」

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Look honestly within yourself for the answer you seek

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When your need to grow outweighs your need for "self-destruction",in whatever form you have chosen,then you will be ready.

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The Universe never intended this Earth plane existence to be hard.Just trust; know that you are protected,carried,loved,cherished and honored.

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即使採用正確的飲食方式,並且完全依照醫師的建議攝取更多健康的穀物,你的體重依然持續增加且血液功能惡化嗎?許多人依循政府機構背書的飲食方式,每天攝取 6 至 8 份全穀以維持最佳的健康狀態;不幸的是,效果似乎不如預期,而小麥製品即是人體健康受損的原因。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Friends,Some of you will not have read that since I stopped channelling SaLuSa events have moved on quite quickly,and that I have since received a message from St.Germain through Nancy Tate asking me to channel direct from my Higher Self.I had not tried this previously,but decided to give it a try,and the message I have received is as follows:

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Surrendering into the flow equals entering into empowered movement.Surrendering to the flow with faith and trust equals staying in empowered movement long enough for the magic to happen.Do you see? Faith and trust are what perpetuates the movement.They are the fuel that is required to get you where you want to be.

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Dark times,deeds and actions will happen on your Earth-plane. Sometimes it will appear to have no rhyme or reason and,in other instances,it will seem as if it is a deadly arrow pointed directly at the heart of Love. Do not abandon hope! Now is the time to stand,embrace and send Unconditional Love where it is needed. Remember; the light of The Universe always finds its way back,shining more brightly than ever.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

God's arrival is near,the return of human Beings in eternity fulfills itself.The great circle completes in the oneness of all Life and many human Beings return to the Source.

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