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We would like to present an exercise for you to try this week. We would suggest you to agree to do two things – to stop making yourself wrong for being who you are, and to stop making others wrong for being who they are.

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Khazarian mafia doomed as a result of Putin/Trump secret agreement

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這幅宛如12瓣花瓣紙風車的麥田圖型於2018年7月21日當天晚些時候獲報,它位於從奧爾頓巴恩斯(Alton Barnes)的蜂蜜街(Honey Street)到霍頓(Horton)的道路旁,正好在靠近克利福德山(Clifford"s Hill)的道路彎道邊,你可以在Google地圖上看到它精確的位置。

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Most enlightening human beings have been sensitive souls their entire lives. Often you have been judged for that sensitivity, treated as through it was a less than desirable trait to have. In truth, it has been your greatest asset, and is serving you well as you continue to grow and expand.

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誰說小朋友便不能為地球的未來出一分力? 在美國有一位年僅12歲的年輕人便發明了一架紅外線水底汽車,可以偵測到海洋中的微塑料,協助紓緩海洋污染的問題。

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God said:

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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When you do not move in the direction the flow is trying to take you, you are resisting your own soul and your heartfelt dreams. Your heart and soul are always calling to you, trying to lead you to your highest matches, purpose, and experiences. To deny that is to choose profound resistance to yourself.

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