What are you doing right now? Are you spending most of your time sitting and looking at your phone or computer? The current way of your Earth-plane existence has set you up to be a passive observer of life. Today,you are being invited to participate; get out into your world,look around,see what you can see and experience things first hand. The marvelous brain you were gifted has the ability to store the sights,sounds,tastes and feelings of your involvement in a way that you can access any time you choose. At the end of your time on Earth,what would you rather say?"Oh,I saw that once"or"That was one of the best moments I ever experienced」. The choice has always been yours,my love! Choose wisely.

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What are you worth? You may believe that this is determined by outside influences,but the answer lies within. It is not up to others to decide this for you. With the establishment of firm boundaries and a healthy dose of self-love,you will be able to discern what you are truly worth to yourself and those around you. If you have these important ingredients,you will never allow anyone to sell you short again.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,in your pivotal relationships whether they be friends,lovers,healers,or spiritual teachers,we suggest you ask yourselves if these partnerships empower you,accept you,celebrate you,and create a safe space for you to grow and express your truth.We also ask you to examine if you give the same to others.Now is the time to consciously surround yourselves with people who remind you of who you really are,and encourage you to let that shine! Acceptance and unwavering support are aspects of unconditional love,the soul food that helps everyone thrive.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

You are worthy

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Everything,absolutely everything,that happens in your life is for a reason; the joys and disappointments,the love and let-downs,the happiness and fear.There is a lesson in each.Take them for what they are worth; an opportunity for you to grow.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When you are doing it is often based on the idea of something being wrong.When you are BEing you are demonstrating your trust and faith in the divine perfection of everything,including yourself.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,to nurture your relationships,we suggest you consciously pay attention to the traits you enjoy in others.There is a natural tendency to do this when your relationships first start,but then,as time goes by,you start to become more focused on what you do not like than what you do.It is your appreciation for the other that will support and continue that first flush of love you feel,allowing the"honeymoon phase"to last.Remember,appreciation acts as an energetic anchor,and through your focus you get to nurture and grow what is desired in your precious unions.The most successful partnerships you see in your lives are those that demonstrate a deep appreciation for each other,whether they be based on work,friendship,or love.

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