Take that Leap of Faith
- Oct 24 Sat 2015 14:05
【天使的智慧】2015-10-22 採取信仰的飛躍
- Oct 24 Sat 2015 14:00
【造物主】2015-10-23 邊界
What do you do if someone has hurt your feelings or violated a boundary you have set for yourself? The most important thing to remember is that your energy has played a part in the situation. This is not saying that you are wrong….it is saying that you have a choice on how to react to it. Was it an honest mistake? Then take a deep breath and forgive the situation. However,if you choose to set a boundary,allow others violate it,then loudly proclaim your hurts only to do it again keeps you in the same space you were in the beginning. Remember,growth begins with you…just do it.
- Oct 24 Sat 2015 13:42
- Oct 23 Fri 2015 14:14
【本傑明·富爾福德】2015-10-20 世界政府是不可避免的,但是它絕不可能是法西斯
The political events of the past several years are pointing inexorably towards the formation of some sort of world government.This was made even more clear as most world leaders gathered at the United Nations for the September 28th Tetrad blood moon 70th UN anniversary appeared to be,with a few quibbles,mostly reading from the same script.There is now a consensus among world leaders that world government is the only way to prevent corporate crime syndicates from murdering and plundering this planet into destruction.The battle now is over what sort of government that will be.
- Oct 23 Fri 2015 13:36
【柯博拉】2015-10-18 Cobra Interview The Disclosure Chronicles
Lynn:Welcome 歡迎Cobra來到我們節目第二部分。我們從最近的事情說起。
- Oct 23 Fri 2015 13:33
- Oct 23 Fri 2015 13:27
【大天使加百利】2015-10-22 最簡單的解決方案就是選擇愛
Dear Ones,as human beings you will often have a tendency to overthink things,especially things that are important to you.Be aware that while being mindful is good and definitely recommended,overthinking can cause stress and stagnation.
- Oct 23 Fri 2015 13:22
【造物主】 2015-10-21 寧靜
When you have your "moments"remember; the sun still shines above the clouds,the rivers still flow to the sea and the path you are on now is the right one.
- Oct 23 Fri 2015 13:21
發明巴哈花精的愛德華‧巴哈醫師(Dr.Edward Bach)發現,生活態度相似的人通常也會有相似的抱怨。他總結,負面的情緒及人生觀會使人容易生病,而這些疾病所顯現的是更深層的心理或情緒健康問題。據說花精含有花朵的生命力,能夠紓解負面的感受,並且經由平衡體內能量達到治療作用。
- Oct 22 Thu 2015 14:42
【大角星人】2015-10-18 食物與性
- Oct 22 Thu 2015 14:41
- Oct 22 Thu 2015 14:24