Each of you carries a bit of darkness inside.Whether it is from past negative experiences or things you feel you may have done wrong in the past.Today,you are invited to take a closer look at that darkness and how much space it takes up within your being.If you chose to release that darkness,can you see what an incredible amount of space would be available for Light?!

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Take a moment and think on all the things you on a daily basis.What you say to others and your self-talk can either empower or disempower you."I can」,「I will」,「I do」,「I am"and"I have"have manifesting abilities beyond your wildest imagination! Phrases that include"I can"t」,「I won"t」,「I don"t」,「I"m not"and"I haven"t"give your power away.

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全球有超過十億人口攝取含有阿斯巴甜的飲食,並相信這種成分不具危險性,但是這些人可能不知道,美國食品及藥物管理局(FDA)在過去 4年接獲的不良反應投訴中,超過 75% 的副作用是由阿斯巴甜所引起。許多重視健康的國家禁止使用這種成分,特別是設有國家保健系統的國家。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,so many of you have become so serious! Serious about your energetics,serious about ascension,serious about relationships,serious about manifestation.We love your lovely,mindful natures,but where is the fun? We urge you to infuse joy and love into all your creations,for it is the high vibrational energy of joy and love that will transform everything far faster than seriousness ever can.

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When you have an attachment to things looking a certain way,you are already planning for anything else to be wrong.You are infusing a situation with a pre-planned lack of acceptance,a rigidity,that is quite contrary to the flow of creation.When you lack acceptance for anything other than a certain result,you make it difficult for the universe to serve you your highest outcome,which is almost always far beyond anything you could ever imagine for yourself.

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Take a Break

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It is never too late to open another door,change direction,move toward something you love or away from something that you choose not to be near. There is always time to start a new life,dream a new dream or become something you always wanted to become. The only limiting factor in the equation is you and your belief that you can do it.

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國際非營利環境衛生組織 The Blacksmith Institute(BI)致力於解決世界的污染問題,他們最近和幫助清除污染的Green Cross Switzerland(GCS)一同合作發佈了一則全面性的研究報告,名為「全球最嚴重的有毒物質污染問題」(TheWorld's Worst Toxic Pollution Problems)。研究人員在研究中指出,農藥的使用位居全球最嚴重污染問題的第三位。

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