Say YES!

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Here is a spiritual practice that will bring empowerment and creative expansion into your life.Make a list of a number of everyday routine activities that you perform frequently.Include activities that you may consider uninteresting,boring,tedious,irritating,or stressful.But don't include anything that you hate or detest doing.That's a case either for acceptance or for stopping what you do.The list may include traveling to and from work,buying groceries,doing your laundry,or anything that you find tedious or stressful in your daily work.Then,whenever you are engaged in those activities,let them be a vehicle for alertness.

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Dear Ones,matters on Earth are beginning to take shape in such a way that before very long you will begin to see the direction that Humanity is going in.Out of confusion and uncertainty,will come positive signs that will confirm that the changes are taking shape for your betterment.You will realise that a"cleansing"is taking place and that much of what you can already see of the old regime,is being changed or removed.It is being helped by the many souls that have awakened to the truth and are demanding freedom from the shackles of the dark Ones.Your lives have been reduced to that of slaves as your birthright has been denied you.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,your soul is always seeking growth and expansion,and the further experience of your truth and divinity.The fastest way to that experience is through surrender.Many of you are willingly embracing movement and evolution,and are adjusting your paths with the subtlest of bumps and nudges.Others are completely out of alignment with Source,resisting mightily,and seemingly headed in the wrong direction.

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Keeping on Task

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The Joyous Calling Of Family

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

國際癌症研究機構(International Agency for Research on Cancer,IARC)透過蒐集來的最新數據(2009~2013)發現乳癌和飲酒之間的關聯。分析發現酒精攝取量和乳癌的發生有線性關係,該研究已發表在2014年的美國預防醫學期刊(American Journal of Preventive Medicine)。

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An Iranian nuclear scientist called a White Dragon Society representative,as well as many government agencies,on the day of the July 31 blue moon to warn of an imminent Khazarian plot to attack multiple Iranian nuclear sites with nuclear armed hijacked civilian airplanes.The scientist said he had been warned a flight from Dubai to Tehran on a Boeing 777-300ER plane he was due to fly in on August 1st was one of the planes that was going to be used in the attack.

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