Opening Up

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JP Morgan and other Western mega-banks have already begun stealing depositors"money,according to sources at the Asian Development Bank and an American millionaire who reported his own funds were stolen.The development bank source said a man who had $4 million on deposit with JP Morgan contacted him to say the bank had refused to allow him to withdraw his money.Instead the man was offered a"365 day bank guarantee.」

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Further Reading

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Many people's first reaction to a situation is to react with love and compassion.Then,before they do,they start to hold themselves back based on what others will say.They fear they will look weak,or stupid,so they ignore their first instinct and miss an opportunity to express themselves in their truth.This is a classic example of how you have been trained to keep yourselves small.

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Health,Wealth,and Value

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My Gift

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根據 2011 年 11月號《新英格蘭醫學期刊》的報導,送往急診室的老年人大多是由於過量服用預防中風及血栓的血液稀釋劑及其副作用所致。傳統醫師只在可能中風或首度中風之後使用血液稀釋劑,以防止再度中風,卻不會警告病患這些藥物可能造成嚴重的副作用,像是內出血、胃潰瘍、肌肉疼痛、頭痛、暈眩和腎衰竭等可能摧毀健康的各種負面影響。儘管有一些天然具抗炎的成分能夠幫助稀釋血液,這些藥草本身可能也有副作用,不應和藥物一起使用。因此,除非有專業人員的指導,否則不應擅自使用來路不明的藥草。

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