When you choose to practice appreciation,you start to notice the divine perfection all around you.This helps you move into a greater trust and faith in the universe.Your greater trust and faith brings you peace and acceptance.Do you see? There is a lovely cascade of energies that occurs from making one simple,conscious choice.

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Oftentimes when we suggest that you trust your heart,we hear the message,"But we have been hurt so often before" and we ask the question,"Were you following your heart or the ego of the heart?" It is time to let go or resolve these feelings.This signals a desire for change,a time of greater clarity about emotions and their purpose in your life.There can be a more balanced approach to family and love,even if these have been confusing experiences for you in the past.

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One of the most challenging this you will do with your time here is to stand up and move forward while others stay static.

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現代人的生活擺脫不了壓力,很多人久了之後便習以為常,但梅奧診所(Mayo Clinic)指出,慢性壓力會導致心臟病、肥胖和糖尿病等等健康問題,而免疫力降低、容易感冒生病、中風及癌症風險增加也都與長期的壓力有關。所以我們不該忽視壓力,而是要想辦法高效又輕鬆的去解決它。《赫芬頓郵報》的琳賽•福爾摩斯(Lindsey Holmes)對此提出幾個具體的建議:

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As always so much is taking place on Earth of which you are not directly aware.The outer signs are around you and in general people sense the changes that are taking place.They may not know what they are at this time but they feel the subtle difference in the energies around you.With them is a feeling of the changes that are verging on manifestation,and felt as being very positive.Matters will continue like this and continue to grow until eventually there will be an upliftment that can be felt.Some will nevertheless be unaware,but those of you who have been working to raise your vibrations will without doubt do so.It may well be your first positive feeling of the changes,and we know that many will feel uplifted by what takes place.They shall continue and there will be no going back to the old lower vibrations.

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Many sensitive humans find being in certain energies challenging.They find it difficult to keep their balance while in the presence of some people or environments.Let us remind you that you are always in charge of your own energetic state.No one has the power to affect the way you feel unless you give that power to them.

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Today is a new day

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There is great potential for new opportunities

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