Dear Ones,whenever something is less than desirable in your external world,the answer always exists internally.The faster you understand that the only thing you have control over is you and your own energetics,the faster you will avoid wasting your time and effort trying to force external change.

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Calm your Mind,Body,and Spirit

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Are You Listening?

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在傳統醫學當中,手術經常是白內障患者唯一的選擇;實際上,還有許多替代療法能夠消除這種病症,並且預防復發。白內障是指眼球的晶狀體開始霧化,造成視力喪失,通常好發於 40 歲以上的成人,是導致失明的主要原因之一。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

採取低脂飲食有益健康及預防疾病的想法可能是導致現今高膽固醇、肥胖、心臟病及早死人數暴增的一大誤解。擁有 25 年經驗的前心臟外科醫師德懷特‧倫德爾醫師承認,低脂飲食實際上導致健康受損,並且解釋了為什麼均衡攝取脂肪是防止人體產生炎症而罹病的要素。

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You might want to listen to the March monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter or read the transcript there:

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One of the wonderful gifts that has come from the intense purging and releasing you have been doing,is that it has helped you become more in touch with your true feelings.When you are buried under many layers of density,it can be difficult to ascertain your truth.It can also be difficult to feel the subtle energies of your guides,helpers and passed loved ones through such density.

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Allow for greater flow in your life

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