綠葉蔬菜富含維生素K、C、B、E 以及鎂、鈣、鐵、鉀、β-胡蘿蔔素、ω-3脂肪酸等多種營養素,經常攝取對身心健康有許多益處,可以幫助減重、強化骨骼、控制高血壓、降低心血管疾病及糖尿病風險,同時有利於改善情緒、抵抗憂鬱。

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嗜吃含糖食物可能導致糖尿病、肥胖和心臟病等健康問題,如果不自我控制對糖的渴望,就容易讓血糖飆升,最後造成血糖失控,於是你會渴望吃進更多的糖,變成惡性循環。克萊頓大學自然健康學院的羅林斯博士 (Dr.Deirdre Rawlings) 表示,人們其實可以透過攝取健康食物來破除糖癮的控制,尤其以下五項食物特別值得推薦:

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Time marches on and you are now able to adapt to the faster pace it is running at,and still carry out the tasks that you have set yourselves. In the future you will find that it runs even faster and that you will go along with the changes. All that is happening is a part of the process that is going to propel you into the New Age. However,your re-action is often one of confusion as so much is happening at any one time. Providing you keep focussed on what you know to be the purpose of them,you will see within a pattern that will slowly emerge. It will indicate the direction in which you are going and take you along the pathway to the New Age. Nothing can now stop the progress that is being made,and it will bring success in lifting you up out of the lower vibrations.

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Dear Ones,if you can embrace change as being good,and stay open and accepting to the endless and delightful potentials that exist for you,every day will become an adventure,and you will start to live your life with an innocence,wonder and excitement that you likely have not experienced since you were a child.

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莧菜可視為一種無麩質的穀物,與甜菜、瑞士菾菜 (Swiss Chard)、菠菜和藜麥同屬於藜科植物。

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