Your Earth-plane existence is not about where you live,who/what you live with or without,how much you have or do not have.It is about finding what you truly are.When you release the responsibility and obligation to BE anything,you move closer to BEing.
目前分類:造物主 (846)
- Mar 08 Tue 2016 14:10
【造物主】2016-3-6 存在
- Mar 07 Mon 2016 13:23
【造物主】2016-3-5 我看
When you look in the mirror,what do you see? You may see your imperfections; wrinkles,a bit of extra weight or,perhaps an unhappy or unsatisfied person.
- Mar 06 Sun 2016 13:31
【造物主】2016-3-4 改變之風
The winds of change are blowing,my dearest child. It will not always be struggle and tribulation,but it can be if that is what you choose. It is important to remember to "keep your wits about you"and breathe. When moving from one level to another,take your time…rest when you need to…and know The Universe is by your side.
- Mar 05 Sat 2016 13:18
【造物主】2016-3-3 成長
You are an ever-expanding being of light.Do not try to box,curb,rein in or otherwise stunt yourself.You are made and meant to grow; do it.
- Mar 04 Fri 2016 13:13
【造物主】2016-3-2 觸及
Stretching,reaching,expanding beyond what you felt was possible for yourself is the first sign that you are becoming what you are truly meant to be.
- Mar 03 Thu 2016 13:01
【造物主】2016-3-1 無條件的愛
Do not believe,for one single solitary moment,that you are not surrounded by the unconditional love of The Universe.It embraces,cradles,nurtures and envelopes your entire being always!
- Mar 02 Wed 2016 13:58
【造物主】2016-2-29 一刻
During the time you are raging at The Heavens,know that your peace is just a moment away.
- Mar 01 Tue 2016 14:17
【造物主】2016-2-28 價值和值得
To grow you will need to release the old. The hurts,rejections,resentments,negatives,and any unrequited experiences from the past will keep you exactly where you are now. It may be challenging letting go of the things that have provided you with safety for so long,but it can be done. My love,release what no longer serves you! You are worthy and deserving of receiving the best of your Earth plane existence.
- Feb 29 Mon 2016 14:08
【造物主】2016-2-27 完美的時機
If you are feeling left out,left behind,excluded or ignored,do not be dismayed. This may happen when you,in your current vibration,are not understood. Even though you may feel lonely,know that those similar to you are nearby and waiting for the right moment to join your world. There is no need to push it into arriving; instead rest assured that it will happen in an organic way and at the perfect time. Until then…relax,enjoy your alone time and fall in love with you.
- Feb 28 Sun 2016 12:41
【造物主】2016-2-26 一個提醒
In the course of your life,you will be given many opportunities to understand yourself as well as the humans around you and grow.Some of them may be so overwhelming you will not know what to do with the excess emotion.Whether it be joy,sadness,pain,anger or love,each serves a purpose and will guide you to a better understanding of you.Even though the experience may fade,the memory of those feelings are a guide and a reminder of your humanness and the gift of your existence.
- Feb 27 Sat 2016 13:35
【造物主】2016-2-25 真實性
Be authentic in all that you are.The genuineness that you show the world defines you and will determine the path you are to travel.
- Feb 26 Fri 2016 13:15
【造物主】2016-2-24 去做
What is your bottom line? You can continue to stand and stare at the blocks in your way or you can opt to move them; over,under,around or through.It does not make a difference how,just that you do it.
- Feb 25 Thu 2016 13:07
【造物主】2016-2-23 低語
Quiet yourself.Under the constant static of your everyday existence a whisper is heard.The Universe speaks softly of the infinite possibilities available to you.
- Feb 23 Tue 2016 13:00
【造物主】2016-2-22 浪費時間?
In essence,your waiting time is not waiting at all.It is a growing,learning and accepting time; acceptance of self,of others and of The Divine that exists within and without you.
- Feb 23 Tue 2016 12:59
【造物主】2016-2-21 觸及
Love,joy,happiness,faith and peace.Even if you do not feel these things 100% of the time,they are still there waiting for you to reach out and grab them.
- Feb 22 Mon 2016 12:34
【造物主】2016-2-20 付出
Being able to love,forgive,give and allow others to grow without the expectation of anything in return is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
- Feb 21 Sun 2016 13:10
【造物主】2016-2-19 你的選擇
Your choices are your choices. Out of all of the outcomes from an infinite number of those choices,each will resonate through your world with its own vibration. Yes,you could have taken a different path that led you to a different outcome. Yes,things could have been better(or worse)depending on the choice. But,please remember; each choice(and subsequent outcome)has its own merit and meaning. You would not be where you are now without them.
- Feb 20 Sat 2016 13:06
【造物主】2016-2-18 價值
Your worthiness is not determined by what others feel or say about you,but how you feel and what you say about yourself.
- Feb 19 Fri 2016 12:34
【造物主】2016-2-17 早已是你的
It is already yours…every dream you have ever dreamed,every wish you have ever made.It is yours for the receiving.Now…allow yourself to receive.
- Feb 18 Thu 2016 14:28
【造物主】2016-2-16 它會被完成
Treat every breath you take,every thought,action,wish,dream and desire as an act of love.So you are,so shall it be done.