Your Earth-plane existence is changing faster than you could ever imagine.The traditional roles of the Paternal Order are changing and being replaced with Maternal Love.The true cyclical nature of your beings will be revealed.
目前分類:造物主 (846)
- Oct 17 Mon 2016 12:46
【造物主】2016-10-13 母性之愛
- Oct 16 Sun 2016 12:16
【造物主】2016-10-11 流動的生命
Life is not stagnant but fluid…it changes, it evolves, it grows.You can remain in your own paradigm, continuing to exist in the world you created for yourself "before"OR you can be fluid; change, evolve and grow.Release your fear of being fluid and so shall your life become.
- Oct 15 Sat 2016 11:52
【造物主】2016-10-11 你可以...
You cannot stop the waves from crashing onto the shore but, you can learn to body surf.
- Oct 14 Fri 2016 11:30
【造物主】2016-10-10 只是一種表演?
You can attempt to be something to some/everyone.You can attempt to live your life in a way that is admirable, lovable, caring, noble, selfless and kind.However,unless these things are a part of your being, it is only"just for show".
- Oct 13 Thu 2016 12:27
【造物主】2016-10-9 你真正的力量
You are unique in your own way.Wishing to be something or someone else will not assist your growth.Love yourself as you are, embrace your uniqueness! In this you will find your true power.
- Oct 12 Wed 2016 11:46
【造物主】2016-10-8 愛的道路
Even if you do not know the way, The Universe is there to show you how to step into the love that surrounds you.
- Oct 11 Tue 2016 13:34
【造物主】2016-10-7 不要灌輸恐懼...
How often do you "feed"your fears and insecurities? With a word,thought or deed you can actually help these things grow. As challenging as it may be, it is up to you to make a conscious decision to move toward the positive. It does not matter if you start big, just start! The difference it makes in your world is amazing!
- Oct 10 Mon 2016 13:22
【造物主】2016-10-6 向痛苦致敬
One of the most beautiful things of your Earth plane existence is being able to experience pain.I can hear you saying,"Are you kidding?!"(Smiling) Yes, it is true.How many times have you come out of a painful period with a sigh of relief and a sense of gratitude? Do you see what I mean? Without pain and the release of pain, whether it be emotional, mental or physical…you would not know peace,quiet and what a true health feels like.Pain is a guidepost, it is a marker and a starting point from which you can mark your growth.Just like anything else in your life is it something to recognize and honor rather than deny.
- Oct 09 Sun 2016 11:32
【造物主】2016-10-5 給他們時間
During this next wave of growth, there will be many, many people who will arrive in your life looking for assistance.They may give the appearance of needing it, ask for it and begin the process of receiving but, at the last minute, will turn away.It is important for you to remember that they are not turning away from you, but the healing that is being offered.It can be disheartening when this happens, however,it is their choice.They need the practice of requesting and this is the precursor of true healing. The best thing to do in these instance is to send Unconditional Love.Not everyone is prepared and it is best to give them time.
- Oct 08 Sat 2016 12:55
【造物主】2016-10-4 站起來,繼續前進
Dearest One…your resting time is over.It is time to stand,stretch and start moving forward once again.The time for making excuses as to why you cannot has passed.I know you may not have fully regained your strength,but you can no longer sit and watch the world go by.Get up,get moving and grow!
- Oct 07 Fri 2016 11:27
【造物主】2016-10-3 每一刻
For each moment you are on this Earth-plane, you are given choices.You can use them to your advantage or release them.It is up to you.
- Oct 06 Thu 2016 13:06
【造物主】2016-10-2 非常簡單
This is very simple:you draw every action, every emotion,every situation to you to learn from it.
- Oct 05 Wed 2016 12:16
【造物主】2016-10-1 不久
Through every moment of doubt, remorse, regret, pain and loneliness,The Universe is whispering in your ear,"Yes, this will be over soon,you will be OK and it is going to be fine".
- Oct 03 Mon 2016 11:29
【造物主】2016-9-30 光
You were made of light, to be light and to return to light;this is the undeniable truth of you.
- Oct 03 Mon 2016 11:28
【造物主】2016-9-29 真相
When what you perceive is over-ridden by what is…you are able to see the truth.
- Oct 02 Sun 2016 12:55
【造物主】2016-9-28 犯錯
My wonderful, loving child; you will make mistakes.Some of them will have you blushing with embarrassment, cringing with shame or quietly crying over the pain you have caused.I am here to tell you that it is okay!(Smiling) For every mistake you make, there is an opportunity for you to learn how to make things different,better and right.Do not be hard on yourself…you are human and chose your human existence to learn and grow.You are doing just fine, my Love!
- Oct 01 Sat 2016 12:25
【造物主】2016-9-27 話語
Radiant soul, being of light…from your lips, words of truth and love are uttered with profound quietness.
- Sep 30 Fri 2016 13:03
【造物主】2016-9-26 改變你的世界
Give…without expectation.Love…without boundaries.Smile…without reservation.Live…like every moment is your last.All of these things exist within you.Use them and watch your world change!
- Sep 29 Thu 2016 12:44
【造物主】2016-9-25 它只和選擇有關
A gentle reminder; when humans commit acts of violence or degradation of another,it is the individual that chooses to do these things.It can be very easy to blame it on a religion, ethnicity or ideology, but it is the individual that chose that particular path.Others may join in, giving strength to the darkness already within them, however, it is still a choice.You too are given a choice.You can give into and let the lower energies and vibrations of fear dictate what you do or you can be the light.It has always been and will always be about free will.
- Sep 28 Wed 2016 11:55
【造物主】2016-9-24 分離?
The separation you create by feeling you have to handle everything on your own is just that, separation.Know that you exist on this Earth-plane to love and support yourselves as well as others.