Thought,directive,intent and purpose; all things needed to achieve a goal. But,without desire,all else is useless.
目前分類:造物主 (846)
- Sep 20 Sun 2015 16:20
【造物主】2015-9-19 目標
- Sep 19 Sat 2015 15:20
【造物主】2015-9-18 不帶期望地
Being able to love,forgive,give and allow others to grow without expectation of anything in return is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
- Sep 18 Fri 2015 13:53
【造物主】2015-9-16 面對你的不可能
During the coming days and months,you will be confronted with things that,in the past,you felt were impossible. This is your chance,my darling one,to change! Do no run away from,turn your back on,or make yourself blind to the fact that it is there and staring right back at you. Face your impossible and conquer it!
- Sep 16 Wed 2015 19:56
【造物主】2015-9-15 雲霄飛車
New,huge and sometimes challenging changes are upon you. I know that you are feeling wobbly,a bit out of control and,for some of you,it hurts both emotionally and physically! During your changing time,please remember that you are not alone; take care of your body,your mind and treat yourself gently. Even though it may feel like a roller-coaster ride,know that all you are going through now is preparing you for your new role in the new world.
- Sep 15 Tue 2015 20:10
【造物主】2015-9-14 情緒
Just a reminder,lest you forget; you are human and have human emotions.That is why you chose to come to your Earth plane…to have the experience of being human.If you deny your emotions,you deny your true purpose.
- Sep 15 Tue 2015 20:10
【造物主】2015-9-13 還記得嗎?
Some of the easiest things to do are often perceived as the most challenging.Release yourself to the flow of the world around you,experience what you can; it is all a growth experience.You will be able to look back on it fondly and say,「I remember when」…
- Sep 12 Sat 2015 14:11
【造物主】2015-9-11 你不能
How many times have you heard,「You can't because….you're too young,too old,not the "right"color,you're a woman,you're a man"or any other variation you can think of? Please remember that the person using that phrase is not speaking to you,they are speaking to themselves.
- Sep 10 Thu 2015 14:10
【造物主】2015-9-8 擱置?
Reasoning your faults and shortcomings does not make them go away; it just puts them on hold.
- Sep 09 Wed 2015 14:34
【造物主】2015-9-7 存在
Be present in every hour,minute,second and in every breath you take in your Earth-plane existence.All the lessons,experiences,love and friendship you could ever want is there in those moments.Do not let them pass you by.
- Sep 08 Tue 2015 15:11
【造物主】2015-9-7 存在
Be present in every hour,minute,second and in every breath you take in your Earth-plane existence.All the lessons,experiences,love and friendship you could ever want is there in those moments.Do not let them pass you by.
- Sep 08 Tue 2015 15:10
【造物主】2015-9-6 夢想
Yes,the possibilities for your Earth-plane existence are endless.You are only limited by your imagination.Dream,dream big and dream it into your reality.
- Sep 07 Mon 2015 13:43
【造物主】2015-9-5 流體
Life is not stagnant but fluid…it changes,it evolves,it grows.You can remain in your own paradigm,continuing to exist in the world you created for yourself "before"OR you can be fluid; change,evolve and grow.Release your fear of being fluid and so shall your life become.
- Sep 05 Sat 2015 12:40
【造物主】2015-9-4 「倒霉」的一天?
A "Crap"Day?
- Sep 04 Fri 2015 13:49
【造物主】2015-9-3 深呼吸
Breathe Deep
- Sep 03 Thu 2015 14:46
【造物主】2015-9-2 害怕
Fear Of…
- Sep 03 Thu 2015 14:44
【造物主】2015-9-1 放下過往
Releasing The Past
- Sep 02 Wed 2015 14:28
【造物主】2015-8-31 你在這裡
For all intents and purposes,the reality of the situation is this: a big red dot with YOU ARE HERE written above it. You have been blessed,make the most of it.
- Aug 31 Mon 2015 13:35
【造物主】2015-8-30 你的選擇不是我的
Your Choice Is Not Mine
- Aug 30 Sun 2015 13:35
【造物主】2015-8-29 實相是
Reality Is…
- Aug 29 Sat 2015 13:16
【造物主】2015-8-28 你的節奏
Your Own Rhythm