Release your heart to do what it does best…Love! No holds barred, no way blocked;just the free-flowing energy of The Universe.
目前分類:造物主 (846)
- Feb 03 Fri 2017 12:59
【造物主】2017-1-21 釋放你的心
- Feb 02 Thu 2017 12:37
【造物主】2017-1-20 家族靈魂
Allow this stunning awareness to wash over you now; you are all family! Connected by your love of each other as Forever Beings, you are kindred spirits on an incredible journey you asked permission to experience and were granted as a gift from The Universe.To continue to consider yourselves separate from each other is, well, just plain silly.
- Feb 01 Wed 2017 12:31
【造物主】2017-1-19 十倍
For every moment of negative you experience,The Universe whispers a ten-fold of encouragement.It is up to you to choose which to listen to.
- Jan 27 Fri 2017 12:00
【造物主】2017-1-18 原諒
Forgiveness; knowing and accepting that another person,in their moment,is unwilling or unable to change and loving them anyway.
- Jan 26 Thu 2017 16:22
【造物主】2017-1-17 各就各位
It is time to start a riot, my lovely ones!Ariot of joy, love, excitement, forward movement…one of kisses and hugs, of caring, compassion and is not meant to be an"underground"movement, but one of open and wondrous growth for all! Take your places, it is beginning!
- Jan 24 Tue 2017 12:18
【造物主】2017-1-16 樂在其中
Release yourself from "linear thinking".Rather than going fromAto B to C, have fun jumping around fromAto Q to G to Z and back again.When you relinquish control of how things should be, anything is possible.
- Jan 23 Mon 2017 10:57
【造物主】2017-1-15 活在當下
Was,not was.Is,is not.These words make no difference and have no bearing on your existence as an ever-changing being of light.Breathe in your now!
- Jan 22 Sun 2017 14:35
【造物主】2017-1-14 準備好了嗎?
Are you done? It is enough? Are you ready to stop? Are you ready to start?!
- Jan 20 Fri 2017 13:29
【造物主】2017-1-13 祝福
Step up into your bliss.Nothing is harder than you make it.Let go of your story and just let yourself be.
- Jan 17 Tue 2017 14:37
【造物主】2017-1-12 我懂你
It matters not what others think or say, I know you and you are my blessing to this Earth-plane.
- Jan 16 Mon 2017 14:37
【造物主】2017-1-11 停下來想想
When you stop and think about how perfectly everything fits together on your Earth-plane, you will wonder why you ever chose to complain about anything.
- Jan 15 Sun 2017 14:30
【造物主】2017-1-10 如此接近
You are so close…so,so close to touching The Divine within.And in touching that Divine,you become one with all.
- Jan 14 Sat 2017 12:09
【造物主】2017-1-9 愛的迴圈
Allow yourself to be swept up in the great, growing circle of Love that is The Universe.
- Jan 13 Fri 2017 12:33
【造物主】2017-1-8 缺少的那一塊
When you are moving through your Earth plane existence and manifesting with every thought in your heart, it may feel as if something is still missing. You ponder, you wonder and you attempt to figure out what it is. All the while, the magic is still eluding you! OH…what could it be?!
- Jan 12 Thu 2017 11:48
【造物主】2017-1-7 在你的眼中
In your eyes is a perfect reflection of The Universe.Let the glory, beauty and perfection shine out for all to see.Enjoy the wonder of this gift in yourself and in others.
- Jan 11 Wed 2017 11:57
【造物主】2017-1-6 取下面具
Each of you, at some point or another, has hidden parts of yourself in fear of being judged.They may have been parts that you like very much, but felt others would not understand them.In the end, all the hiding deeply affected how you relate to your world, a mask you wore to protect and shelter yourself.That time is over, dearest child!It may be challenging,but it is time to begin showing your true self.It does not matter what others think or feel about you…what matters is how you feel about yourself! Embrace and grow!
- Jan 10 Tue 2017 10:32
【造物主】2017-1-5 你的心
When you feel you are at your weakest, that is when the strength of your heart is truly defined.
- Jan 09 Mon 2017 12:42
【造物主】2017-1-4 力量
Amidst the weaknesses of human nature, strengths appear where you believe none exist.
- Jan 08 Sun 2017 12:22
【造物主】2017-1-3 走出去
Just for a moment…step outside of yourself and view the wondrous dance of your Earth-plane existence.If you allow yourself to see the infinite picture, the dualities and synchronicities,you can choose which to keep and which to change.You are co-Creator!
- Jan 07 Sat 2017 13:42
【造物主】2017-1-2 掙脫鎖鏈
Break the chains that bind and let your soul soar, your dreams take flight and your heart burst forth with spontaneous happiness!