目前分類:柯博拉 (557)
- Mar 10 Mon 2014 20:46
【柯博拉】2014-3-10 地球隔離狀態已進入尾聲
It is safe now to release certain intel that will bring much clarity to the whole situation concerning the Event and the dynamic tension between the Light and the dark forces. Although this intel may be shocking for some people, time has come for people to know the truth because only when the truth is known can situations be resolved.
- Mar 04 Tue 2014 14:38
【柯博拉】2014-3-3 敏感時刻的緊急訊息! 讓它發生! 2014年3月4日烏克蘭和平祈願冥想
- Jan 25 Sat 2014 19:58
【柯博拉】2014-1-24 行星形勢更新
- Dec 27 Fri 2013 14:20
【柯博拉】2013-12-26 返樸歸真激活報告
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 15:14
【柯博拉】2013-12-18 返璞歸真冥想和事件進度更新
- Dec 12 Thu 2013 14:11
【柯博拉】2013-12-9 金融重置和事件進度更新
There are drastic changes happening behind the scenes.
- Dec 10 Tue 2013 10:40
【柯博拉】2013-12-10 訪談文字記錄
柯博拉(以下簡稱C)接受Alfred Lambremont Webre (以下簡稱A)
- Dec 03 Tue 2013 10:49
【柯博拉】2013-12-3 亞力珊卓拉訪談
Alexandra:大家下午好,今天是2013年12月3號,你正在收聽的是來自GalacticConnection.com的Alexandra Meadors。今天我們每月的定期嘉賓Cobra與我在一起,回顧一下11月的世界大事。Cobra,謝謝你來到我的節目,你好嗎?
- Nov 30 Sat 2013 13:46
【柯博拉】2013-11-28 耶穌會的議程
The Jesuit agenda is to infiltrate the Eastern Alliance with its agents and hijack the process of creating the new financial system. Needless to say, top people within the Eastern Alliance are aware of this and will not let it happen. Also, top members of the White Dragon Society have learned their lesson after their predecessors were fooled decades ago when they surrendered much of their gold to Jesuit agents for worthless pieces of paper (US government bonds). The White Dragons are much more careful now, especially as the Jesuits are trying to infiltrate them through Te-Wu, the Chinese secret intelligence agency.
- Nov 28 Thu 2013 12:37
【柯博拉】2013-11-25 Aion門戶啟動報告
We have opened the Aion portal! We have reached the critical mass! The videos alone had more than 200,000 views and countless thousands of people were activating the portal worldwide.
- Nov 27 Wed 2013 15:41
【柯博拉】2013-11-16 伊莉莎白訪談
Elizabeth: I』d like to start our conversation with a big overview of the Fukushima situation, largely because so many people here on the west coast have expressed a lot of anxiety about it. There was something in our paper today from one of the columnists about not eating seafood. If you could give us a little different perspective on that situation, how it happened and what』s going on now and what the prognosis is, that would be a very helpful way to introduce where you are coming from.
- Nov 21 Thu 2013 11:11
【柯博拉】2013-11-21 Aion門戶開啟冥想之前的情報更新
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 10:51
【柯博拉】2013-11-14 訪談文字記錄
(翻譯者,以下簡稱:翻) 好的,安東尼歐感謝您參加今天的專訪,他要替聽眾朋友給你一個大大的擁抱。首先,安東尼歐總是會問他的訪問者的第一個問題:柯博拉究竟是誰? 你可以告訴我們你的靈性的旅程以及你又是如何成為光的勢力的代表呢?
- Nov 10 Sun 2013 13:14
【柯博拉】2013-11-7 壓縮突破的壯麗景象
To increase understanding of the compression breakthrough, I am publishing three different good intuitive visions of that phenomenon which I found on the internet. Authors of these visions are either unknown to me or wish to remain anonymous.
- Oct 29 Tue 2013 10:53
【柯博拉】2013-10-29 亞力珊卓拉訪談
- Oct 26 Sat 2013 13:06
【柯博拉】2013-10-24 讓它發生! AION門戶激活冥想
- Oct 19 Sat 2013 13:46
【柯博拉】2013-10-15 地球情況更新:以太層
- Oct 15 Tue 2013 15:29
【柯博拉】2013-10-13 2013年機會之窗
A new Window of Opportunity will open on the surface of this planet. This Window of Opportunity will mean an increased probability for the Event, although it will not yet be the most probable time. Within this Window of Opportunity, a solar magnetic field reversal will happen. Scientific studies of professor Tchijevsky have determined that 80% of important societal changes happen within 2.5 years before or after the solar cycle maxima:
- Oct 09 Wed 2013 12:46
【柯博拉】2013-10-7 事件前的發展
PS由於Cobra的英文名字翻譯應該是譯音,而不是譯義(如Mr.Fox應該是譯成“福克斯先生”,而非“狐狸先生”) ,另外華人社會及某些光工對“ 眼鏡蛇”這個詞普遍存著負面的印象(集體意識場中的負面印記),因此為減少事件傳遞時因名稱(眼鏡蛇)造成的不必要的誤解,華人區事件聯合行動團隊將於10/16日起,全部採用“柯博拉”為翻譯名字,若有不便,敬請見諒!
- Oct 02 Wed 2013 22:51
【柯博拉】2013-9-30 行星地球情況更新:新金融系統