目前分類:柯博拉 (538)

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We have entered a new cycle,the Chinese year of the sheep.This is the time when victory is achieved by gentleness and not by brutal force:

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Opening of the Box Update

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Breakthrough phase means that the Light forces are no longer focused only on opposing the Chimera and the Cabal,but are gathering momentum for the final breakthrough instead.During the breakthrough phase,the Veil is slowly being dissolved and the quarantine slowly being lifted.There are operations underway to arrange Disclosure leaks through mainstream media by high levels sources in India and Russia.Those leaks are expected to occur when the Chimera group will lose enough power over the military in the aforementioned countries.

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Taiwan conference was a huge success.Because Taiwan is one of the main centers of the positive Dragon forces,it could grow a very strong Lightworker and Lightwarrior community.The conference took place very close to the location where Taiwanese Dragon families hid their gold after they escaped from mainland China after WWII.

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Rob:先生女士們,這是Rob Potter的Vicotry of the light節目。Cobra已經在線。他今天跟我確認我們在PFC上所做的一切將很重要。我提到的關於PFC網站在"事件"期間將成為信息彙集點,知道和認識這一點對所有PFC事件支援小組來說是非常重要的。我們的各個語種和翻譯按鈕會放到網站上,我們將進行一些修改所以請耐心等待。回到正題,歡迎我們親愛的光之大使Cobra先生再次來到這個節目。有很多事情正在發生。謝謝你到來。

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Although a large part of the scalar plasma grid has been removed after the opening of the IS:IS portal,a large part still remains.Breakthrough phase does not mean only rainbows and pretty comets,we are in the middle of occult war between forces of Light and forces of darkness

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A new Window of Opportunity is about to open on the surface of this planet soon.

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Clearing of the Chimera group continues.There is significant progress,but all intel pertaining to that must remain classified for now.However,here is a how you can participate in resolving the Chimera situation:

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The Return of Light

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In the West,Agartha network was integrated with the Resistance Movement more than a decade ago.In the East,it was kept as a separate entity until now for security reasons.

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Rob:大家聖誕快樂。歡迎收聽Victory of the light節目。我是主持人Rob Potter。這次是Cobra的採訪,由於技術原因有一些延遲。一如以往Rique Seeraphico會花上寶貴的時間來調整聲音讓Cobra的訪問變得容易聽清。我們會有一些消息更新。昨天我們才看到Cobra更新了有關門戶啟動的信息。謝謝你的到來。

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I have been contacted by a certain benefactor who is willing to donate considerable funds to sponsor projects that are supporting the Lightworkers and Light forces as we are approaching the planetary liberation.This charitable account is an ongoing fund to provide humanitarian aid and financial support where the need is the greatest.

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Although the critical mass among the surface population was not reached,the activation was a significant success.Besides our strong,dedicated core group many tens of thousands Lightworkers and Lightwarriors across the globe were participating.

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