Many human beings have an all or nothing attitude.They feel that if they can't make the leap into a huge success, there is no point in trying.While you hear stories about the overnight success, or those who win the lottery or experience some other monumental change of circumstance, the reality is most people are not energetically aligned to make such major changes.
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Jan 12 Thu 2017 11:57
【大天使加百利】2017-1-10 採取切實的行動來匹配你的意圖
- Jan 11 Wed 2017 12:02
【大天使加百利】2017-1-9 開始照料你美麗的創造花園
Dear Ones, your energy and focus are precious commodities.Where you place them is where you are giving your blessing of continuation.Love yourself enough to stop watering the weeds and start tending the garden of your most beautiful creations.
- Jan 10 Tue 2017 10:35
【大天使加百利】2017-1-8 準備好你下一個階段的行動了嗎?
When you have taken the time to really listen to who you are and what your preferences are, you are prepared to create in earnest when the energies support forward movement.You have clarity, and can then use your energy towards staying in the flow and having appreciation for each Now moment, adjusting as you go.But you cannot create the perfect matches for yourself if you do not know what brings you joy.That is the gift of the lull.It allows you to get very clear about your preferences in order to be ready for the next action phase.An action phase is about to make itself known to you.Enjoy the ride, Dear Ones, it is what you have been preparing for.
- Jan 09 Mon 2017 12:47
【大天使加百利】2017-1-7 輕盈
There is a pervasive belief that ease is somehow bad, that it makes you lazy or somehow undeserving.This is old conditioning, Dear Ones! When you are willingly harnessing the energies that come from the natural rhythm of ebb and flow by accepting yourself as a beloved and integral part of the whole, ease must naturally follow.
- Jan 08 Sun 2017 12:26
【大天使加百利】2017-1-6 寬恕
Always forgive another if they have been unkind to you,for it shows that they've lost their ability to see your divine nature,and even sadder,their ability to see their own.
- Jan 07 Sat 2017 13:48
【大天使加百利】2017-1-5 我如何充滿愛?
We were recently asked,"How do I fill myself up with love?" We would like to answer that question today.
- Jan 06 Fri 2017 13:15
【大天使薩基爾】2017-1-5 在轉變期間保持內心的平靜
Greetings Beloved Ones,WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia Holy Amethyst, alongwith a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light, and we greet you in Love.Today, we wish to discuss maintaining inner peace during change.
- Jan 06 Fri 2017 12:24
【大天使加百利】2017-1-3 是時候去憶起你所知的
Dear Ones,the times you are in,right now,are the exact times you have been preparing for.It is time to remember what you know,to dip into the vast pool of knowledge you have gained from experience,and put the wisdom you have attained into practice.
- Jan 05 Thu 2017 11:50
【大天使加百利】2017-1-2 接納
Acceptance is an integral aspect of moving into a higher vibrating life experience.You simply cannot connect in a profound way with others, or with yourselves, without it.
- Jan 04 Wed 2017 11:08
【大天使加百利】2017-1-1 擁抱一切神聖完美
Every single day is a day of new creation.We urge you to take with you the gifts of your past experiences and leave whatever no long suits you behind.It is time for you to allow yourselves to shine,to thrive,to love,to connect,to flow,to BE.Surrender into the unfoldment of endless possibilities,as newly reborn energetic beings who are poised to create as never before.These are your times,Dear Ones,embrace the divine perfection of it all.
- Jan 03 Tue 2017 13:07
【大天使加百利】2016-12-31 祝福
Our greatest wish for you in 2017 is that you embrace and shine the love that you are, and allow your beingness to lead the way to your greatest joys.
- Jan 03 Tue 2017 13:06
【大天使加百利】2016-12-30 斷開舊模式
It is very common to feel a sense of disconnection when you are in the process of leaving one energetic phase for another.You have largely released yourself from many old energies but haven't yet created connections into the new.It can feel disconcerting to be sure, but during such a phase it is important to remember that keeping your sights set on where you wish to go is how to navigate such times.
- Dec 31 Sat 2016 13:13
- Dec 31 Sat 2016 12:28
【大天使加百利】2016-12-30 2017新年祈願
As you look forward to 2017, we urge you to ask not,"What will the year have in store for me?"but rather,"What do I wish to create, and how do I wish to express myself?"You see you are all pioneers, on the planet to drive the shift and anchor the energies you want to experience more of.Pioneers forge their own paths, based on their truth and vision.This is your greatest strength and your greatest joy, Dear Ones-embracing of your authentic power and expressing yourself through your own truth and preference.
- Dec 30 Fri 2016 13:45
【大天使加百利】2016-12-29 善用你的內在導航系統
Surrender, faith, flow, and trust are the empowered navigating system of the enlightening human being.This system allows you to ride the energies with the greatest amount of assistance possible to you.If you make only one New Year's resolution to transform your life in the coming year, committing to getting comfortable with and using this divine combination of elements as your new operating system would be the one choice that will move you forward with the greatest amount of ease and support possible.It is a profoundly empowering approach that will have far reaching and wonderful effects on all areas of your life.
- Dec 29 Thu 2016 12:08
【大天使加百利】2016-12-25 讓無條件之愛、統一意識與平和引領道路
On this holiest of days when you honour the Christed energies,we encourage you to absorb the influx of divine energy and to carry it forward in all you do,allowing unconditional love,unity consciousness,and peace to lead the way.
- Dec 28 Wed 2016 12:31
【大天使加百利】2016-12-24 療癒之旅
Dear Ones, as you continue through the healing journey that is the enlightenment process, all that is required is that you have a desire to accept healing and the healing will come.It will come by the perfect person/modality coming into your awareness.It will come through the releasing/integrating of energies.It will come through meditation, or your sleep state.There are a myriad of ways healing can happen! All that is required is that you have the desire and the openness for it to occur, and it will surely find its way to you.
- Dec 27 Tue 2016 11:25
【大天使加百利】2016-12-23 給予自己和他人最好的禮物...
Dear Ones,if we are not interested in judging you at all, why judge yourselves? Why judge others?
- Dec 25 Sun 2016 12:01
【大天使加百利】2016-12-22 多喝水
The most common ascension symptoms people struggle with—dizziness, memory issues, headaches, weakness, sluggishness, heart palpitations, dry eyes—are all due to one thing, dehydration.You can greatly decrease your discomfort by increasing your water intake.
- Dec 24 Sat 2016 14:01
【大天使加百利】2016-12-21 自愛
Dear Ones, when you love someone, you naturally want them to be happy.We urge you to apply that logic towards yourselves as you consider what you would like to create in 2017.Making choices based on what will bring you joy is a beautiful and empowered act of self love, and absolutely necessary for you to move forward into your greatest ex`pression of self.