The transition from a year of completion(2016) into a year of creation(2017) involves truly letting go of the old and stepping into the new.As you are creating in fresh and unprecedented energies, the questions to ask as you look forward, more than ever before is,"What will bring me joy in my personal life?" and,"How can I be of joyful service?" If you put joy as the centre of all of your creations, you will be moving with the energies into your highest potentials like never before.
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Dec 23 Fri 2016 11:11
【大天使加百利】2016-12-20 放下舊的步入新的
- Dec 22 Thu 2016 12:53
【大天使加百利】2016-12-19 釋放負面能量的一種方式
Dear Ones, if you have an area of your life that is less than ideal to you, and you have developed a lot of negative self talk about that topic, the first step is to simply commit to watching your own chatter about that topic.You might even want to write down the statements you make about that area of your life.Try not to judge the situation or yourself, you are simply gathering information.
- Dec 21 Wed 2016 13:16
【大天使加百利】2016-12-18 通過你的選擇你可以轉變能量和體驗
Any situation in your life can be turned into a meditation or a holy experience, simply by choosing to align with Source and connect with your guides, angels, masters and helpers, and every single time you choose to do this you become a beautiful bridge between heaven and earth.
- Dec 19 Mon 2016 12:06
【大天使加百利】2016-12-17 愛就是你之所是
Dear Ones, love is always the highest choice that is available to you.The more you stay in your alignment with Source, the easier it is to remember that love is your lineage and what is natural to you.The more you come to accept that love is who you are, the more it becomes your go-to response, and reactions that are not of love become less and less.
- Dec 18 Sun 2016 12:33
【大天使加百利】2016-12-16 響應你靈魂的呼喚
Many of you hold yourself back from your dreams because you can not figure out all the steps that would bring your dream into fruition.Dear Ones,hear us when we say that is our job! Your mind has many great skills but seeing beyond the context of what it already knows is not one of them.Co-creation allows you to move into the realm of endless potential and possibility, far beyond what your mind could see as a viable option.
- Dec 17 Sat 2016 11:17
【大天使加百利】2016-12-15 顯化只能通過內心的改變到來
Dear Ones, so many of you are afraid of change.Yet your heartfelt manifestations can only come to you through change.So you are wanting change, yet blocking it at the same time by seeking to remain the same.No wonder so many of you are feeling discomfort!
- Dec 16 Fri 2016 13:32
【大天使加百利】2016-12-12 回歸自己
The enlightenment process really is a process of coming Home to yourself.It is about acknowledging your own divinity, your own innate wisdom, your own beingness, your own belonging as an incredibly valuable and beloved part of the greater whole.As you are peeling back the layers of self denial through your releasing process, you are discovering this more and more, and the entire universe is assisting you in this process.
- Dec 15 Thu 2016 12:05
【大天使加百利】2016-12-11 赤子之心
So many of you feel you lose the magic of the holidays as you get older.Let's explore why that is.
- Dec 14 Wed 2016 13:57
【大天使加百利】2016-12-10 尋求完整和療癒
We were recently asked,"Why does my ex keep coming back?" We would like to address this topic today.
- Dec 13 Tue 2016 11:06
【大天使加百利】2016-12-9 愛、耐心和接納
If you could look at each other and love each other with the same patience, love, and acceptance as you give small children, you would honour everyone for exactly who they are and where they are on their life journey, and you would become so much easier with each other.Who ever decided love, patience and acceptance was only for the young? At what point did you decide others didn't deserve that and replaced it with judgment? How powerfully would all of your relationships shift it you decided to move back into acceptance and love for others? How powerfully would you shift if you decided to move back into acceptance and love for yourself?
- Dec 11 Sun 2016 12:42
【大天使加百利】2016-12-8 改變是一個選擇
Many of you deny your feelings and needs for so long that you become completely out of balance and that causes you to become reactive.As you start to honour yourself and your own needs as being as valid as everyone else's, you create a space of greater comfort for yourself.
- Dec 10 Sat 2016 13:54
【大天使加百利】2016-12-7 把喜悅帶回你的生活
As you look forward to a new year, you are going to be creating in unprecedented energies.The question to ask yourself now is what will bring me joy?
- Dec 09 Fri 2016 12:09
【大天使加百利】2016-12-6 發現你固有的良善
Dear Ones,so many of you worry that you aren"t good enough.You are an individuated aspect of Source energy.How could that not be enough? Not only are you more than enough,there has never been a moment during your entire incarnation that you weren"t enough.
- Dec 08 Thu 2016 13:12
【大天使夏彌爾】2016-12-7 建立美好關係的練習
- Dec 08 Thu 2016 11:52
【大天使加百利】2016-12-4 啟蒙之旅
It is true that sometimes difficult people will show up in your life to mirror to you what you need to work on.But they can also show up momentarily in your life to help you see how far you"ve come.How would you ever know how much you had grown if you never had a means to measure it by? As you continue to evolve you will always be getting opportunities to see how you can view and handle things differently based on your newest level of mastery.
- Dec 07 Wed 2016 11:34
【大天使加百利】2016-12-3 喜悅的體驗
Being of service allows you to experience your highest expression of self,which will always,always bring you joy.Your service does not need to be grandiose to make a difference.It can be powerfully expressed in the simplest ways,by intending to be of service however those opportunities may present themselves to you,and also allowing others the joy of serving you.If you understand that it brings you joy to give,receiving from another is also an act of service,for it allows them to experience their highest expression of self,as well.Do you see? By embracing the flow of give and take,serve and be served,love and be loved,you are offering the experience of joyful service for all.
- Dec 06 Tue 2016 13:42
【大天使加百利】2016-12-2 最後的清理
What a year many of you have had! If you are wondering why you had so much going on, we would say it was because you were focused on completion within a year of completion.You have accomplished more in one year in these accelerated energies than you would normally achieve over the span of several lifetimes.Allow that last of the clearing to occur if you still have things coming up, and then look to the future.
- Dec 04 Sun 2016 11:44
【大天使加百利】2016-12-1 成為光的帶來者
Dear Ones, you can always choose to be a bringer of the light whenever you want.This is a beautiful and loving act of service.And because you are choosing ahead of time to embody and emanate your divine light, you will find you are far less energetically affected by those who have temporarily forgotten their own divinity and ability to shine.
- Dec 03 Sat 2016 11:39
【大天使加百利】2016-11-30 在冬至前列出願望清單
So many of you wait to get clarity about what you would like to create until it is time to make new years resolutions.But if you are looking for some extra energetic support, it would be far wiser to make those intentions and changes before the winter solstice.You see, solstices serve as"save points" where the energy and progress gets locked in.Harnessing that energy to support the changes you wish to make will make it far easier to be successful in those desires.
- Dec 02 Fri 2016 12:28
【大天使加百利】2016-11-29 改變的跡像
Dear Ones,many of you are in what we call the pregnant pause.It is the space between leaving where you were and not yet knowing where you are going.It can feel disconcerting to say the least.